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Everything posted by BANYAN

  1. Great updates date Jay, I especially like the idea of your symmetry checking jig - a simple but elegant solution. The planking looks excellent - nice joinery. If I am reading right, you seem to like the steel quality of those Japanese blades (marking knives) - have you used them before? if not, will be interested in seeing what you think of the quality as that looks a good way to go to get knife shapes to your custom needs. cheers Pat
  2. You are ploughing right along now Dave; those catharpins looks good. As Greg said, a difficult part of the build but you have done a nice job of them - only two to go cheers Pat
  3. Looking very good Greg; some very nice detail you are adding. cheers Pat
  4. That's not cheating Dan, that's 'kit bashing' - improving She's looking good Pat
  5. Very similar but the 'hand' raulic version cherers Pat
  6. Hi Ulises, I went a slightly different route and purchased an adjustable desk frame to which I added a desktop I already had. This particular frame was the heavy duty version as the desktop was large and heavy and I wanted to allow for a 1:48 build and build board. This frame also allows me to drive the table down a little bit (not much but about 6 inches) below standard desk height - for the reason to do exactly what you want to do. Unfortunately, due to the design I cannot tilt it I don't know where you would get one as I bought mine from a local office furniture provider (and not cheap due to the 'heavy duty' frame) but the package looks like this: Cheers Pat
  7. Nice turning Dave, with a coat of paint who would know they were wood cheers Pat
  8. I get home from holidays and you have nearly completed a build in 4 weeks - nice going Dan cheers Pat
  9. That makes sense - thanks cheers Pat
  10. Thanks Pete. As to the S / F - I think it was simply that this was the way they wrote the S which looked like a long F back in those days Good luck with your book. cheers Pat
  11. Hi folks, I have a follow up to the initial question. Thanasis shows the fairleads that were probably used in HMCSS Victoria in the third option of his post above. Harold Underhill confirms this and also supplies a probable fairlead rigging plan in his book "Masting and Rigging the Clipper Ship and Ocean Carrier". However, while implied in several books, there is not a clear statement made as to whether the bundles of lines leading through these fairleads go to a single belaying pin, or separate pins. The respective rigging plans suggest/imply they belay to a single pin (usually as a group/bundle of three lines, including any combination of the following - 2 x bunt lines plus one other line being either a leech, clew or downhaul). Does this make sense to have these lines (usually of small diameter cordage than other running rigging) belay to a single pin? cheers Pat
  12. Another interesting tid-bit Pete - you writing a book with all this research? cheers Pat
  13. Hi Greg, you don't muck around do you? A guy goes on a short holiday and you finish one and well into another Another interesting build you have selected and it appears you have set this one up for an extended amount of time at sea - will follow with interest. cheers Pat
  14. Great to see you back Alan. That tilting and lifting workstation/baseboard solution looks like it will be very useful; it was a joy watching your build log for that. cheers Pat
  15. A double rum issue will normally get the 'lads' moving along cheers Pat
  16. I am on my way home Carl, a couple of days to go Glad to hear your back is improved - if your doctor is inclined, can he write me one of those prescriptions also cheers Pat
  17. Excellent detail and great workmanship Chuck (as always); she looks good. cheers Pat
  18. You have made some great progress while I have been away on holiday Gerhard; nice work. cheers Pat
  19. Some very nice progress there Denis. I have (still am for a few days) on holidays and not checking in too often She is looking grand! cheers Pat
  20. Welcome back Carl, hope Stockholm was all you hoped and that your back continues to improve. Look forward to your updates. cheers Pat
  21. Looking good Dave, and progress is a bit (much) faster than for mine cheers Pat
  22. Nice recovery Phil. That is a surprise a ship of this era without feathering props :), great that you have good references to check this detail. cheers Pat
  23. You can also get paste solder specific to copper I think - may also help. Try a jewellers supply store; AJS in Australia used to stock it. cheers Pat
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