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Everything posted by BANYAN

  1. Great work Jason; your build is coming together very nicely indeed. Enjoy your holiday. cheers Pat
  2. Thank you for sharing this (and the many other) techniques; helps to inform us all. What type of file are you using there with the tapered back shoulders? cheers Pat
  3. Stunning detailing Greg, and a great addition to your rapidly expanding fleet - I feel positively slow compared to your rate of building Impressive model. cheers Pat
  4. Really nice Russ, that planking is very well done. cheers Pat
  5. You're becoming a dab hand at this cutting lark Danny, those funnel bases look very trim and neat! cheers Pat
  6. Nice rigging Dave; your deadeyes in particular have come up very nicely. the bolts on the channels look great, very well executed. cheers Pat
  7. Great to see you making sawdust again Mark; look forward to the updates. Those carriage components look good; obviously got the hang of using the deathstar back cheers Pat
  8. Roger, I simply use fabric dye from the grocery store (RIT brand in this case). Add some salt to it to make it colour fast - there is a mixing guide on the bottle. I use 2 part black to 1 part dark brown to get the darker colours. As Frankie advises, do this on lengths of scale rope off the spool. I put the dyed line in an old teatowel afterwards to absorb a lot of the excess moisture, then allow to dry draped over a rod with a fishing weight (swivel type) clipped to each end. Please note, Riga Hemp, in its true form is a pale greyish colour and was used for the running rigging. It got a little more greyish with exposure to salt etc. It is only the other natural rope fibres (sisal, manila and coir) that are more tan in colour. cheers Pat
  9. Tricky little devils to make and rig Dave; looks like you have mastered it though cheers Pat
  10. Great to hear all went well Greg; some great updates, she is looking well and truly the worn and torn battle hardened unit now cheers Pat
  11. HI Danny, in peace time yes - not so much in an operational environment - just becomes another location and targeting aid Not sue, if back in these days, this was a consideration though cheers Pat
  12. Nice work Denis, they looks really good; and, a great technique! cheers Pat
  13. Where did you get that giant ruler and knife Dan? Looking really good; your blending of the seams and touchups is spot on. Were the lifebuoys/rings actually that colour, seem to really stick out when great effort was made to neutralise the lines and colours of the rest of the equipment? cheers Pat
  14. Hi Dan, as to the 'doors' in the bulwark rail; do they align with any of the lifeboat falls? If so, they may also be passenger embarkation (to lifeboat) gates? cheers Pat
  15. Nice progress Jason, she is looking good; some nice detail on the stern. That cumulative factor can bite eventually, but I think what you have achieved is very good and as you point out, should not be a great problem for the gallery moulding. cheers Pat
  16. Very nice work Dan, she is looking great. No alternative solutions from me as I think you have a great technique going. cheers Pat
  17. Great to hear all went well Greg; see you at the modelling desk again in due course. cheers Pat
  18. She certainly looks like she has done some 'hard yards', some nice techniques there Greg. Good luck with the procedure. cheers Pat
  19. Hi Ed, thanks for this update; very nice work. I need to do these at some point in the future also and this is a very good technique for making and fitting the shroud fairleads. cheers Pat
  20. Your quickly becoming a master of the card model Danny; nice work on the stand also. cheers Pat
  21. Just found your new project John; looks like it will be a very interesting build. As she was built 1851 she is not that far off Victoria (1855) so we may have some common areas cheers Pat
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