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Everything posted by BANYAN

  1. Very nice work Remco; that is incredibly fine joinery and metal work. Ditto on the assembly/soldering board - can you provide name/type and purchasing details please? cheers Pat
  2. Thanks for the feedback folks; I will email John to see if he can help. In the meantime I have found a couple of potential veneer printing and laser cutting businesses here in Australia which are set up for the artist community, not specifically modellers but they may prove helpful. I will post the results of my search when I have investigated a little further. cheers Pat
  3. I hope the Moderators will forgive me posting this here but it is the place where it may get most views and I thought not quite a Traders post. I am investigating having some 1mm wood veneer printed with the pattern of the deck planking, margin planks etc for a build the club is doing. The scale requires 2.2mm planks which would not only be tedious to do but very time consuming and very prone to errors. Does anyone have information or contacts that may be able to print the deck plank pattern onto wood veneer if we provide the artwork? Is this even possible? regards Pat Edit: I have just found this (a possibility?) http://www.cardsofwood.com/store/inkjet_veneer_builder.asp?estore_itemid=7352
  4. For consideration - as pointed out many of the prints/paintings are for ships entering harbour. As a ship came to anchor it is the practice to 'out booms and boats' in a seaman like manner which meant that if it was not synchronised with the anchor being let go, the skipper and his "jimmy" would leave a forceful foot imprint somewhere . The salute is usually made on entering harbour as the entering ship passes the Governor's or senior Officer's residence/ship and before anchoring. Therefore, it is quite likely that if these ships are preparing to come to anchor the boat and boom tackles may have been rigged ready for use? cheers Pat
  5. Incredible and very inspirational scale joinery Remco. cheers Pat
  6. Thanks Bob - that answers the copyright then Karl was the member I was referring to. cheers Pat
  7. Hi Terry, a very interesting subject you have raised and perhaps if there is interest it should be raised in a new thread rather than hijacking this one? A quick search of the NMM showed several watercolours and illustrations of the Rattlesnake but no plans (see http://collections.rmg.co.uk/collections.html#!csearch;searchTerm=HMS_Rattlesnake_1822;start=0 ). I would suggest a search of the NMM plans under each ship in the class (as well as Atholl Class) if you have not already tried that option. As these ships were not built in or for Australia (or the colonies back then) there will be little or no information in the usual sources we used for the Victoria (Colonial Office in London, and the Parliamentary Records of Victoria). Of interest: according to Robert Gardiner in his book "The Sailing Frigate: A History in Ship Models " [page 119] he states that these vessels (6th Rates) were subject to much variation due to experimentation in design with the ships of the Atholl Class being constructed of different timbers for comparative purposes. Good luck on this one as it would be an interesting build. cheers Pat p.s. Have you seen this: http://collections.rmg.co.uk/collections/objects/66667.html (Rainbow) and http://collections.rmg.co.uk/collections/objects/66666.html (Samarang)?
  8. Rick, the Enterprise replica is Melbourne based and could be used for reference - I have a few photos somewhere. More to the point, the replica was constructed to plans drawn up by one of our club's members. If there is sufficient interest, we could ask whom has the copyright to those plans and maybe produce a model. The club is currently researching and building a model of another ship of significant historical interest to Victoria and Tasmania (having transported the roe from Melbourne to Tasmania to start the very successful Salmon industry they now have - the HMCSS Victoria. Perhaps the Enterprise may be of interest to our club for a future build if no one takes it up? Thanks for raising this. cheers Pat
  9. That'll make a nice model Iain; a great subject. The Wattle is currently on the hard undergoing some 'refurbishment' but should be back in the water in the not too distant future. See http://www.sorrentosteam.com.au/story.htm for some further info on her. cheers Pat
  10. These are miniature masterpieces mate; a truely outstanding addition of detail to your wonderful diorama. cheers Pat
  11. Hi Mercator, Attached is a shot of the cog (about 400m) as promised. I will place some shots of the actual cog in the Museum Ships area when I have processed them in the next week or so but they will not help you much with the rigging. As I said, this is a long distance shot taken with a tele-zoom at 70mm so the detail is not great. If you zoom the pic it provides some detail on how this ship is rigged.. I hope it helps cheers Pat
  12. Look forward to the update Rusty, but have a great vacation in the interim - I am just back from a two week flit around Germany. cheers Pat
  13. Coming along very nicely Ron; you'll have her fully rigged before you know it cheers Pat
  14. Hi Mercator, I have just returned (today) from a holiday in Germany and I visited Bremerhaven during the trip. I managed to get some photos of the Bremen Cog, and a couple of distant shots of the Cog Replica. I can post these when I have sorted the photos if they are of use to you? cheers Pat
  15. Thanks Dan, great work and an interesting update to view while I am away on my travels cheers Pat
  16. That's excellent work Wefalck and will add some great detail to your build. cheers Pat
  17. I like the technique you have used for the stauntion bases; very effective! I'll store that tid-bit away for future use cheers Pat
  18. Very nice Greg - but slow down mate, how can I catch you at this rate cheers Pat
  19. Almost there Piet; not many more things you could add this very nicely detailed model (or is there?) I know you still have the rubber boat to come and I am looking forward to how you solve that question. cheers Pat
  20. Very nice work and well worth the reworked bits Mark; she is looking really nicely symmetrical even without final fairing. cheers Pat
  21. Simply STUNNING Alex; I really look foward to your more frequent updates now that you will have more time for modelling. this is a very fine exemplar of a master modeller at his craft! cheers Pat
  22. She's coming along beautifully John; that's good progress noting the disruptions. Enjoy your holiday also. cheers Pat
  23. She is looking superb Greg. No fear mate, I won't ever catch up with you - how else would I know what to do with my rigging - lead on with your fine artistry good sir! cheers Pat
  24. Hi and thanks to all whom have looked in and offered encouragement; much appreciated. Mike, I have used a combination of scale rope that I have made (standing rigging which is LH laid) and MoRope for the running rigging (the beige coloured stuff). Chuck did not have his rope available at the time I purchased the MoRope, otherwise I would have used that, until I get to grips with making 'consistently' good RH laid on my Byrnes ropewalk. The standing rigging varies between 1.2mm to 0.5mm for the standing rigging depending on purpose and position (smaller dimensions as I go upwards in the rigging), and between 0.8mm down to 0.25mm for the running rigging. I will probably use 0.15 scale rope for the rattlin. I use Gutterman cotton (appropriate colour) for my seizings. With this model scaled at 1:60, I think these sizes are generally right. I used the excellent spreadsheet produced by Danny and Jim Lad to calculate the rigging sizes but I have 'generalised' some rigging so that I did not have to have a lot of different sizes. Basically, I have rounded to the 'nearest' size in my inventory of scale rope available, but ensuring sizes change in accordance with purpose etc as stated earlier. I hope that answers all your questions Mike? It may be a few days between looking in for the next couple of weeks so bear with me please if I do not respond overnight cheers Pat
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