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Everything posted by AJohnson

  1. Thank you for the guide to rigging the Snake. One to store away for when I finally get my finger out and do mine! 😁 I've just seen you Galley posts, so this one is FINISHED? What's next then?
  2. Hello all, Incremental update tonight, the outrigger wheel wells were, well missing in the kit! Just lumps of plastic with no recess for the wheel struts to retract into, so they needed digging out and new side fairings made from plastic card adding, just to finish things off I need to fair-in the leading edges of these fairings still. I have also built Airfix's newer Harrier GR.1 and it is a much superior kit and these details are moulded in, so this Sea-Harrier must be an earlier vintage mould where minor details like this were overlooked. Next up I had another go with Mig Ammo primer as I have had poor results with it in the past, but I thought as I am not too attached to this kit, I would try it again. Unfortunately I had similar results, even though I had the airbrush nice and clean, took ages shaking the primer, it was still "splattery" and did not self level as advertised. Air pressure and thin coats adhered to as per the instructions, but no, not happy. 🤨 back to enamel for primers! But overall progress is being made, not too much more to do before painting commences. Thanks for looking in. 😁
  3. Looking good Edward, I know what you mean about the decal seatbelts, but I think once under the canopy and the view is broken and partially shaded by the canopy framing they won’t be half as prominent. I’m watching your panel line wash experiments with interest 👍
  4. I’m following also, not built a Tamiya Mossie, so will be interesting see how it goes. I use MicroSol and MicroSet the only issue I find is that some “soft” water based gloss vanishes can go milky if you leave too much of the MicroSol/Set solutions on them or don’t allow the gloss base coat to properly harden for a few days (maybe it reacts with water based coatings?) But otherwise it works for me.
  5. Well done Edward, that Corsair has really come out really well, I would love to do a large scale Corsair (a Fleet Air Arm “clipped wing” one)
  6. Another great build and an unusual/rare subject to see modelled, well done! 👏
  7. Love the detail of the cockpit Edward. You will still see some of your hard work through the canopy. 👍
  8. That gave me good laugh Brian, the flying steps disappearing into the ether. The number of times that happens! 🤣 Of course the Admiral will find it one day stuck to a piece of furniture and hopefully not your dog! All looks worth the effort though, very neat. 👍
  9. It’s like seeing Tutankhmun’s tomb being sealed up, only us on MSW know the jewels and treasures that are sealed inside that fuselage! 🤫 Good work Andy 👏
  10. Likewise guilty as charged! Also like you I have sails (made my tissue paper sails on Nisha), so just need to stop "prevaricating about the bush" and just push on and rig it!
  11. Hi Craig, how's this build going, have you hit the "pause" button? Not that I can talk with my "Nisha"! 😆 - though will be back to it soon(ish.)
  12. Agreed with all the statements above, many kits are getting a bit too much for my wallet. I have one “big” kit on back order - Airfix’s 1/24 Spitfire IXc due out soon, this is £95 so is my only main kit purchase this year. Not bad value compared to these 1/48 & 1/32 scale “Uber” jet kits. But I think it is also making the wood ship kits from Vanguard and Syren look exceptional value for what you get. Plus at the rate I build them, even better value when looked at in terms of time spent building 🤣 Think this is why I will always return to plastic kits for the “quick hit” now and again when I need a “fix” of near instant gratification. 🫢
  13. No I have not had a look at it, but I have built the previous version and yes it was a challenge! The new one has an RRP. of over £70, so, it might take me a while to feel the need to do another... I did mine in the colours of the preserved example residing at the "Yorkshire Air Museum", Elvington, near York; about 20 miles from here. A Gulf War veteran that was named "Kathryn", same name/spelling as the admiral, so it had to be done! 😁 Here a few pictures of my old kit (must be 15 or so years old now and a bit dusty.) I did the wings folded primarily to save space, but also the joints were appalling on the kit, though I realise it is highly unlikely the aircraft folded its wings during the Gulf War. Also a couple of the original at Elvington.
  14. Yes the plaque is in Sheringham, just opposite the Wyndham Arms pub if you know it. The last time I went Burnham Thorpe to look at the Nelson bits and bobs the pub was shut, it has since been refurbished and massively extended at the back. To be honest I felt the new “open” barn style restaurant at the back detracts from the feel of the old pub at the front. Certainly Nelson would not recognise the place. Food was good though.
  15. Hi Edward, yes it was, a nice little break. Unfortunately the "Henry Ramey Upcher" building was closed for the season. 😌 But plenty of other Nautical themed things to see, including lunch at the Lord Nelson pub in Burnham Thorpe, a visit to Wells to see the "Lucy Lavers" and Cromer, had a nosey at their lifeboat after a walk on the pier. Also hadn't realised that where we were staying was so dangerous back in 1915 (see the plaque.)
  16. Evening all, thought I better post something up as I've been a bit quiet on this one for a while. Not done too much as I've been away, but what I have done has involved a fair bit of glue and multiple applications of filler! - this is not the best fitting kit! 🤔 not to mention a fair few sink marks. Anyway a couple of pictures of how it looks at the moment, hopefully a nicer looking set to appear later, after a few more session of sanding down, filling, repeat!
  17. Hey, I’m on the North East England map! My neck of the woods and I like visiting the old airbases, many returned to agriculture or industrial parks now, but many of the old buildings survive, either repurposed or quietly crumbling. Great interior detailing Andy, you are much neater than me.
  18. Cockpit about there for now, some little details added to the "shelf" behind the ejector seat, as the kit was devoid of anything, including the prominent canopy sliding rail; this all needs a tidy up once I have glued together and filled/sanded the body. I also added two small slivers of plastic card to the front of the instrument panel hood as this was missing the "sunshade" projections. I think there is an adequate amount of detail in there now, once the canopy parts added it will be hard to see much anyway. I will be displaying the canopy open. Time to glue the fuselage together! Until the next instalment, thanks for the likes and follows. 😁
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