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Everything posted by AJohnson

  1. Thanks E Z, working at this scale does require a generous profanity count! - Nearly matching the part count on this Puffer at times 🤐 But slowly learning as I'm getting older that when this occurs just put it down (I'm supposed to be enjoying myself!) and go start something else; even something on the same build - I hardly ever stick to the instruction sequence on any kit and often hop to my "favourite" bits and come back to the profanity inducing parts as and when I am feeling Zen. 😇
  2. Thank you @richard44 , @Dave_E & @Old Collingwood for your kind words 😀 Viewed using my magnifying glass headset or even the macro on the mobile camera, things do not look to hot! 🤣 but as Chris said on post #15, we can all aim for an “artistic impression” from normal viewing distances. Looks even better if I don’t wear my reading glasses 😉
  3. Hi Jan, yes agreed, we need more models of beautiful ships like Varyag! (not more Victories, Bismarcks & Titanics, but your right, they sell....) This is an inspirational project. 😲
  4. Good work on making your own ships' wheel, I cheated and bought an after market replacement for mine. So well done! 👍
  5. Hi all, I've made good progress this last few days, adding the Wheelhouse and the small rowing boat. I decided to go for the enclosed cabin rather than the earlier open Wheelhouse, just because I liked the look of it more. Also an added advantage that there were some tiny parts in the cabin that didn't need to be made in the enclosed cabin as you wouldn't see them! 😉 - I did however add some thin cellophane glazing. Then we started adding the little details that make the simple cabin look a bit more interesting, like navigation lights, wire hand rails, and air vents, doors and so on. I've still to add the wire ladder to access the wheel house and somehow fashion a couple of life-rings, as I don't have a punch set, these are going to be beyond me in card. Lastly I made up the fiddly little ship's boat, this was a bit of a challenge, but over a few sessions it came together okay.
  6. Moved back to the 'pointy end' this evening and added an anchor, chain and davit. None of them made from card! 😲 Wire, brass sheet and the smallest chain I have, though still too over scale really. Thread is elastic "Esi-line" I use for rigging model biplanes etc. Also good for ships antenna wires.
  7. Congratulations Dave on a very nice looking model. 👏 Btw - you can change the title yourself by editing the post, go to the three dots on the top right hand side.
  8. This update we have moved onto some "big" stuff! 😲 Made up the main hatch and started the wheel house assembly. I didn't like the colour of the main hatch cover, so tinted it a darker brown. Also added a couple of Sampson posts that were going to be sandwiched between the main hatch and bulwarks, so these went in first before I lost easy access. Thought better of adding the mast at the moment, I just know what I WILL accidentally do to it if I add to early in the build. Again thanks for the comments and likes.
  9. Chris mentions above the likeness has been simplified, from just behind the hub where the propeller root clamps are. That’s maybe why it looks “in line” to you. Added a picture of my 1/24 Cat prop for comparison- I had the luxury of a plastic moulding for mine and only had to paint it! 🤣
  10. You must be very proud of your cousin, from the accounts of her actions that day they must of known they were not going to be sailing home from that battle. History is full of the big battleship names and histories ( Hood, Bismarck, Yamato, Arizona), but the inspirational stories come from the little ships, the ‘workhorses’ of every fleet that toiled and often sacrificed without fanfare or memorial.
  11. https://www.cnn.com/travel/amp/sammy-b-roberts-wreck-victor-vescovo/index.html
  12. Bit late in finding this build log, but you are making a great job and just love the lines of this ship! 😁
  13. Tiny update (literally!) I have added the Companionway, chimney and windlass. I set off again to try and use the card parts, but some were just too small for my paper skills, so I resorted to parts of plastic, wire and brass, the windlass has a reduced part count, but still around 20no. bits in total. The galley chimney was card originally, then unravelled a bit when I painted the join, so redid in plastic. I did a bit of metallic dry brushing on the windlass to bring out a few details. Thanks all for looking in and the kind words! 😄
  14. I’m sure under the big props, the optional cylinder fins etc will be hard to see. I’ve built the plastic Airfix 1/24 H-Cat and there isn’t much room behind the prop blades to see detail inside the engine cowl. Looking good Chris 👍
  15. Very nice work David, very neat. As you are doing such a fine job, the 'GR' monograms would be the icing on the cake. (Go on, you know you want to!) 😂
  16. Wow OC this really is going to be the proverbial "cast of thousands"! How many soldiers do you think you will do?
  17. Small update of the construction of the bollards and fairleads, 30no. parts, of which the bases were laminated. To be honest I don't know how you are supposed to roll 0.5mm card into tubes of 1mm diameter! and when the bollards are only 2mm high, I did try patiently to do it, but after a while thought life is just too short and grabbed some thin plastic rod! This is where I am banished from the CARD fraternity! 🙄 The bollard caps were an approximation of 'round' after attempting to cut them out, can see this is where a good set of punches would come in! Still under a coat of paint they'll look okay to a blind man on a galloping horse! 🏇 I think I have determined to work my way from bow to stern with the details, the forecastle is going to get very cluttered and delicate with the winch etc. in there, so that is where I'll go next before I cut off the access too much with the main hold cover, then on to the deck house and quarterdeck area.
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