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Everything posted by Knocklouder

  1. Nice start. I really like those river boats,got one in my stach as well. Good luck on your journey, pulling up a chair as they say here !! Bob M.
  2. That looks really cool, I may have to try that myself for my Pegasus,, I will call it the "Harbor Stand" .
  3. Maciek, Welcome to the crew !! Bob M.
  4. Deja ve, lol. It will be fun to watch it all over again, can't wait to see what this one will look like Good luck my friend
  5. This is the place to be, you will find lots of crew members here that will go out of their way to help. Sorry I don't have any advice on first models lol , but lots do. Welcome to the crew. Bob M.
  6. Very nice , can't wait to see what you build next. Thanks for posting such a wonderful log, I enjoyed it immensely, well done .
  7. I just ran though your log again, you are doing great my friend. That ship of yours's looking really good.
  8. Hi Brian, glad to see you back, I always enjoy your work. Keep moving even if it at a snails pace, your Granado is looking great my friend.
  9. Those look really good , everyone will be sending you 20 lbs of Potatoes for sure lol
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