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Posts posted by Rustyj

  1. Hi all,

    Well all of the uprights have been added and the first round of sanding completed.

    Adding the extra bracing worked well for me as I didn’t snap anything off……yet! :huh:







    Though this is listed as a scratch build I will from time to time (read every chance I get)

    use Chuck’s laser cut products. Purely for research purposes mind you.


    Next I'll start framing the stern. One of many ah....cheats I will be doing. I ordered the

    boxwood frames from Chuck and they are perfect.





  2. After the preliminary fairing of the hull I used batten strips to mark the gun port sills.

    I pinned it to several bulkheads and used rubber cement on the bulkheads that were not

    pinned. I was able to make some subtle adjustments to get what looked like a smooth run.






    After marking the sill’s location I cut them out of boxwood. I choose to install them between

    every bulk head for added stability for the final fairing.






    Now it’s time for more for more sanding. Oh such fun. ;)


  3. Hi Eric.


    First off ebony dust is toxic. That's bad enough but to add to that the dust is very fine and gets into every nook and cranny staining adjoining wood. Then it's hard. I mean really hard. It dulls blades and is tough to bend.


    I've used it on a few builds and once my supply was used up I've stopped using it.


    Hehe Mark an I were posting at the same time.

  4. Thanks Eric. Oh I'll apologize to you right now then!


    Ok next up I started fairing the hull. Lots of elbow grease needed here.

    I mainly used 80 grit sand paper and course perma grit files. I then switched

    to 100 grit sandpaper. Once I frame the port sills and fair them I’ll switch to

    150 grit paper.








  5. Hi All,



    Well the Winnie is in dry dock, I've finished the Cazador for my grandson, things have


    calmed down and now I'll start my build log for Chucks Syren Ship Model Company's


    HM Cutter Cheerful 1806 in 1:48 scale. The model will also be fully rigged.



    I plan on using a lot of Chucks available laser cut parts. Most of the wood used in the


    model will be boxwood except for the deck which will be holly and the bulkheads which


    are plywood.



    I know there are plenty of great Cheerful’s being built here and anything I do won't be


    different from those build. I've listed the build here as a scratch build but quite honestly

    with Chuck's laser cut parts it's a lot like a kit.The plans and practicum are Chuck’s usual

    splendid work. Easy to understand and very precise.


    Here are the laser cut bulkheads.





    The two halves of the bulkhead former weighted waiting for the glue to dry.






    The keel attached.






    All of the bulkheads added and drying.






    Lots a sanding to do next to fair the bulkheads.

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