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The Sailor

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Everything posted by The Sailor

  1. Thanks for stopping by, Wayne and Bob! Well, the assembly of the anchor was quite easy. Next week I'll start with the ship's boats and the elm tree pumps.
  2. Hi B.E. Yes, the assembly of the carronades was the hell with all those tiny etched parts. Fortunately Pickle have only six of them.
  3. Thank you all for your nice comments. I was very busy in my garden the last few weeks, so there was not much time for building. I just finished the guns, the capping rails and the ships name at the stern fascia. The sliding beds and carriages are painted red to hide the plywood. In one of the next steps I'll add the gun tackles. The 'PICKLE' text should be painted white but I think it looks better when it's painted yellow ochre.
  4. Hi Jan, your model looks fantastic. Keep on the good job!
  5. Hi Dan, the 2nd planking looks fantastic. I like this Bounty kit very much. One day I must build her.
  6. Hi ZyXuz, very nice rigging. Keep on the good job!
  7. Hi Jeff, I will follow your build log. I think, you will have big fun with this kit. And yes, some parts are very small.
  8. Hi Dan, the hull looks very neat and clean. It seems to be a very nice kit. Keep on the good work!
  9. Hi Jeff, I can't wait to see your Pickle. You will have much fun building this little schooner.
  10. Hi all, the windlass is finished. The assembly was quite easy. In fact there were no problems at all. The kit provides a bunch of octagons to be assembled to the windlass barrel. The glued and sanded parts: A last test... ...and the finished windlass At last I would like to show you an overall view of the model with all the parts on deck. The parts are not glued yet.
  11. Hi Skippy, your Pickle looks very nice. And I like the idea with the display stand.
  12. Hi ZyXuz, that looks very nice. Keep on the good job!
  13. Hi Jason, the position of the knightheads is more realistc now. I like the modifications you did.
  14. Thank you, ZyXuz. I was busy again. The skylights, hatches, pawl bitts, fore bitts and the companion are assembled and painted.
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