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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Hmmm It is not booring in my home. Autumn works in preparing for start of heating season Old Lady have to go to hospital, bacteria in blood and ... but She don't want to go. If go, she will probably die there. To stay, we can help her until some moment when antibiotics will stop working. So, antibiotics can stabilize her for a while, and after .... Getting weaker from day to day At the evening, all houses are veneered, and paneling surfaces prepared for next stage with putty And then paneling starts from beginning. Base is from prepared mahogany veneer, relief will be from another. I can not cut clear strips 0,5 mm wide from mahogany, and chose another I have. It does not matter, anyway all will be sanded and painted
  2. New skeleton for all deck houses done And old deck house turned in a Jewelry box
  3. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/8077-boxwood/#entry239667 Nice discusion about boxwood
  4. I think - to serve. Even I do not know anything about rigging, particulary making sails, on a first sight I think that earrings will provide natural fall and position for parts attached to them, also to avoid balanced spreading of rope forces to the sail
  5. Basswood is very interesting material for modeling, if you need soft, and elastic easy to cut and sand piece, and when wood texture is not significant. Except hull (plywood) first planking layer (balsa), veneer ( planking) and some details, almost all I made from basswood We can talk about woods we use next 15-150 years, and I think here on MSW is separate topic dedicated to woods. One of my dreams is to make perfect nice and extremely complicated model from different kind of natural woods, and this will obviously wait to my next life considering my slow progress, and a long way in front of me with CS Is this boxwood ? Translators I use and Big brother Google point to that ? Hmmm ... hard, almost impossible to find except if you have it in your own yard. Very very slow growing, and you must have own cutting machine. I have little bush in yard 10-15 years old only 50cm dia, but do not like idea to cut it. Ee tried to plant different type of "live fence" but it just do not work, so there is classic wire net fence, filled with bunch of plants climbing on and falling down from fence
  6. I am smiling too, Mark. As I swallowed whole lemmon at once So, the new house with hardening structure, angles are OK, dimensions are OK And anybody who was in doctor's hands can recognize material for house's sides. Princess is a doctor, so ... Resources are everywhere arround us, just "open your eyes and see"
  7. Thanks, but ... Still I am not satisfied. Thinking and rethinking again ... Panels do not meet each other weel, I do not like how connections look now. Beside that, one longitudinal panel twisted a bit, and it is impossible to get clear corner in that circumstances. Also, I rushed with down moulding before time, and result is - different wide mouldings meet at corner. Also forgot moulding at the top of each panel ( not in C-pland, but present on pictures) So, I'll remake house on another way: first, make solid "box" for all three houses, fit with deck curvature, then make and fit roofs, and at the end, make relief and add mouldings, and then apply paint. Considering I resolved relief technique, I'll make relief from mahogany veneer prepared with acrylic on my way Bad news - lost hours again Good news - I learned something new ( relief technique, line of moves, etc) and improved my miserable skils a bit. Also good news is that I have oportunity to make panel's elements I lost, and to apply mirror efect to left and right side of houses Happy playing Nenad, you are not in any hurry
  8. Hi Peter All three houses will be made one after another, exactly by reason to have same color. All will be made with same method and from same material, and painted at the same time Tonight is playing time with roof. Not bad, but I missed proportions of roof mouldings, and have to redo. This is a piece which i very visible in first plan Here are correct proportions And here is what I did BTW "Sucuri" could recognize members, and allow them to post from cellphone !!!!
  9. Thanks Nils for kind words. All sides done, and long process of mounting and fitting house starts Nothing more for tonight, Old Lady do not feel well
  10. Thank you thank you thank you After yelling from dog house and from roof, I feel so proud ... Until I wade to next mine filed and get my regular ice shower again Not a long way
  11. Thanks Peter and Patrick and other who accidentaly klick like button Front/rear panel done. Do not forget ladders Nenad Tomorrow last one, and to get it all together (corners will be fun)
  12. Thanks Pavel. Macro shots are ambivalent issue - as they can help us to identify points which need some re-do, at the same time exopose and enlarge all mistakes and imprecision Thanks Dave. Pragmatism is my life motto ... except when I am playing and testing my possibilities Thanks Mark. When I see what some folks do in their buildings on micro plane, I have to hide in my dog house. But it is interesting to try something like that BTW - I posted receipt for Đuveč - you know where Thank you George. That was leading idea as I wrote earlier - to give maximal effort in details just to turn watchers attention from splodges Thanks dear friend. Nothing really serious with Hothead - when he is living alone in Novi Sad, he do all household works by himself. When he is home, he acts (sometimes) as he is on vacation from household works, and I just exploded when i was returning from town and find: laundry everywhere, dirty dishes from yesterday not in washing machine, home trash spills on floor, beds in chaos, crumbs and traces of food on all kitchen workbench, poop-corns and empty 2 l Coca-cola laying on the floor, and he is still sleeping at 03 PM ... regular family everyday spice which happens from time to time in every home. I howled, He howled, i screamed, He screamed, and you know the rest - silence all afternoon without talking , and that situation had to be resolved. It is OK know (except trash in can - again ...) until next occasion. Although He is 24, we still have to fine sand and polish their characters Thank you Piet. When I look at your works, I have to hide in dog house again Thanks Nigel for nice words. At the beginning I was skeptical, but I have got what I am looking for. I know it can be better, but something must stay for another build
  13. Thanks everybody for likes and good words. Thanks particulary for not let me slide to the devil's road of everlasting redo Another side done. Yes, you read well. Finishing second attempt of first side, I put both pieces together, and get famous "Hmm" on my face Almost same. And considering that for me it is just impossible to hit every 0,5 mm on it's place, and fact that if I correct one mistake, another appears, ask myself: To correct ? Endles road. And can anybody see that ornaments are not mirrored on both sides? And missing of 2mm element? I do not think so, if I do not point watcher exactly to this. And at the end of "Hmm" point, I made light test to see how relief on both acts - yes, this is efect I was looking for. Helped with presence of my bunch of mistakes, I decided I can live with this, just on the same way I can live with twisted deck, different number of stanchions on each side ... So, I have got another side done Just left to glass windows Mark ( you challenged me if you remember?) Kidding, of course. No point to glass window 1mm dia Ok, it is 22,30 in local time, going up to finish/end fight with Hothead we started at Lunch.
  14. Yesterday I re-made base for house walls and started tonight with remaking plating Aftet a hour working with 0,5mm strips, I concluded that tonight my fingers are wooden, and my attention fly away, riped of all I glued, and start playing making door for house 5x11mm For difference from last attempt, to me it seems that it looks more as door than earlier
  15. Here we go ... again ... from start Drawings corrected toward photos and plans with reminders for me in words
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