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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Wellcome to this wonderfull place, and wish you happy modelling hours. On search box you can type victory, and you'll see very different sources for his ship. Personaly I can not help you, but I am sure you will find all answers you need here on MSW
  2. Aaaa ... here you are ... I catched you ... and join to bunch, and reserve my place on the floor right above your desk. ( the best look)
  3. This chains along masts are several times thinner than anchor chains. This will be challenge, because in scale they have to be about 1/4mm ... and to look as a chain. I am not sure that anybody is able to make on any way by his hand such a thing, and it seems that only solution is to find and order the thinnest chain you can find on internet
  4. Thank you, thank you, thank you for just being here arround She is feeling subjective better, and sun shines, so I feel better too, and find a will to go down to finish second anchor chain This macro shot shows original Coin and prepared coin before knoting Chains are a little more than 1mm thick, and I think right in scale considering windlass
  5. In my country it is said : "Snow does not fall to cover the hill, but to every beast shows its mark"
  6. Thx Mark. Great quote. Similar thoughts can be find in works of classical writers as Remarque, Hemingway, very often with Russian writers from middle XX century. If you are reading a lot, you actually are doing a fine sanding of your soul, shaping your points of view and personality, and preparing you on some way to hard times that eventually you have to face with. It is hard, very very hard ( yesterday night urgent surgery to save Her life - stomach complications, thx good she wake up) but I think that in war things can be more more harder than in illness. Fortunately my family and friends had no consequences during civilian war on Balkan, but stories we have heard .... better not to write about
  7. Very sweet, Denis. It seems that CA sometimes has it's own will . Or some ghost move in ...
  8. Thank you Rob and others for a nice words and support Rob, I still do not know exactly. Considering I made several unrecoverable ups/ouch mistakes in early stages of build, that situation leads me out from "historic accuracy" way, but also leads me more to the aesthetic direction and point of view, with idea to over-detail Her and mask mistakes. So, we will see what will happen when I swim out from present life chaoys I am in those days with no idea how long it will last
  9. Just to report I am still here Still waitin` for biopsy results, Admiral is in hospital, feeling a bit better In mean time my mother (80) gets to hospital urgent surgery (gall bladder ruptured), in critical condition... Will this ever stops ? Can anything more jump on my head those days?
  10. Very nice work Dave, it turms me to the "hell's road" of microsurgery and hiperdetailing. Bad influence ... or good inspiration ... I like your work
  11. A few very hard days facing with totally disintegrated health and hospital system here ( eleven hours waiting in front of different doors, one whole night, and finally after 4 days of hell Admiral is in hospital waiting for biopsy. Princess is in downtown, Hothead returned to his study as his main duty. The greatest success in whole our life is - we made and raised strong children. Coming back from hospital I noticed that grass goes wild because I was occupied, and after fighting grass, wishing to save myself from "bad-end movies" I make in my head those days, now fully understanding new meaning of words "sound of silence" in empty home, I decided to finally make my windlass chains. After several nervous attempts and broken ropes, it seems I hit it Here is first 20cm of chain And on this point, again aesthetic question arise. On C-plans, as on Lou's pictures, chains are mounted on windlass, move to the back over winch and through pipe go down under deck Same as on one old photo I found But, after time Lou's pictures were made, it seems that chains are removed from windlass, and, again different shown in different periods photos, they are layed in different part of main deck On younger photos it can be seen that pipes through which chains pass down are missing. I think that this pipes have to be nice detail on model I do not know reason why they are moved - probably visitors often faltered After short time facing with dilemma how and where to lay chains, I decided to follow C-plans and Lou's pictures
  12. Thank you Dave. Not me. Admiral (post #2092). I wish to be me instead Her
  13. I use this mounted to a toorhpick. I think we went out of topic ... this is kit bashing, not jig/tool topic . There are many topics which are dedicated to tools, improvised tools and jigs
  14. Scanner results are not good, biopsy is schedulled for thursday, ... we hope that surgery and therapy can resolve this situation. Next week will bring more clear situation I am not sure when I shall be able to continue with CS, so it seems that some kind of stand-by will be here, except ... I must do something if I dont want to go out of mind. Home must keep on livin, office must keep on working, life must go on. If I find time and will, I'll keep on. Admiral is strong woman, I am strong, we raise kids to be strong, and we will fight with this In mean time, I'll keep on to follow news on MSW Considering this is build log, I'll be thankfull if you could be pleased to use PM if you want to chat/coment/post about.
  15. Thanks Salty! Returning from town aftet two meetings, and traffic collapse ( 4 km of highway lasts almost hour) I made/prepare threads and left them dry well, hanging on workshop window. Had to tell Admiral and Princes this is not garbidge Using some connections, we shortened two months lasting, medical scanner waiting period to tomorrow morning, with maybe biopsy for next week, depends of results. Nervous time Thinking ... which and what kind is this country, when you have to wait two months for diagnose? What with poor people and honest workers who do not have conections? Why, to hell, anybody has to use, even to think about using, any connections if he regulary pays his taxes and has health and social insurance. It makes me very very angry. In Serbia you have to find connections even for birth delivery ... Why would any of university or college educated kid want to stay here? I support my kids in their decission to find their luck at another side of border
  16. If your destiny is to do administrative works for living, you discover later in life, that in every handy job, esential are two things: know material you are working with, and more important - feel material you are working with. I faced with issue of elastic masts yards and spars over 30 years ago working on simple and cheap models, and - do it wrong and bad, so not much to share. But there are some experiences I picked up last two years. How material reacts depends very much on scale you working in. Say on this way: same rope 0,5mm diameter. To put it arround mast in several circles - no problemo. But, try to put it in 5mm deadeye with 3 holes structure, yoy'll quick find that rope is more elastic that you want and it just do not seat right on place, and whole structure of double dead eye just do not look well. Another example: Steel pipe 2" diameter 2ft long - strong as it can be. You can easily swear that there is nothing stronger. But same pipe 20 ft long is very very elastic. I didnt believe when see it first time, particulary which problems that produce when you make something larger And just remember - in every technical school or faculty esential is to learn materials and constructions. I suppose same is/was with ship building. I have read somewhere that Cutty Sark was engineering masterpice of her time So, play with materials, do some tests and find yuor own truth
  17. Thanks, Cap As I see, this is not bashing, Cap, rather improvisation Thank you for your care Dave, it is too early. I ll sure keep your offer in mind when time comes Wellcome Salty. Would you be kind to post me in PM link you found ? To have it when time comes Thank you Piet. Trick is to overcome natural twisted structure of any thread, which I did applying several layers of acrylic varnish and color Thank you MArk, I was wondering how do you succeed to follow and to contribute all logs where are you participant. Do you spent 28 hours a day in front of PC ? Any log I visit, here are you, and I learn and enjoy reading your comments Thank you Bob. I hope to see soon extension of your three logs. Your brilliant CS log keep a piece of fault for changing my attitude to my own model. Yes, things go forward ... and backward ... and forward ... that is life. Hey Denis, I asked Her before - "Do you want Swarowski or something ?" She answered - "No, make something by yourself", So, what to do - her wish is my command Thank you Izzy very much Not working on Her, a couple of torned and disorganized days which I just can not overcome and forcibly put obligations in schedule. Next is knothing and making over 50-70 cm of chain, to have it same for anchors later, and as reserve I hope to continue at the end of week. Only have time to visit MSW to see what is new
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