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Everything posted by yvesvidal

  1. A couple more pictures of the recently completed module, in the hull: And an overall view: Yves
  2. Ciao Daniel, Any updates to share with us, on your gorgeous construction? Yves
  3. Yes, it is all WWII era German material approved by the Kreigsmarine 😉 On the desk of the Captain, is a 1/48th scale reduction of the following book, used to enter the Enigma codes: On his bed, are the two official U-Boot Target Recognition Manuals, specifically used while using the periscope or binoculars: For the girls, you can find them easily on the WEB as well as the Adler magazine: Thanks for all the encouragements and Likes!! Yves
  4. Module finished: The Radio equipment: The main lights: Radio and Sonar rooms lights: Batteries and Ammunition magazine lights: Yves
  5. Finally, the Officer Quarter is almost finished. I was starting to run out of steam on this one.... The roof is the only part that needs to be glued but I wanted to leave it open so that I could show you the interior. I made two mistakes on this module, despite some improvements: One cabinet is not in the right location, but that was necessitated to allow the viewer to see more easily inside. The second one was by drilling a hole in the sonar equipment and destroying the micro-LED located inside. So, the Sonar screen no longer lites. I could not fix it....too many part to un-glue..... First, a recall of what the compartment should look like: The following is what is provided in the kit: As you can see, there is a lot of empty space and an oversized table in the middle of nowhere. Overall, it is quite a departure from the original blue-print. Therefore, using the extra parts I have, I decided to pimp up this compartment a little bit. Here are a few pictures of the construction phases: Radio compartment. As you may remember, because of my way of building that section, I have to allow the floor to slide between the two bulkheads. Therefore nothing close to the bulkheads can be assembled. Sonar compartment with the sonar screen (no longer working). Radio equipment. Micro-LED behind the large dial. Basically, the part is grind to open completely the screen, a clear piece of acrylic is glued and the decal is placed on top. The same was done on the sonar screen, with an unfortunate mishap. And now some views of the almost finished section: The captain quarter still needs to be detailed below: Captain Quarter completed: On the bed, two big binders published by the Kriegsmarine secret service, describing the characteristics and appearances of most known enemy ships. On his desk, the booklet containing the Enigma machine codes. The Captain had the only bunk with a curtain for some privacy. The location of his cabin was also across the hallway from the Radio and Sonar officers, for immediate response and actions. More views of the finished module: A piece of square styrene has been placed beneath the main floor to give it a more realistic look. I just cannot stand these flat floor provided by Trumpeter: they look so fake and unrealistic. I will be placing the roof soon, connecting all the electrical wires and call it a day, for that long and complicated module. Our next efforts will most likely be centered around the main hull, for a change. Yves
  6. Great kit. I built the Matchbox version in the late 70's and had a blast. I will build it again, from Revell with all the modern PE and wood decks. I am looking forward to watching your build. Yves
  7. Working on some more details of the Officers Compartment. It is taking a lot of time and progress are limited. First, the lights for the Officers' quarter and the Radio/Sonar room. This is done on two separate circuits with common ground. These white LEDs requires close to 2.7 volts to work under 15-10 mA current. By placing them in series (four of them), I am getting close to 12 volts which will be the power source for this model. A variable resistor in each circuit will allow me to fine tune the light intensity of each room. When using only two LEDs, a larger resistor will be required. The reason why the Radio and Sonar rooms are not on the same circuit, will become apparent once the top floor is finished. The putty is to prevent light leaks through the pressure hull. Once dry, it will be painted dark grey. Then, the canon stand: It will be barely visible but I am happy to know that there is some of it. Then, a few details on the front bulkhead. I have removed the door that was preventing to get a glimpse of the John's (through the food closet) and will most likely glue it shut, isolating this quarter from the noisy and stinky front torpedoes compartment. In the ceiling, you can see the large air circulation pipes. One brings fresh air to the front Torpedoes compartment, the other one expels the polluted air from it. Air circulation is mostly done by two large fans located in the Machine compartment. Finally, a close look at the sailor checking the contents and good condition of the ammunition. Next to him, the inner fuel/diesel tank. Once the top floor is installed, it will be almost impossible to see anything down there. Yves
  8. Sorry, I don't. The U-Boat Owner's Workshop Manual by Haynes has a very detailed description (in plain English) on how to operate the John's. It is very complicated and that is why one sailor was responsible for its correct working. The Haynes Manual describes also the kind of chaotic atmosphere surrounding the Restroom, before or shortly after an attack. One place for a crew of 44 is not exactly luxury. The second toilet was usually fully packed with food and not accessible for its intended purpose. I did not replicate the Haynes manual in this thread, because of potential Copyrights issues. Yves
  9. Not much progress since I was out of town. Still working on the bathroom and the Officers quarters: The toilet apparatus was far from being easy to use. Among the crew, a voluntary sailor was in charge of operating that delicate and precious "resource", especially when submerged. It is important to realize that the flushing could only be done at periscope depths and that deeper dives required the use of the internal sewage tank or pails distributed among the crew, when total silence was required. The following explains (in the language of Goethe) how to operate that "facility": For most sailors, the best was to do everything outside and it is interesting to note that the deck railing was designed for that specific need: When nature calls.....you have to bend to it! Yves
  10. Wow...I need my sunglasses to look at that little marvel. A true advertisement for Photo-Etched kits. Yves
  11. Little progress on the Officer compartment: It still needs a lot of refinement and details. The companion to the toilet paper roll.... Yves
  12. Working on the Officer's quarters. I am no longer following Trumpeter's guidance, because of the arrangement done underneath. In the official manual, you are not supposed to glue the final bulkhead until the end. My approach is a little bit more complicated and delicate. Nothing near the bulkheads can be installed yet. The main floor will slide into the pressure hull from behind: And the toilet facility: Yes, real paper.... Yves
  13. And so it is.... The wood effect is created by first painting all the parts flat white. Then with Burnt Sienna acrylic paint, do a very light dry brush with a flat and wide brush. Go gently first, and then increase as you wish. Finally, a coat or two of ClearKote to varnish the whole. Personally, I do not want my woods too shiny. I doubt that during the war, they had perfect and highly polished sheets of wood installed on all these submarines. Beds are done with micro-bubbles plastic sheet (the one provided in the Kit, to protect the sprues) covered with real fabric, neatly folded and glued. The last bed is the Captain's bed and I need to find something that will mimic the leather. Yves
  14. We are now moving to the top floor of that section of the ship. Let's present the challenges with a few plans: From the right (bow) to the left (stern), we have: - Toilet room with a small lavatory (port side) - Groceries/Food closet on the other side (starboard) - Four bunks for the less ranked officers. That included the chief mechanic and Engineers. A table is permanently erected to allow them to write or take their meals. This area is located between Frames 71 and 74. - Four other bunks for the main officers. Usually there were only three of them in service and thus one of the top bunk was always folded against the wall. On the starboard side, there is a tank with fresh water that will not be represented on this model. Space is between Frames 71 and 68, approximately. - The captain quarter: only one to have some kind of privacy with a curtain, a small table and a bunk covered with leather (and not fabric like all the other bunks). - On the starboard side, we have the listening room (hydrophones and early Sonar systems) and then the Radio room. - On the Port side, there is an electrical closet where all the wires from Battery bank #2 are terminated and switched. - In the hallway, there are three openings: one to access the ammunition magazine (left side), one opening to access the waste tank and one opening to access the battery bank #2 (center). These are used to replace cells or to allow a technician to perform the maintenance of the batteries on the little sliding tray, suspended to the ceiling. The doors to the radio and listening room are missing from the Trumpeter kit. The doors that are currently on the U-995 have been installed to prevent the public from tampering with the delicate and precious radio and electronic equipment (left picture). In fact, when looking carefully at the plan and from archive pictures, the doors were likely made of two panes such as below (right picture): The final drawing from U-Historia clearly shows the internal arrangement: Below is the Trumpeter rendition of the compartment under study: Lots of work and details in perspective..... Yves
  15. We are coming to an end for the lower section of that Officers/sub-officers compartment. I have spent enough time on that little area of the ship, which will be barely visible from the outside. Again, it is just the pleasure to know that it is there, as it should be. The diesel fuel has been completed (at least for that section): This is done with three heavy coats of automotive clearcoat. It is actually pretty realistic and depicts the clear diesel fuel sitting at the bottom of a somewhat dirty tank. This fuel will also be present under the next module (control room). To help the observer and draw his/her attention to that specific location, I have installed two LEDs: one for the battery compartment and one for the ammunition magazine. The magazine will have a fellow sailor, resting one hand on the ladder, while inventorying the ammunition. From the outside, not much will be visible and you will have to twist your neck and strain your eyes to perceive the essence of that section: One last picture before we seal the battery compartment for ever.... From left to right, ammunition magazine, wasted water tank (middle), two fresh water tanks and a large Battery bank #2. On each side, fuel tank #2, merging under the control room (module located to the left). The second half of the fuel tank (port side) has not been represented. Enough insanity like that. Finally, the module in place in the hull: Next: - The gun stand - The officers and radio compartment. Lots of wood simulation for that one. Yves
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