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Everything posted by yvesvidal

  1. Jack, I was worried when I read your letter about your decision to drop everything..... and then I realized that you are just shifting your objectives and moving away from PartsWork to embrace something more majestic, if I may say so. I am looking forward to your new Build Logs and various articles. I also wish you a very good health and complete recovery of your eyes. Sincerely, Yves
  2. Dave, I a glad to see that you started a Build Log of your beautiful Mayflower ship. I will be following this with a lot of interest. I hope you get a chance to publish an article (with pictures) about the Meeting in Beaufort, NC this past weekend. Fantastic job on the geometric patterns! How did you do that? Yves
  3. John, This is all very nice. I have the Sultana kit waiting and your Build Log is a very good incentive and guide. I am following with a lot of attention. Yves
  4. Very nice work. Too bad in a way, that these chainplates will have nothing to attach to. Extending the mast a little bit higher would have allowed to install some lines....but then it is a lot of work! Jack, I am glad to see that you have the drive to build again. Yves
  5. I am no expert but I think you should start planking near the keel and move up the hull. The hull of a trawler is very round and you will need to taper quite a few planks. The transmission shaft output is going to be very delicate. Do you have a block of wood that has to be sanded by any chance, for this location? I would glue these pieces to the keel before planking. Yves
  6. There is a lot of pleasure in rescuing and repairing an old kit that was started in a poor way and quite often never completed. I know I enjoy these challenges. Beautiful work. Yves
  7. Jack we have not heard from you in a long time. I hope your health is fine and that it allows you to work on your models. Take good care off you. Yves
  8. Richard any updates on your beautiful boat? It must be finished by now.
  9. Dave, If I understand you, you will be giving a rather rustic look at your Mayflower, as opposed to the new and bright look suggested by Chuck and the Model Shipways kit. I cannot wait to read your Build Log. Please start it when you feel like. Thanks Yves
  10. Rod, this is a gorgeous and very unusual piece. I bet it must stands out in your home and be the source of many questions. Thank you for sharing this experience with us. Yves
  11. Bear, Without hacking over this beautiful thread, could you post a picture or two of the engine kit? Thanks Yves
  12. Hello Dave, I am glad that you did chime in at the end. I guess the Dave in NC and SawDustDave are one and the same person. I still hope to be able to stop by one day and admire your collection of beautiful period ships. Thanks Yves (Raleigh, NC)
  13. Jack, What a beautiful model and precious box to present it. A true Chef d'oeuvre!!! Outstanding. Yves
  14. Floyd, No more excuses and beating around the bushes with the Admiral, work, and wood quality....! It is time to start that Build Log with lots of pictures. Yves
  15. Amazing Anthony, simply amazing. This is going to be such a large cross-section. At this scale, you can envision using some of the numerous and available figures at 1/35 scale to populate all these decks. Fantastic job. Yves
  16. A Roman war galley.... That is a completely different animal. Let's start a new thread Chris so as not to mix material from Period Ships with Roman era. Yves
  17. Yes, it is true that Corel does a Bellona at 1/100 scale. It is small, very difficult to work at this scale and the kit is quite expensive. What we need is a Bellona at 1/64th scale to go with most of the Period Ships made. There is a fellow on the Scratch Build Forum that has started a Bellona at 1/64th and it is a master piece. Yves
  18. ME = MS (Model Expo or Model Shipways). Maybe.... Yves
  19. Beautiful work Jack. It is going to be a lot of fun, drilling all the gun openings..... Yves
  20. Oh my God. This is a dream come true: Dorade is one of my favorite boat!!! Beautiful work and thank you for offering us such jewel of precision and beauty. Apparently, your boat is at the scale of 1/96 (or 1/100). Olin S. would be very proud of you. Yves
  21. Richard, please don't be shy to post pictures. It is not everyday that we get a chance to admire such beautiful and impressive boat. Wonderful start so far! Yves
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