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Everything posted by yvesvidal

  1. It will be interesting to see how you treat this fishing boat into a yacht. I agree with you that the purity of the hull lines could have made for the prettiest pleasure yacht. Yves
  2. It will be interesting to see how this CAF kit compares with the Chuck Passaro designed longboat kit. Both are in 1/48th scale. Yves
  3. Just replace the wooden parts with paper pieces, and you will find the energy to finish it 🙂 Yves
  4. What a beautiful yacht. Too bad this model is seldomly built and pretty much unavailable nowadays. Yes, you absolutely need to straighten that keel, before planking. The deck will help get it straight but I would use pieces of wood/strips between the frames, to keep it as straight as possible. Yves
  5. I did provide some holes under the roundhouses and some seats of ease on the Bellona: The holes are hard to see under the roundhouses, but they are there. Same for the seats on the bow.... Yves
  6. Another brave modeler, willing to build a CAF kit. You will enjoy it, once you overcome the lack of instructions. Yves
  7. Tom, this is superb! I can see the noticeable improvement in your kits, when I compare it with the older HMS Bellona kit. Yves
  8. Beautiful model. Dare I say, it is the only model of the Titanic completed on this forum? Yves
  9. Great model. Thank you for presenting your build log. Yves
  10. Interesting and unusual kit. I remember reading a review of that Kit and I am very pleased to see a Build Log of this large model. Yves
  11. As Craig indicated, there are a lot of 1/9 scale old motorcycles from Italeri, ESCI and from PROTAR (before Italeri bought back the molds). These models are rare, cost an arm and a leg on E-Bay and are not easy to build. The NORTON 500 MANX comes to mind, as well as the ZUNDAPP and BMW. Take a look at this Japanese artist at http://kimshouse7015.com/index.html In my humble opinion, he is THE BEST !!!! Above is one of his models based on the same kit you just finished. After this fantastic rendition of the Triumph you just built, you should look into the next candidate. Yves
  12. That is exactly why I did not drill these on my 1/48 Bellona. Way too dangerous..... Yves
  13. James, Hamilton, Thank you for your kind words. I wish I could dedicate more time to her, but between work, family and a Classic Bally pinball that I am restoring, she is on the back-burner. Yves
  14. Great kit and great subject. I will follow, if you don't mind. Yves
  15. Fantastic work on the seat and great idea to clear the headlight, too. Yves
  16. The chimney has been re-painted black. I am now working (between many other things...) on the bow and more specifically trying to improve on the CAF kit. The pictures below are showing the short dowel provided by CAF Models for the Bowsprit: Of course, the original kit wants to present the model as an Admiralty proposal. I will be presenting soon the improved bowsprit that I intend to use on my model. Yves
  17. I see that you like French cheeses.... Yves
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