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Everything posted by yvesvidal

  1. I like the old SAE electronics from the 70-80's. I own a SAE 8000 Tuner and like it very much. Great model, by the way. Yves
  2. The inner planking is quite unusual. Fantastic job. YVes
  3. Fantastic job. I would try to drill a little bit, these canons for realism.....It is difficult to say, from the picture. Yves
  4. For the separate ovens.... I can fully understand: you don't want your bread or pastries to smell like venison or roasted chickens. For the checkered floor, it (unfortunately) reminds me of the flooring used in all Grand Lodges of the Masonic fraternities, where some significant atrocities are committed. I will not say more about that... Yves
  5. I never really understood, why the Brits were so fond of these diamond shaped floors.... I did not know they would even place them in their barges (granted, this one is an "Admiral" barge). Any explanations would be most welcome. Yves
  6. That is exactly how Revell should have approached these beautiful kits: using spars made of real wood. Yves
  7. Great job. Now, you need to source small sheets of thin mahogany to finish the hull, in a similar way to Sea Goddess. Yves
  8. Tom from CAF Models, will send you replacement parts, if anything bad happens. Yves
  9. I would second your comments completely, as I have the same remarks with the Bellona kit. Fortunately, the hull is planked with limewood which is more suitable for this kind of purpose. I like the cherry tree for details, especially soaked with a liquid orange oil/olive oil/bees wax concoction that I find at Home Depot. Yves
  10. Incredibly beautiful and realistic. It was hard for me to pick up a picture, but I think this one summarizes the excellence of your work. Yves
  11. Guns factory: Putting together the remaining 18 pounders and starting some 9 pounders to go on the quarterdeck: Yves
  12. Great progress on that beautiful hull. Are you planning to use Fujimi bridge and central superstructure or the parts provided with the Nichimo kit? Yves
  13. You are spoiled !!! For the Bellona, there was no words, no explanations and barely a letter to indicate which wood to use. Because of the clinker planking, they gave you some additional information. CAF kits are great and the models very interesting. I wish they could have a James H. to do their documentation and instructions. Yves
  14. I work in silence, too. It is a form of meditation. Yves
  15. The repair looks fabulous. You did a great job. Yves
  16. That purple Super Clean chemical is really great. I use it a lot for all kinds of purposes. Yves
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