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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Morning Popeye, There is a rope stop under the bowsprit. When I take a look at the drawing it also rest on the railing. I don't know why…... But there is more on this ship that I don't know I try to translate that gammoning on the spirit but it tells me that it is something with a ghost ??????????
  2. Here are the promised pictures. It's not perfect as I'm saying before but I keep it this way. When I have to choose between this and ratlines, give me the ratlines…... Next to do is to make a few futtock staves so I can go up with the shrouds and ratlines. I hope I have the spare parts next week so I can go further on the shrouds and ratlines at the foremast.
  3. Hi Popeye, Nice job so far And come on, don't let me doing the ratlines alone. Together is more fun !!!!!
  4. Hi Rich, You are bashing the kit ? Have a save flight and enjoy your time in Canada. Catch some fish and show Augie how they looks like. When he is fishing , he catch nothing all the time
  5. I know what you mean about those boxes Mick, I have a few myself now and I use them for all kind of stuff. It's very handy. I have to agree with Anja. The colour combination just turn out great! I had my thoughts about that but it's great !
  6. I knew it that you can solved it ! It looks just great Patrick. Very nice paint job by the way.
  7. Good morning to all of you ! @ Lawrence, Thank you very much. My ratlines are far away from perfection but I'm happy with it . Anja was saying last night , when she takes a look…very nice view And she is my eye to see if something is wrong…... @ Popeye, I have enough space to work around the shrouds,that's not the problem. Only for the main mast , direction bowsprit, I was happy that I have no shrouds yet. There are no heart blocks between them. Just 3 hole blocks with a rope between that is 2 mm…..It look likes a anchor cable ! But there are in place ! Not perfect again but I like it and let it stay this way. Later today pictures of that. @ Mark, At the beginning I was thinking , what is he talking about….90 ???? Then I see Augie's post and there was a light shining….. Early in the morning…... Are you gonna make a nice table for me? Not that small please because Augie is also on his way…..and Popeye is behind it. @ Rich, I'm glad that I can help you If it works for you, just do it !
  8. Very , very nice and great pictures ! Just love it !!!!!! And did you drive 100 miles to get to the water???????? And don't let us wait that long before you are gonna build the Confed. When we have to wait till Augie is finished it take about 5 years By that time I finished the Le Mirage, San Ildefonso, Agamemnon and maybe a few others…….
  9. Unbelievable…... That is again a great job Adam ! I don't see you for months and when you are coming….there is a ship ! And a usual standard from you. Deck planking , hull planking…great,great,great !!!!!!! But please, don't stay away that long anymore !
  10. Hi Jim, That is an real beauty ! You can be proud of her. Her place is really the complete gallery. Great job ! And then the next question…..next build?
  11. Difficult choice for you Randy. You named a few ships that are great. But a big difference….Canoe or Santisima Trinidad…... That's a world of difference. One you are finished in one month and the other one 5 years What ever choice you make, do it with your heart ! Then you have the most satisfaction from it !
  12. Thanks Randy and Augie, @ Augie, I'm now struggling with the fore stay…….. I have rope that I have to use that is 2 mm of thickness…. And somewhere it has to be together. I think when that's finished, you can have your laugh ! I'll do my best on it but man, that's difficult ! It goes around the foremast and will end at a block. I wish I had seen that before I put all the masts and bowsprit together. Now I have to do it when everything is in place.
  13. Hi Aldo, Every time when I look into the box there is water going some where And not because it is raining !
  14. Hi Aldo, Thanks The visit in England was great only to short……. And thanks for the new Aggy. I have make a build log for her But not building her yet. First the Le Mirage.
  15. And yes here we are again... A little update ! The lower part of the mizzen mast have there ratlines…... I have ordered yesterday the chains and deadeyes that I need for the fore mast. So when they are here I can go further on the fore mast. For now it is puzzling how the rope goes around the fore mast to the main mast. It goes around it with blocks somewhere in the middle….. This is a nice thing to do when it is a rainy saturday
  16. Andy, Anja is just laughing when I read this to her…. But I have the rigging period ship model from Lennarth Peterson? Is that also counting?
  17. You are going quick Adriaan, But looks great ! One remark about the pictures…. Most of the pictures are so ……yellow…... Maybe you can use more light when you take the picture? The first picture of the last two is much better. And you can see more. Don't use a flash light but a desk lamp or something.
  18. Hi Sam, Nice and clean door ! What about the steps……I think you have to do what is for you the best option. If you don't like what they are saying on the plans, go your on way. You have to look at it and when I not feels right, it's gonna irritating you.
  19. I have to agree with Augie, The gunport on the right looks perfect. And you can make those frames your self. Don't use the metal ones if they are provide…..
  20. Hi Jason, Thanks ! It's just what I'm telling Sam earlier, when you have figure out how the knot works, it's easy and I almost enjoy it
  21. Hi Rich, Nice job on those stern blocks.You just remove enough Enjoy your stay in Canada and if you catch a big salmon, picture of that please
  22. Hi Andy, Thanks for the pictures ! The figure head looks just great! A real Pegasus…... The rigging looks also great. Every time when I see your rigging I know that I have a lot to learn !
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