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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Very nice Bob, You are saying that the gallery on starboard side is a little different then the port side. How do you see that ? You are running around her ? Or do you using a mirror ? It looks really great !
  2. Hi Matt, That's a lot of progress ! Maybe it's the picture but the top mast on the bowsprit is not straight. For the rest it is looking great ! And some bowsprits are very long. If it is the right measurement, leave it .
  3. Ho John, Welcome back in the land of the builders She was not feeling lonely. She was supervising the progress on the Aggy. A few more days and then she can supervise again.
  4. Popeye, I shall ask that guy that podiatrist ..... And I don't give hints ! You will see it when the time is there ( end of this year or at the end of next year ) @ Hi Marc, Very easy those pre-made sails OcCre provide them in all the kits. She's big ...1290 mm ( 50,787401574803 Inch)
  5. Thanks Grant and Lawrence, I thought I can go to the shrouds at the middle part of the main mast but nope...... I forget all the blocks First thing that I have to do now......
  6. There is always a possibility Adam, Maybe you can cut out a little bit of the edge where the deadeyes are coming ? So the deadeyes are free of space. Just a thought.....
  7. Thanks again everyone ! @ Kamil, I'm will learn you how to tie those ratlines ! No problem !!! We have to make a appointment..... @ Joe, Thank you very much ! It's not that difficult to build without the manual. The pictures are clear enough. And if you want to know something, you can always ask ! I build a few OcCre kits myself. And I know that Ricardo will help you with some translations. He did the same for me @ Adam, Thank you, thank you, thank you !!!!!! Be patient my friend.... Progress is coming.... @ Bindy, Welcome to the wharf ! I'm happy that you like what you are seeing.... And thank for the good word ! @ Mark, Thank you also ! Working at one ship at the time ? I don't think so....... When Fonzie is almost finished , I know that there will be another one I just love the change of building two ships...... And I already knows what will be the next one...... Still a secret........also for Anja I hope I can finish the main mast this weekend and then I go back to the Aggy. Then the fore mast and then.....crows feet. I think I need help with that. But we shall see when I'm at that stage.
  8. Hi Adam, Nice ratlines For your question ,I think you have to put them a little bit more to the edge. Now they can not walk behind it and the shrouds are more in an angle and not straight as you have them now. Take a look at the mizzen mast at the San Ildefonso and you see what I mean.
  9. Thank guys @ Sam, When Anja is at home, she turns her self the volume up And it can go higher then 30...... Thanks for the good word ....her majesty Pfffffffffff ( new Dutch word ) @ Mobbsie, Thanks for the laugh ! If have to correct you my friend. It is 200 km and not 221. And when they are riding that race, It should be very cold and the ice must be thick ! I have once ,when I was younger , try to do it myself but after 120 km it was enough for me....... Never ,but then I say never, I'll be doing it again ! But it wa something I never forget ! @ Popeye and Wayne, Thanks ! I'm glad that you like my rats And they are albino's and not brown
  10. Joe, I will answer the question for you...No, they don't have a manual in English. I have ask it several times but they are saying no..... But when you want to build a kit of OcCre, they have good photo documentation. And if you want to know something, there is also google translation.
  11. Thanks my friends @ Patrick, It looks a lot and maybe it is..... I don't know. But is feels good that I have done the main mast ratlines @ Bob, Yes, it gives a lot of satisfaction when you finish something. But when you are almost at the end of something, you want to leave it behind you and then...the phone rings, someone at the door, you have to go to the bathroom.... But it is done. Up to the next one ! @ Augie, No worries my friend. The wharf is upstairs so I'm not getting deaf You know what Shani Davis is telling you....you are gonna be BE DUTCHT ! Not with Bob de Jong but ok, the guy is 37..... And you create a new Olympic something ? tying ratlines ????????? @ Jason, Thank you very much I leave the ratlines natural because the shrouds are brown and it's a nice contrast. No, not in one afternoon....just a day and a half. And that not all the time .
  12. Hi Nick, Nicely done at those gun carriages ( Yes, that's what they called ) You can be proud of your work. And you are more then welcome and be happy with the files .
  13. It's nice when I am alone at home and Anja is working .... Someone has to make money ! That means that I have the house for my own, stereo on 30 and tying knots...... Result ? ratlines at the lower part of the main mast done ! We can now go further at the middle section of the main mast. Making shrouds, turning deadeyes and ratlines again. Maybe not this afternoon because of the speed skating in Sotchi. Maybe we can colour the stage again orange ! Or as Shani Davids it is saying....they will BE DUTCHT !!!!!!! ( love that line )
  14. Better, much better I will not take a picture from my workbench........ But it is a beautiful model !
  15. Hi Robbyn, The rope is terrible and I know I should have change that but I didn't..... My mistake ! Now I have to row with the peddles that I've got ! Thanks for the visit.
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