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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by mobbsie

  1. Welcome home mate, hope the journey wasn't to taxing, it's a real bummer the way people are treated at airports, almost a commodity and not individuals who have been traveling for hours. Still home now and will soon be forgotten. :) mobbsie
  2. Hi George, It's a big deck isn't it. I know she carried carronades but that was before she was involved at Trafalgar, they had been removed by then. Hey, she's your ship and your the skipper, if you want carronades then go for it, it'll be interesting to see where you put them, either way she's going to look a corker. mobbsie
  3. Looking real good mate, It looks as though some of those spiders have found there way over to you, sure they'll help out, just feed them an odd fly or two mobbsie
  4. Hi Guys, Thank you gentlemen for your very kind words. Hamilton, I don't understand why triangular deadeyes were put into the box, all I can say is that there were 105 of them and they didn't fit the circular deadeye strops, all sorted now though, checks are being made on this batch of kits to make sure no others have infiltrated. :mellow: Kevin, the names "mobbsie" and thanks for the good words mate. George, Thanks for the good word mate, being retired I have lots of time on my side, cant call the wife the Admiral anymore otherwise people may think I'm referring to Sjors, the boss takes care of most things around the house so that free's me up. What's your block at the moment ?, your not such a slow builder yourself and she's gonna be a stunner when your done. Augie, Most certainly a clear plastic bag (A BIG ONE), give the bug life something to look at. Popeye, She's gonna be fully masted and complete, She's got to be put away for her own protection until I can find a space to put her and get a case for her. The case will cost almost as much as a medium size kit and will need to be saved for. Perspex is more expensive than glass over here so that's out of the question and even if I make it myself it's going to cost a bomb. I hate talking money but unfortunately it's one thing we all need in this hobby, nothing comes cheap, reasonable yes but not cheap. So there we have it mate, it's a necessity because I have in my Loft a completed model of J. Coustow's ship the "Calypso". She is about 20 yrs old and beaten up, a cousin brought it round and asked if she could be repaired, I said yes but unfortunately he doesn't want it back. She's over a metre long and is full of electrics, so you can see mate that space is a premium. The Aggy will come down again when she can be protected and appreciated. Right now I'm stuffed, I've busted my last 0.7mm drill bit and that's whats needed for the deadeye chains, I've ordered replacements so it's waiting for the postman again, in the mean time the Boomkins are made and painted, they will be fitted today, after that it's the ships boats. OK I'm gone, Be Good. mobbsie
  5. Hi John, I paid a visit to HMS Warrior while she was being restored in Hartlepool in the north east of the UK, as you rightly say skills are being lost to the modern generation which is why she was in Hartlepool, that was the only place that they could find with sufficient skilled people to do the rope work, it's a great shame. On completion she was towed down to Portsmouth where she is open to the public and looking absolutely splendid Just my tuppence worth. mobbsie
  6. Hi Hamilton, 2mm blocks are small but they can be handled quite easily, I use a fly tie to hold the block and that leaves two hands free for the thread. Your making good progress mate, lovely to see. mobbsie
  7. Hi Jeff, You started your build and were making super progress but you haven't posted an update for a while, have you put her on hold or is it that you just haven't updated your log. I know others are waiting, were a patient lot. Be Good mobbsie
  8. Hi Guys, Wow, Thank you all so very much for your very kind words. Keith, The overall length on completion will be 1,300mm, overall height without stand will be 944mm with a beam of 485mm, all dimensions are an ish, allowing for my bad measuring. The 6ft came from the worktop that I've put in, just to give a bit more space. There are 4 ships boats. The extra chain on the rudder was my idea but the chain is supplied with the kit, and no, there will be no building extension to house the Aggy, I'll most likely end up putting her into a big plastic bag and shoving her into the loft. Popeye, I bought her direct from Jotika Caldercraft, she retailed at £700.00 but I got a 10% discount, should have gone to Cornwall Model Boats, much cheaper. John ( Jim Lad ), Andy, Frank, Augie, David, Jim, Patrick, Randy, Joe, Sjors, Pierre and Aldo Thank you for the good words, it really is appreciated. Aldo, your more than welcome and it's no trouble, I just hope you can use it. The starboard channels continue to be put together, they then have to be painted and fitted to the ship, it's gonna be fun. No replacement deadeyes as yet, maybe tomorrow. Be Good mobbsie
  9. What a lovely ship John, she has some great lines and is very tidy indeed. Sorry to read about the mishap mate, could have been much worse though, still it's scary and annoying when it happens. I reckon we'll hear the corks popping from here on your next visit. Be Proud mobbsie
  10. Hi Guys, Here's my new update just to show I haven't been sitting on my laurels ( painfull ). I have fitted a new worktop to my space and removed one of the shelves, this is to allow for an ever growing Aggy, 6ft x 2ft 6ins, with scope for some shelving underneath should the mood take me. As far as the Aggy is concerned all the gun port lids are now fitted with accompanying ropes, one problem, looking at the channels there is a fowl up, the ropes lay across where the channels will be fitted, this only occurs on the first two lids, it means that I am going to have to fill in some holes when the ropes are removed, not a major problem but annoying all the same. The figure head is now fitted and I have made 3 shackles on the bow for the Bobstays. I have also added some extra chains to the rudder chain. I am currently working on the channels and have 3 sizes of deadeyes 3.5mm, 5mm and 7mm, my only problem there is that my 5mm deadeyes are triangular, they should be round, a quick call to Caldercraft and I should have some winging their way to me as I write this, they also want the others back so no spares there then. She also has another 26 teeth, all the dummy guns are now fitted to main deck. I do have a few pics. Figurehead fitted with shackles below. Gun port lids on the Port side All guns fitted Extra chains fitted to the rudder chain General overview from the port quarter Next step is to build and fit the channels and then it's on to the ships boats. Be Good mobbsie
  11. Thanks for the explanation guys, that is an interesting feature which sadly doesn't get used often enough. Love the colour of the frames Augie, Lt Oak, don't often get that. I can see that I'm going to have to look in more often, there's a lot going on here. Keep up the great work mate. mobbsie
  12. Love what you are doing here Ray, those joggled planks are just great. Thanks for sharing mobbsie
  13. Your rope work is great Andy, fantastic serving. Your old nag is turning out to be a lovely thoroughbred. Keep it up mate Bummer about that 4 letter word thingy, still it does prolong our enjoyment. mobbsie
  14. Nice tidy bit of work there Popeye, I wonna see more. Your rhetoric on this hobby is spot on and it shows through a superb build. Well done. mobbsie
  15. Kester, if I may suggest that if you having sleeping difficulties then you go and see the Doctor, if you buy Sjors book you'll be awake all night smiling and laughing. I love a build log that has a social fringe as well as the ship itself, GO SJORS AND THE GANG OF GASBAGS. mobbsie
  16. Hi Augie, Not being familiar with this ship I notice bulkheads 7 & 8 have a cut out, what is the purpose of this cut out and the markings on the other bulkheads. :mellow: Nice bit of fairing and it's a good idea to put those safety timbers back on. Your making good progress mate under some very difficult circumstances. mobbsie
  17. Hi Grant, You may be getting a bellyful of " kulcher" mate but at least you've escaped the internet blackspot. Your back on MSW and on the way back to sanity, ( I say that with tongue in cheek ). Enjoy Florence mate and keep a tight hold on your wallet in Venice. I know that Anja and Sjors regard this pile of bricks as a second home which I love and I can only hope that you can regard us as a home from home in a far flung corner of the globe. There'll always be a welcome for you here my friend. mobbsie
  18. Sweeeeeeeeeet, she looking an absolute picture mate, shrouds and deadeye's look fantastic, be proud my friend, be very proud. mobbsie
  19. Hi George, Head rails looks good mate, it appears to be difficult and I always approach it with some trepidation but you have mastered it with no problems, well done. Cavel cleats have gone in nicely even though they could be put in earlier, I'm surprised it's not been amended in the instructions, even if they put a footnote in it would be a help. How hard did you try looking for the safety netting, I looked all over the place for the right design but failed miserably, Grant saved my bacon and sent me some from Australia, like you all I could find was the honeycomb pattern which is not correct, I couldn't even find the right stuff online, apparently Grant got it from an occasion shop, they use it for decorating chairs and so on. You have made some really good progress mate and you should be well pleased. I look forward to more updates. mobbsie
  20. I know exactly what you mate, when I was in the army we had guys from all over the country, it was a real mix up of accents and dialects. After a very short period we each of us picked up different bits of each other and we ended up with almost our own language. It is fascinating to think you speak one way for years on end then change in a relatively short time, Andy must have come across it from time to time as will most servicemen. I think we do treasure these meetings because they don't happen every day, and it's that I think that makes them special. It's strange but I've met a few guys now John, Grant, Anja and Sjors and all are either the other side of the world or across the North Sea, I have builders who live close by who for whatever reason wont meet up, shame really. Hopefully one day given the right circumstances and some great traveling companions I may make it across the pond and we can have a gathering, bit like a gathering of the clan. That's for the future. mobbsie
  21. Just Brussel Sprouts, nothing else, yummy yummy Anja will be pleased. At least until the after effects kick in. Enjoy mobbsie
  22. Andy, I tried your lingo with a stiff upper lip and an upwardly pointing chin, it actually made sense, so there's some olde English in there somewhere, if you try it you'll see what I mean. Wayne, I dont know about Chatham being the same again, I know I'll never be the same. John, I aint gonna bovver wiv ow ta talk proper cos I fink I speek awight. Popeye, It's only this forum I believe makes these meeting's possible, I don't think it happens elsewhere, It would be great if meet's could be set up with each nations members, the logistics would be immense but it could be done, all we need is willing members. Augie, I think the expression tells me " if one more person points a bl--dy camera at me I'm going to scream" It was early in the morning. Mark, You are allowed to move the top lip slightly, "bit like a Rhino eating". It does take a bit of practice. Sjors, Only look at the plans. Have fun guys mobbsie
  23. If you don't mind John I'll stick with the common version, being working class I aint refind like what you Hausteralians is. mobbsie
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