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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by mobbsie

  1. Very very nice Hamilton, I just love those crows feet, they seem such a big step in the build. mobbsie
  2. Nice to be doing something other than rigging isn't it and the platforms are looking real good my friend, well done. Soon you will have almost as many holes to drill as you had knots to tie, have fun buddy. :huh: mobbsie
  3. Hi Guys, Thanks for the very kind words gents, with these little beggers plenty of encouragement is always a good thing, they can be fun but very very fragile. :) After working on the main hull which is a real beast they can become susceptible to heavy handidness and so the bulkheads or frames do get busted quite easily. Augie, If I were Texxn and had 7 boats, I think I would look at them as if it were after the hunt, ( all sunk ), 4 is enough for me. :D Pierre, John, Thanks gents for the information regarding the length of oars, I will have to make adjustments because I've made a few amendments to the boats, you have given me a very good guide to work by, thanks. Grant, They may be quicker to build but they are not a patch on yours, sincerely. :) Sjors, Adriaan Patrick, Wayne, Aldo, Hamilton and Jeff, Thank you guys very much for your very kind words. Be Good mobbsie
  4. Hi Grant, Hope your not suffering to much from Navy Day celebrations mate. Nice job on the ( herd ) blocks, the family is growing, well done. mobbsie
  5. Thanks Popeye, Yes the ribs are removed after the 2nd planking, the 24ft cutter, 18ft cutter and the 26ft launch will all be treated the same. The 18ft cutter is only 9cm long so that's going to be a lot of fun. Thanks for asking mate. mobbsie
  6. Hi Guys, Aldo and Randy, Thanks guys, it's appreciated. As promised here are the pics of the Pinnace, the main construction and paint job are completed, whats left to do is the Rope Coils ( Grant ), bucket and when I can figure out the correct length, the oars. Also first planking is done on the 24ft Cutter, pictures show dry fit of the frames, clamped while glue dries and the false keel being molded. False Keel fitted Internal ribs fitted and painted red ochre Rubbing strips added Deck planking complete Ready for painting the rubbing strips Paint job complete Cutter dry fitted Glued and clamped up False keel being molded to shape So there we are right up to date, second planking real soon. Be Good mobbsie
  7. Just checked in Wes and you've got some lovely work going on here. I cant believe your going to paint that great planking. Seems such a shame. following your build from now on mate. mobbsie
  8. Hi Guys, I feel I owe you all an apology for not replying sooner, it really is unforgivable that I've waited this long. I would like to thank you all for your very kind words and congrats on my promotion, although the latter is for fun only. Popeye, I love your words and feel very much the same, friendship is the highest rank anybody can aspire to and I feel honoured to be called your friend. I hope your cold is behaving itself and that you've at last seen the end of it. Grant, I think I've a long way to go before I reach the great rank of honourable windbag, I'll leave that one to those who deserve it, (you know who you are). I'm still waiting on the information from Bucklers Hard, their being very helpful but it's going to take some time, I gave them a list as long as my arm. Wes, Your more than welcome mate, rigging is a while off as yet though, I have the ships boats to build, 9 sections of mast to build not including the bowsprit and the fighting tops. At my present build rate it's going to be a couple of months. Some may say that's quick but others will testify that for me it's a snails pace. :mellow: :mellow: Ray, Patrick, Frank, Adriaan, Mark, Hamilton, Wayne, Aldo and certainly not forgetting Andy. Thanks guys, the chains didn't go exactly to plan but what does with this hobby, I love the little problems that crop up, keeps the grey matter from turning to concrete, they were fun to do and they really do lock the channels up real tight, nice to know the system works. Sjors, You may call me what you like my friend, but do not call me late for dinner. :D Augie, You're not wrong my friend, Windbag JG is the highest rank we have, thank goodness there's only one at the moment, but I fear that will change in the not too distant future. Anja, Thank you for your very kind words, they are very much appreciated. I will have some pics very soon of a completed Pinnace, maybe later today but certainly tomorrow. Be Good mobbsie
  9. Well my friend you've certainly got those ratlines down to an art. So much better now that you have trimmed the threads. Popeye I can almost feel the tremble of anticipation from here, he's also breaking out into a sweat. Bring your seat and popcorn quick. mobbsie
  10. She's turning out to be a really big bird my friend. B) Looking real sharp, clean and crisp, well done. mobbsie
  11. Happy Birthday Patrick, treat yourself to something nice and have a great day. mobbsie
  12. Hi Guys, You are too kind, thank you all very much for your very kind words. Grant, Still a long way to before that, message sent to Bucklers Hard for the information, hope they can help. Andy, Sometimes to fast, bugger got to start again. Augie, Pythagoras had nothing to do with it, it was all Sjors, he can be quite clever you know even though he is building a make believe ship. Well perhaps not that clever. :D Wayne, Promotion really never entered my head, I was working towards 1000 posts, I honestly thought that was the next point. Aldo, Thanks my friend for your kind words. Thanks again guys. Be Good mobbsie
  13. Good Morning Frederica, You are off to a flying start and she's looking good even in this early stage. Mate of mine had a couple of love birds who had free reign of the house, little devils chewed all his papers up so mind your plans and little bits. :angry: You could teach a few others in this forum about keeping the workspace tidy, I hate an untidy space. Going to follow your build if you don't mind, I'll sit behind Sjors and try to keep him in check and make sure he doesn't drop popcorn all over the place. Keep up this excellent work, and be warned Sjors demands pictures. mobbsie
  14. Part 2 of the update, A guys gotta do what he's gotta do to get promotion around here. Just a few pics of the ships Pinnace. Frame dry fitted 1st planking filled and sanded 2nd planking done, still requires some work. It's quite big for a little boat The frames will need to be removed when the 2nd planking is all complete So there we go, your up to date with where I am at the moment but there is still a long way to go, thankfully. Hope you enjoy the pics. Be Good mobbsie
  15. Hi Mort, I haven't read it yet, I've just this minute bought it from Amazon, should be with me next week, thanks mate for the heads up ( no pun intended ). OK, an update of the small progress made. I started on the deadeye chains and was going well, busted my last 0.7mm drill bit so had to order some more from Cornwall Model Boats, my hobby shop is cr-p and doesn't carry them, anyway they arrived and I was able to complete them. That completes the hull for now, next thing to go are the ships boats, they will be made but not fitted until the rigging is complete, no point in choking up the working area when there's no need. I have made a start on the 32ft Pinnace, first planking is complete, filled and sanded down, starboard side has had the 2nd planking done but still needs a bit of work. I do have a few pics which I will put up now. This is a method I've never tried before, to get the correct angle for the chains, this idea came from Sjors, and it works. Thank you Sjors for the idea, More to follow on the little boats. mobbsie
  16. Thanks Andy, that is very neat and tidy and nicely fitted. So you may be away for 2 1/2 months, that's a bl--dy long time to be away. Lets hope the leave your hoping for comes off, Your gonna need that time off to recover. Stay warm and keep dry and no going into any deep black holds, at least not without B/A. mobbsie
  17. Thanks Guys, I can breath again, as long as I'm at the other end from those thunderboxes. Always makes me wonder why they called them the "Heads". I think I've just answered my own question, there at the head of the ship I think.? And why is the Poop Deck called that, surely the gratings up front should be called the Poop Deck ?. mobbsie
  18. What a fantastic little sloop, Dan you are to be congratulated on an absolutely first class build. I am in awe of your achievements and skills. If only. mobbsie
  19. Welcome home buddy, Here's hoping they leave you alone so we can all enjoy your superb modelling skills, don't they realise when you get called away we all suffer. Can you take some detail pics of your futtock staves, be interesting to see your process mate. Rest up, bend your elbow then get into it. mobbsie
  20. Hi Popeye, Wow really great progress my friend. She's looking absolutely great, rightly it's what we have come to expect from all your builds. I think I prefer your termination mate " Latreen Spanker " sounds like a fetish to me. :D ( this is to go no further ) mobbsie
  21. Hi Sjors, I'll bring my step ladders over for you when we come. She's growing up to be a very tall lady although I rather fancy you have another name for her. Good job she's a trainer mate, I think your getting all the possible problems in one ship, just think when you come to finish the Ildefonso and Aggy you'll be trouble free. mobbsie
  22. Hi Adriaan, Success is all in the preparation mate and your doing that in spadefulls, if you take as much care on the rest of the build as this then she is going to be a real stunner. Shame about that four letter word thingy ( work ), forgotten what that's like now. Be Good mobbsie
  23. Looking real good Augie, your making excellent progress mate. mobbsie
  24. Hi Randy, Shame about the loss of your computer mate, hope you didn't loss any anything important. Smoke signals shouldn't be a problem for Sjors, makes them every time he lights up, but you are right, what the heck did we do before these things came along and enslaved us. Congrats on the promotion. mobbsie
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