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Everything posted by mobbsie

  1. Very nice Grant, your trials were successful and you have some fine results. I will continue to do it the easy way, buy them. So your going to use some of Chucks rope for your ships boats, with Sjors making the oars for you and Popeye making the anchors that will finish them off nicely. Looking forward to seeing more pics mate, I'm sounding more like " he with no name ". Be good mobbsie
  2. Hi Kevin, A 3 butt system is the number of planks between butt joints on the same bulkhead frame. Mine has only 2, which is not what I intended at all, I should have cut the scale plank into 4 lengths which would have given me my 3 butt, I only cut 3 lengths. A simple error but not the end of the world. hope that helps mate. mobbsie
  3. Sorry Kevin, that wabbit would look better in a pot surrounded by onions and carrots, nice pot roast. What are you going to do with the lids under the chain plates,? will you have them open fully. She looking absolutely great. mobbsie
  4. Hi Guys, OK I give up. Sjors has lost his marbles, Popeye wants a big slice of cake, Wayne's trying to get everybody into trouble so I give up, the Admiral gone to the shop for apple pie, that's after she swept under the fridge for some round spherical things for Sjors. Please don't worry Sjors, you'll get yours. Some pics as promised Bow Catch Netting ( made possible by Grant ) Bulkhead colour scheme ( hope you like it ) This is my way of putting in the calking Adding treenails Completed fore deck Completed aft deck First coat of varnish applied fore deck First coat of varnish applied to the after deck I don't think the 2 butt worked out to bad in the end That's all the pics for now guys, I hope you enjoy them, now for the bulwarks and the deck furniture. If there are any complaints about picture quality would you please take it up with Sjors. mobbsie
  5. Hi Christian, You could do what the rest of us are doing my friend, just melt in the corner or have a beer. Nice work on the figure head and port lids, seriously thinking of the Dianna for my next build. keep it up mate. mobbsie
  6. Hi Adriaan, It seem that a lot of us seem to have an ailment or two, I myself have an itchy rash on my right leg and you don't want to get me started on my busy leg syndrome , I thought at first it was just a heat rash but it's not, it's caused by sawdust. I tend to rub the sawdust of my hand sander on my right thigh to clean out the surface and bingo. That sounds like I don't wear any trousers, but please be assured I do. Hang in there mate, I'm sure all will be well. mobbsie
  7. When Sjors first started driving busses he had a nose bag for the engine and his cat converter was a bucket and shovel for the waste, how times have changed. :D mobbsie
  8. Just a quick update but no pics yet, sorry Sjors. Colour scheme for the pillars has been decided and applied, it is different and the Admiral approves, all will be revealed later.d Bow catch net has been fitted ( thanks to Grant ). Started the deck planking on the upper deck, just half the fore deck left and that will be completed tomorrow, one error which is noticeable but not life threatening is the butt joints, I intended to do a 3 butt joint but without realising it ended up doing a 2 butt joint. I realised too late to change it and the damage to the deck would be too much. It just makes the deck look a bit busier. Next step is to fit the bulwark planking, fit around the gunports, sand and paint red ochre, then fix the upper guns, ships wheel, bell tower, gratings an riding bits, so a little to do. Enough to keep me busy for a short while but I promise I will post some pics very soon. Be good mobbsie
  9. That was a very brave and a right decision to start over with the rigging Robbyn, great seizing your doing there and the deadeyes look super. With life for you as it is right now it's a wonder how you get the time to do any building let along to the standard your working at, all credit to you. I look forward to watching your progress even if it is from the shadows, keep it up. mobbsie
  10. Lovely work on the cutter Peter, and yes you are right mate, you will have to build a support for it and lashing points. Will you be fitting it out with oars, anchor, rope ect, it all helps to bring it alive. Good work my friend. mobbsie
  11. She's looking real slick Popeye, coming along nicely my friend, you have every right to be proud. I'll slink back into the shadows now. mobbsie
  12. Hi Andy, Been a while since I last looked in mate, lovely serving work on the shrouds, your heart looked good as well, pity about it not being right but you gained valuable experience and knowledge in it's making. Doesn't matter how long it takes to do the rigging as long as you go at a pace your happy with. I, like all the guys and gals who are following your build know it's going to be right when your done. Enjoy the summer mate, and have a beer for me. mobbsie
  13. Nice Kevin very nice. Just a bit late but congrats on your promotion mate, seems I have to salute each and everyone at the moment. I found the rudder quite difficult to fit because everything kept moving out of line, what you have done there my friend is a work of art. I painted my straps copper so it's going to be interesting to see the changes. Keep up the great work mate. mobbsie
  14. Hi Ray, Happy birthday mate, here's hoping you have a great day doing what you want to do. mobbsie
  15. Hi Andy, The pillars are etched mate, the colour scheme for them should be yellow ochre top and bottom with black in between, but the whole bulkhead should be black background with yellow highlights. My thoughts are that it would be boring but historicly correct. mobbsie
  16. Kevin, you surprise me, how could you even suggest covering up all that superb work, besides there's no rope to tie the cover down with. mobbsie
  17. Hi Guys, Thanks for the warm welcome back, Hols were just what was ordered even the sheep wrangling, if that what you call waving your arms about like a demented thing from another planet, had fun though. Head rails are completed apart from the finer points, I still have the catch netting to put on and thunderheads plus a few other bits. Upper deck is glued in place but I still have the planking to do as well as the bulwarks. I have done the Poop deck screen bulkhead and dry fitted it, I have left the pillars unpainted and just put some tung oil onto the wood, I would be interested to know what you think about the pillars, they should be painted I know, but good or bad please let me know what you think. Same goes for the balcony bulkhead, the pillars are on but not painted. Here are a few pics, not many and the quality is not brilliant. Catch net will be placed around the port and starboard wires Poop deck bulkhead with unpainted pillars Balcony bulkhead with the pillars fitted but unpainted So, as I said not too many pics but I hope you enjoy them. mobbsie
  18. Good Afternoon Pierre, Looking at your gun carriages mate and there does seem to be an error with the cut, they should all be square to the carriage sides, looks like you have some filing to my friend, careful though you don't need to take out much. Hope that's a help to you. mobbsie
  19. Hi Popeye, Boy are you having a run of bad luck, hang in there mate it wont last long. Here's a little diddy of an Irishman's Philosophy:- There are only two things to worry about Either you are well or you are sick, If you are well then there' nothing to worry about, If you are sick, there are only two things to worry about, Either you will get well or you will die, If you get well there's nothing to worry about, If you die, there are only two things to worry about, Either you will go to heaven or hell, If you go to heaven there's nothing to worry about, But if you go to hell, you'll be so damn busy shaking hands with all your friends you wont have time to worry. Keep your pecker up mate. mobbsie
  20. Hi Grant, That launch ought to be mounted separately my friend, it's absolutely brilliant, only one thing missing mate, some rope. I feel a bit petty mentioning it after all the superb work you've put on it, hope you don't mind. :mellow: Enjoy the block party my friend. mobbsie
  21. That's a great piece of work there Caroline, keep it up. Respect. mobbsie
  22. She's coming along very nicely Hamilton, well done mate. mobbsie
  23. Super job Augie, all the above superlatives and more are due here. Enjoy the fishing mate, don't get your feet wet. mobbsie
  24. Just catching up Popeye, making very progress my friend, deck and hull planking look great. mobbsie
  25. Nice work Ray, it's very satisfying when it all comes together, well done mate. mobbsie
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