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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by mobbsie

  1. Nicely done Ray, the more I see of this ship the more I'm swinging to make her my next build. Keep it up mate. mobbsie
  2. Hi Grant, I can only agree with what's been said before, great work on the blocks mate. mobbsie
  3. Hi George, Welcome to MSW mate, and an extra welcome to the Aggy club. I have a reputation for being a quick builder but I think you beat me hands down and your making a fantastic job on her as well. Holland-on-Sea, not far from me, might be good to hook up one day and compare notes. Keep up the good work and I look forward to further updates. mobbsie
  4. SWEEEEEET, love that serving, Andy it's real eye candy. mobbsie
  5. Hi Randy, For a first time effort you've done a really good job, yes there are a few problems and I have to agree with what's already been said but give yourself a great big pat on the back. With every ship we build we learn something new every day, it's why we do it. So keep it up and continue to enjoy the journey. Again, very well done. mobbsie
  6. Hi Buddy, That's looking much better now mate, good fix and thanks for the pictures. Frank can be very demanding at times, he really must learn to be patient mobbsie
  7. Hi Ray, Those deck fitting are a work of art my friend, very nicely done. Guns are looking great, good luck with the coils. mobbsie
  8. Just a big difference in the scale, at 1/64 the guns are much bigger and easier to work on. The amount of detail you are adding takes real skill which you seem to have in abundance, be very proud of what you are achieving. I look forward to further updates my friend even though I tend to look from a distance. mobbsie
  9. Hi Hamilton, Boy you know how to make life hard for yourself, you've given yourself quite a task there. Just of the top of my head would it be possible to use 5 amp fuse wire, it's very fine and you could tie the loop which would stay open then pass it through the hole onto your pin cleat, just a thought. mobbsie
  10. Hi Popeye, With your skills mate there aint nuthin you cant fix, you've made a great job so far. You love and respond to a challenge so I have every confidence that this will just be another Popeye triumph. Hang in there mate mobbsie
  11. Don't listen to him Frank, just do what you can when you can, cant be easy mate especially when you have to borrow your own camera. Lovely work on the anchors my friend, the anchor ring should be roped, it's quite easy when you get started. Take care buddy mobbsie
  12. PICTURES, WE ALL WANT MORE PICTURES. Sounds familiar don't it. Good job my friend. mobbsie
  13. Impressive rope work Andy, some great seizing and serving, very well done mate. Have as good a trip as you can mate and be safe, were waiting for return already. mobbsie
  14. Boy are you gonna want a big space to put her, but wherever that is Kevin she's going to look pretty impressive. Cant wait for more updates and to use a well tongued phrase, " MORE PICTURES PLEASE" cant think where I got that from. mobbsie
  15. Hello Pierre / Karin Karin, I would like to be able to help you and I think I can but I will not Hi-Jack Pierre's log to do it. This is not fair on Pierre. If you start your own build log I will be most willing to help you. mobbsie
  16. I'm late as usual, still you'll read this when you get back mate, hope you had a great trip and caught plenty, bet you didn't turn your back to any Mooses out there. I hope you went to a different place where the moose speak a different language to the fish, remembering last time you went they gave up their oldest just so you could say you caught one. mobbsie
  17. Be safe Andy and have a good trip, even if it is for a 4 letter word. mobbsie
  18. Hi Guys, Thank you all very much for the very kind words and encouragement, I really do appreciate them. John, great to have you back mate and thanks for the good words. Frank, thank you my friend, I reckon all our photography has improved since Sjors been around. Mark, I'm really pleased you didn't bring up pies, cakes, marbles, buts, fishing and all that other stuff, and thanks for your kind words, I take that as a real compliment coming from you. Grant, thanks mate, that netting certainly has travelled, and it hasn't finished it's journey yet, some of it will be making it's way across the North Sea. ZyXuz, I used to do my caulking before laying the planks but I found I was not getting an even cover, just have to ensure the pencil doesn't jump the plank or you can end up with a nice pencil line across the already laid planks, I use an HB lead. Peter, Wayne, Andy, Adriek I have made some small progress which I will show you:- Upper deck bulwarks are now all lined and painted red ochre, all guns are fitted and rigged, gratings are fitted as are the ladders, mast bits, ships wheel, timberheads breast railings, barricade railing, cavel cleats and blocks, and lastly the pin rails are all fitted. Some pics :- That's it gents, as usual all comments and remarks are more than welcome. mobbsie
  19. Congrats on your promotion Grant, Capan Sir. Soon be on the dark side my friend with all the new toys ( tools ) your collecting, just mind your fingers. mobbsie
  20. Hi Kevin, Good fix mate, and enjoy the best bit of the build, rigging, I love it. With regard to your gun ports, I don't think it was Sjors who filled them in, I would look closer to a similar build from a guy down under. I wouldn't put a bit of espionage past him. mobbsie
  21. Hi Augie, Does this mean that you will have to move into a bigger cave higher up the mountain, Voldemor has only just got used to your current address. I'd send you some champers mate but I drank it, sorry. mobbsie
  22. Hi Ray, She's looking real good mate, well done and keep it up. mobbsie
  23. Hi Andy, Peg is looking really great mate, in fact I would say it's a complete miracle given the state of your workspace. If you tidied up now and again you wouldn't feel threatened by the Admirals hoover, mind you, you do say everything is to hand, if you can find it. You could always employ Sjors mate, he's pretty good at domesticity, for lost parts on the floor, a pair of tights over the end of the hoover hose. Looking forward to more updates of your excellent work on your rigging, enjoy my friend. Job done Grant. :D mobbsie
  24. There's some good stuff going on here Popeye, I like what you are doing. Soon be on them darn ratlines, ha ha ha ha ha ha :D Be proud my friend, mobbsie
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