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Everything posted by captainbob

  1. S.os, I agree with you about the clock, but at present . . . Mark, thanks for the kind words. Lawrence, I know about one boat at a time. That’s the way I build also. I’m sure the Annie will wait for you. Thanks, Popeye the black paint help to mask the bad places. David B, I agree. It was the lines that grabbed my attention. Now that I’ve said all that, I need to mess things up. I just realized that I forgot the hawseholes. There is extra wood above them and the drawings say they are bronze hawseholes. Now let’s see, first I'll have to . . . Bob
  2. Your comment about a kit becoming the builders kit and not the manufactures’ was right on. Oh ya, besides that, you done good. Bob
  3. But right now it's the fun of making plywood. Bob
  4. Russ, Mauro, Michael, Someday I will have to take painting classes to come up to what people see. Thanks all. Yes the deck is next. Bob
  5. Finally it’s painted. Filler, sand, filler, sand and sand and sand, then paint, mask and more paint . . . finally. Well here it is. Oh, yes. I still need to add that gold stripe. Bob
  6. Thanks Nils, The Lettie was the last of the Fredonia model schooners out of Gloucester. Thanks to you showing us how to build fine models, I hope to dress her well. Bob
  7. Nice. I would probably have drawn the ovals closer together and missed out on such a find and all the fun. Bob
  8. Beautiful! I can almost see her in a full dress of sails. Nice job. Bob
  9. You're thinking way outside the box now. All I can do is sit back and watch your ideas come together. Bob
  10. The small boats are nice. If you get much smaller you can put them in a bottle. The double cloths pin clamp is great, thanks. Bob
  11. Glad you didn't freeze without the oil heat. Must have been hard building the boat with gloves on. She's looking good. Bob
  12. Great work. Will the captains boat have a build log of it's own? Bob
  13. "One never stops learning when it come to machining it seems." You're right, and you're one of the teachers. Bob
  14. Nice eye splice with just the right number of tucks. And it stretched nicely over the thimble. Well done. I've done this type of work on full sized rope and know what it takes, you make it look so easy. Bob
  15. I agree. Most of the boats I build need to be wood. But there are times for brass, and metal ships need brass. My HOGA would have been much better in brass. Bob
  16. Looks good. I'm sure going to use the Dremel collet idea. Thanks. Bob
  17. As always your work is beautiful. One day I hope to build in brass like that. Bob
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