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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by captainbob

  1. Fine work on the turnbuckel it goes well with such a fine boat. Bob
  2. Just don’t forget which edge the frames mount against like I would. Other than that, how do you put the cut lines on the wood? Is it free hand pencil or some sort of iron-on or . . . ? Bob
  3. Next time before you cut out the wood parts put the sheet on a copy machine then you will have a paper master and can make as many copies as you want. Bob
  4. Thanks, Barend, that should be a fine RC boat. Be sure to start a build log so we can all watch. And you might go to the new member forum and tell us something about yourself. Bob
  5. Thanks, Popeye. With you saying there’s no stopping me, how can I lose. Alfons, welcome aboard. With all the nice detail on your schooner, you set me quite a challenge for me. Bob
  6. I used the Hitec HS-785HB drum servo on my One Meter to handle 600 square inches of sail without any trouble. As Floyd said on RC boats most sails have booms, that is because they are easier to control that way. If you look closely on the T47 RC schooner, even the fore jib has a boom. Bob
  7. Thanks Bob. That’s what I expected but it’s nice to know for sure. Bob
  8. Thanks for all the information, but it is the fore topsail that I was wondering about. Is it also lowered and reset on the other side? In which case there would have to be two halyards. Or is it lifted up and over the spring lines, like the fore jib being pulled around the main jib? The rigging of it seems confusing. Bob
  9. Watching the progression of these boats is fun. Hope it’s fun for you as well. Bob
  10. John, it sure would be nice to get then all correct the first time, just once. Pete, Popeye, Thank you both. Bob
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