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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. PS- I've noticed you've moved your photo shoots indoors. Starting to cool off down there????
  2. That's a nice plane Keith. Essex might be out in June. I hear they have over 100 pre-orders. I won't be rolling the next one in until Fall anyhow.....the usual summer activities and then Europe for a month +/-. Too busy! Meanwhile it's back to my 'Block Party'. Where the heck did that 1/8" double go?
  3. The repair is going to go just fine. But we need to work on your nautical vocabulary. Belaying pins are metal or wooden pins to which the running rigging is secured along the rails (or belaying pin racks) of the ship. There will also be belaying pins around the fife rails (near the bottom of the masts) which serve as addtional belaying pin racks. The mystery will be revealed as you proceed !!
  4. Oh, right! I see he has a 1/24th cross section listed? Bring on the power tools!!!!!!
  5. Did I ever tell you the story Grant, about the ancient craftsman who made brass doors for the castle? One day while polishing the almost finished door, his apprentice asked "How do you know when it's finished"? He answered --- 'It's never finished, someone just comes and takes it away'.
  6. Thomas- the finish line is like looking for marker buoys when at sea. It appears as a fuzzy black object on the horizon and never gets closer. I just keep on rigging until there's no place left to belay lines. Should have more yards aloft by week's end. Also still fuzzy on next build but leaning heavily toward new MS Essex.
  7. Deadeyes looking nice and evenly spaced. And nothing like rudder chains to add some 'bling'. Nice!
  8. So you catch 1:70 scale fish using those balls? These details are making her look spectacular!
  9. Andy, I think she's coming together just beautifully. You see her everyday (when you're home) and the progress seems to just inch along. But we here see the results less often and the progress is ----- spectacular. Trust me.
  10. 'Tis your ship, Admiral so you decide who goes where. In my case, the wife is the local Base Commander. We had sailboats for years and she was only happy when the engine was running. Came to the point where I had to play a tape recording of the engine to keep her calm in heavy weather . A sailor she aint !
  11. It is actually manufactured in Germany. We only have one small supplier here in the USA. Probably be cheaper for you to order direct from Germany. http://home.foni.net/~agondesen/left.htm The link should be the English site from the supplier.
  12. As still once again, brute force triumphs over reason. You're my kinda guy Can't wait to see how this repair works out. I'm betting on great!
  13. She must realize this by now. Especially with Sjors standing in the corner wearing the clown suit.
  14. So when the cat is away all the mice move up? Something about that doesn't sound quite right. Might have depended on who was Admiral.
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