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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. Looking good, my friend. Who said you don't listen?????? Nice work.
  2. Yes.....I've had many of those days. Step away from the bench with your hands up, sir. I agree that plan # 2 is probably the way you want to go. I too have had a plan and then needed a new one (or 3). It's part of learning and anticipating. I'm not sure I understand how this happened. You probably do by now. It is often stated here that 'anything can be fixed'. That is true, but you need to decide at what 'cost'. I think, at the early stages in our shipwright 'careers' we all have some 'woulda/shoulda' events. Well, at least I do. The important part right now is that you recognized that something is awry AND that you are addressing it. Hang tough and take a lesson from it. You are already better because of it. Now ----- back to work
  3. Moving right along there, Jason. Yes, you'll have a few pieces of scrap due to those notches.....but you have plenty of wood to work with. I think many of us struggled with the edges of the wood. It's a matter of how much patience you have. I should have taken more time than I did. That said, you can still do a decent job using the kit provided wood. You will face this throughout hull and deck planking. The real solution, I believe, would be to order alternative wood from one of the suppliers on MSW. You might consider an alternate wood to basswood and might also consider cutting wider planks down yourself --- these prove useful in the hull planking. I'm going to consider this on the next build. A kit is a compromise of quality and cost. Overall, ME has done a good job and Chuck's instructions are geared toward using kit supplied materials. In the end (and I'm close now), it all works pretty well. But you'll begin to understand why many gravitate toward scratch building if they are seeking perfection. We are all learning continuously, no matter where we are on the expertise level. The amount of time you put in and where you set your standards is completely up to you. And I'm willing to bet that your port side comes out even better!
  4. Almost done with the entertaining. It's good to have visitors in your own area once in a while. You get to do things you normally don't do!
  5. Hahaha. I just like tradition. Struggle=success (and builds character). I have 2 of those needle threaders ...... never use 'em.
  6. Attaboy Wayne......old school. CA, tweezers and a magnifier (+scissors to keep cutting it back). My kinda guy!!!!!
  7. Yes, those imperfections pop right out. Same as with fairing on a single plank setup. You'll nail it. Balsa is actually a great base to work over and is amazingly strong once it has an 'overlayer'. Adds a lot of stiffness, which is a good thing. Walnut is going to be fabulous. Will make my basswood hull look like an orange crate!
  8. Ahhhh...I see we share the joy of juggling the parrel beads. Sjors has a clown for this. Can't wait to see the macro shots. Stay well, Frank.
  9. Wow...balsa. It's ok as a base but Popeye is right, gotta cover it up or it will 'ding' immediately. I'll keep the King of Cotton busy until you get on some timber!
  10. Hey, we've missed you. Have a safe trip home. I'm looking forward to getting back in the shop by the weekend.
  11. Ron- Your photo just reminded me of where you are. Better finish before it snows!!!!!
  12. This is going to be fun. And the tough part is done......they supplied the bottle
  13. I hate to say it, but a near death experience was worth it for what you've produced. GREAT job, mate!
  14. Thanks Hamilton. I'm still becalmed for another week but as soon as I get the next level of yards aloft I'll try for an 'overall' photo.
  15. Thanks again......this time to Len. (still shaking my head over here)
  16. Thanks for the reply Grant. I'm going to keep my eyes more open as a result. You find out the darndest things on MSW. (I'm down for another week myself. Gee, I miss winter).
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