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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. Looks like the process is going to work. Not really much in the way of springback there. Best of luck on the tighter bends!
  2. Aha. Great to learn something every day with you folks. It's usually the simplest idea that evades me. Thanks Grant.
  3. Thanks Grant for alerting us to the 'two belts of coppering'. Sounds just like what Mobbsie needs!!!! OK, now what's this about a visit. I know Sjors and Anja just got back from Mobbsie's turf. Is he serving free popcorn?
  4. Fabulous Sjors. In fact you've carved yourself a little chess set!!!!!! Queen to Bishop 7.
  5. Contrary to popular opinion, I LOVE coppering, Mobbsie. Of course my ship is 1/3 the size of yours . I overlapped. Being an airplane guy, I respect the virtual hydrodynamics --- so I started at the bottm stern and worked my way forward and up. Makes me sleep better at night. On the keel, my baby has a false keel on the bottom which is not coppered and completely covers the keel. So I set the bottom row of plates on the hull then wrapped them over the edge of the keel so they would be covered by the false keel. OK, so it is rather mindless repetition but I'm good at that . However you do it, you'll have a great sense of accomplishment when done ----- so enjoy!
  6. The dimensions you are working with are pretty scary. Really great thusfar. I hope that little vibra saw works on the frames themselves.
  7. Looks like an interesting project. With 3 builds it looks likes Popeye will need to be concerned about supremacy. I second the motion on installing some proper fillers stem and stern.
  8. Welcome home, mate. The photos you have posted do her justice and certainly reflect the time and effort you have already invested. I'll be dropping by as HMS Victory is, perhaps, my favorite subject. Looking forward to continued progress and your interactions on MSW 2.0.
  9. That's an old trick. That roll of making tape has an 18" diameter . Robbyn --- that fuzziness on the basswood can be problematic. Hope you have better luck than I did. I did try to sand the edges as I went along but it's hard to get it perfect.
  10. AHA- Sjors had come through with what might be the best answer. Didn't realize that bulwark would be planked over. Some glue, filler and creative sanding should allow you to get it smooth enough to plank over and no one will be the wiser.
  11. Hey Popeye. I go out for a sandwich and when I come back there's a new project well underway. Make this journey as memorable as your others!
  12. Thanks Kevin. I know you're out there as I follow your wonderful HMS Victory! Save your money Sherry. Here at the shipyard, progress is not necessarily our most important product. Just spent about 6 hours rigging my topsail buntlines only to discover I used the wrong diameter line. Took a lot less time to 'de-rig' . Now I get to do them again. Is this a great hobby or not?
  13. Tough one, David. Step away for whatever time is needed and cool down. Bending sometimes has to be done in several stages soaking and drying as you go. TMC is right in that solid wood would be better than ply. But I think the real problem is that the planking was attached before you bent the bulwark......and CA was probably not the best choice. One it sets, it's very brittle. Wood glue would have softened a bit. Trying a repair as suggested by Robbyn is worth a shot as is ordering some replacement wood in case you need a total do-over. All of us here know how discouraging this can be. But you will overcome this.
  14. I pre-stretch all of my rigging line Robbyn. Some folks do it by hanging it with some weight attached and just leaving it sit for a while. That works fine but it's too much fun for my cat. So I just roll out about 8 feet, clamp it at one end to a long table, pull hard and clamp the other end. I let it sit overnight then I cut and wax it. I try to see what I'm doing the next few days and stay ahead of it so I always have pre-stretched stuff when I need it ----- kind of like a Henry Ford assembly line. I'm not sure if any of this is technically 'correct' but it works for me. Perhaps some others with more experience (and no cats) will chime in here.
  15. Robbyn- I think you'll like the Morope. I got the idea from Frank (riverboat) and have used it on the thicker lines for my build. The black is nice but the beige is really nice in appearance. It stretches quite a bit so I pre-stretch it. Even with that it still stretches more but it's not a problem --- in fact I think it helps maintain proper tension. One caution- make sure you apply some thin CA to where you are going to cut it or it will unravel at the speed of light.
  16. Looking forward to your Syren Pat. I know she'll be a masterpiece. Robbyn - that would be funny. You on a motorcycle with the SF strapped on the back. Just head due West. When you hit the Rockies, stop and look for the cigarette smoke......that's my place.
  17. More than 1/2 way through the cannons. They look like a formidable challenge. Don't beat yourself up for 'life' getting in the way. It happens to us all.....and we're a patient bunch (except for he who builds on his bus).
  18. You're the Captain, Robbyn. Historical accuracy is one thing but your preferences carry a lot of weight. I think some of the most gorgeous models use no paint at all.....just natural wood finishes. Take a look at the Syren by Roger and then compare it to ----- mine. I tried to follow Chuck's instructions as best I could and I think she looks fine. BUT --- if could I produce crisp woodwork like Roger I would have gone that route. Also, most of the time we see Rattlesnake with a white lower hull. But JPett is trying to lay his planking so he can leave it natural. So think about it. And keep the TV tuned to local weather.
  19. David- don't worry about the time. I'm really slow myself. Just think of it as getting your money's worth
  20. No one likes to go backwards.....but it does happen. Russ is correct --- satisfy yourself. Otherwise it will annoy you ever time you look at her.
  21. I take this opportunity to wish you a good journey on your longboat. With Chuck's design and your skills she should prove to be fabulous. I'll pull up a chair. Oh.....batten the hatches over there. We've had some crazy weather the past two days and it's heading your way. Stay safe.
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