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Everything posted by fnick

  1. Lovely details Nenad. If there wasn't your hand for reference I would think the scale was bigger than it actually is. Nick
  2. Looking good Sjors! Can't wait to see it with all the decorations. Hurry up! Nick
  3. Hi Mike That does look like a very nice kit. I'll pull up a comfy chair and join you on this one! I'm sure you'll do a good job job of it. Nick
  4. Evening all First of all thanks for all the comments and the likes. Finally got round to taking a couple of shots with the SLR. I've sanded down one side and sorted out all the gun ports so hopefully they are all the same size (more or less ) First of all here's the non sanded side for comparison. And then the sanded side. Sanding and gun port sorting out probably took around 8 hours ish. Thanks for looking. Nick
  5. Thanks a lot Michael. Glad you like it. Have to admit I like it too! Cheers Nick
  6. Thanks Mike! And thanks to all who have pressed the like button. Nick
  7. Wait for it.... YYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Second planking is finally finished* *well ok apart from two/three planks to reglue, gaps to fill and sanding the entire hull... Sorry for poor quality pics (from mobile) but I just couldn't wait till tomorrow to get the SLR out and tell you guys and girls Happy Dance Time! Nick
  8. Hi Mike Looking good! Completely agree with you about not settling for something you're not happy about. If it's niggling now it will niggle later when you can't change it . Nick
  9. Hi Patrick Ouch! I feel your pain... . However knowing your capabilities I have full confidence you'll get her back to where she was in no time! Nick
  10. Still cant get over how small this model is. Stunning work Patrick!
  11. Hi Mike No need to apologise. Like Tom said family comes first. Nick
  12. Thanks for the comment Mike. Appreciate it! How's your Pegasus coming along? Nick PS: Thanks for the like as well Nigel
  13. Evening all Minor update but mini major milestone as far as I'm concerned. I've finished replanking what I ripped off last August! Only took me 9 months! A loooooooooot longer than I thought but oh so worth it. So back to finishing the second planking. One band of 9 planks to do. That won't take long right?!? Thanks for looking Nick
  14. Hi Mark You're right. He's only got a "and here's one I made earlier!" ... oh well the thought was there. Nick
  15. Hi Mark Do you have B. Frohlich's book? Might be worth looking in there to see if he says how he has done it. If I remember I'll look this evening. Great work by the way! Your dedication to get it right is an example for all of us to follow! Nick
  16. Hi Mike Thank you very much for your comment! .It is walnut I can assure you . The walnut above the yellow wood (can't remember name...) came with the kit and the walnut below I ordered from Jotika and they do match. However I also got some other walnut (supposedly) that looks nothing like what I'm using now so go figure. I know you can get dark walnut as well. Maybe that's what you're thinking of? Cheers Nick
  17. Hi guys Thanks for the feedback! I completely agree as long as it at least looks like the same species of wood! My lighting setup in my garage ( two fluorescent bulbs) doesnt help show what I mean on the photos. I probably should take some pictures with natural light but UK weather is not the best at the moment!! sure does... it already is Nigel! Cheers Nick
  18. Evening all time for my 8 monthly update . Where does time fly? Oh yeah work, kids, sleep, etc . Finally got one side replanked. I'm much happier with the result. Here's an overall shot to start off with. Here's a couple of before and after shots. and finally Just need to finish the other side and then I'm back exactly where I was in the summer last year! Nick
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