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Everything posted by SkerryAmp

  1. In the world of modeling NOTHING is safe -and anything is considered fair material!!!! -Adam
  2. Getting caught back up myself, and Mark - wow - that is some work on that there ship of yours. NICELY done!! -Adam
  3. Well, my most humble apologies.. Commodore! I was away in the woods with the wife and some friends, beer, lawnchairs, beeftips and my guitar while the great promotion went through. So you are over there.. at that table now. Congratulations to you sir! -Adam
  4. Bob, your connie is stunning. I would love to build that one, but I just have no place for it when done (toooo big ) So I will definately be living vicariously through yours and the other connies that come about. The colors on yours are rich and pop quite nice; love looking at it. The coppering? WOW - I did some on a little phantom, you have patience my friend, lots of patience and it payed off nicely!! WELL DONE SIR!! -Adam
  5. Nice work Bob. I too have become a fan of Boxwood for it's nice crisp finish. Used well on your boat, looks really nice!! -Adam
  6. Wow! The planking came out real good! So good in fact it made me re look at my mayflower and say to it "that is what YOU are supposed to look like!" - see, you made me talk to my boat! Curse you Popeye!!! (Although it hasn't answered me yet, I think it is shunning me). I will put your pictures up around it on the desk and shame it into submission!! -Adam
  7. Rich, Your ship looks amazing!! Love the colors and the work and the guns came out really nice!!! Enjoying following along with this! -Adam
  8. It was strange, shortly after posting that I had a flash thought - "a natural finish deck sure looks nice". Not sure where it came from - but was leaning that way so that way I shall go!! Thanks all for stopping in!! Augie - as you can see I completely agree, and really was the way I wanted to go, I am just very nervous about my lack of skills cutting the planks even along the waterways. I did a test swipe with some alcohol and there will be some "trouble" areas that I am going to have to figure out how to hide when finished I think. Bob - Thank you sir, it is coming out better than I had thought. I still need some practice at getting better fitting cuts but that will come; am trying not to beat myself up too much (yet that is) Wayne - Back when I started it I debated on opening it up some, either leaving some decking off or even opening up the cabins due to the structure of the ship. However, since I decided not to detail underneath this one will be all sealed up. I would like to someday take on an open hull kind of build, I just don't quite have that kind of faith in my skills just yet . Popeye - Thank you sir! Nope, didn't do anything with the caulking, I am hoping, as you mentioned, the stain/wipe method will darken up the lines enough that when I poly over they will pop. Gerty - Thanks oh fellow Bennett Builder: Am doing my best to catch up to you (and +1 for the pats ) Still trucking along on the decking, am hoping (key word there) to have an update before Friday as I will be away for the weekend and no time building or updating until Monday!! So - onward I go!! -Adam
  9. Hiya Sam, Have always wondered how folks go about renovating/cleaning/fixing these ships once they are done, so this will be very interesting to follow along on!! Am all comfy and my popcorn and big gulp - you may proceed -Adam
  10. Howdy Frank! Just getting caught up a bit - good to see you back at it , and a great comeback at that! Those anchors look incredibly well done! The weathering is outstanding. You are a brave brave (and talented) individual!! KUDOS!! -Adam
  11. My avatar is their old emblem from the 70s up until the early 90s or so. The one you put up is their current one. -Adam
  12. Well well well, Hidey Ho Good Neighbors! It seems I have stumbled on a bit of good ole fashioned irony. I took a break from they Mayflower due to the monotony of the stanchions and decided to work on this here Willie. Laying the deck... The monotony of laying the decking!!!!! /sigh. Anywho - I definately have some more on the hull to do, but was itching to get some decking layed so went at it. Very straightforward, the hardest part so far is the trimming of the angles along the waterways, but other than that they are laying in pretty well. I have not decided if I am going to go bare wood or paint the deck per the ship and the instructions. I think a lot of that will have to do with how clean I can (or can't) get the edges for bare wood. I really like the look of bare wood, but we shall see!! Here is where the Willie sits so far, still a bit to go.. but onward we trudge!!! So, just wanted to get up something to say look! I am working I am working Back to the grind or so they say! Until next time! Enjoy and happy modeling!!! -Adam
  13. Ooooh, good idea covering them. Mine are in the closet (most of the time) but I should cover them up!
  14. Welcome to the Skipjack club Mischeif!! And thanks for stopping in =) -Adam
  15. Thanks Frank! Appreciate that. Well not sure if the avatar has givien me super powers yet - does make me feel a little more "me" though. That anonymous little one was making me a bit self conscious I think hehehe. -Adam
  16. Ouch, that is rough my friend - maybe they will bring it back! I know the NFL is trying very hard to branch out into europe, but seems to be a bit on the horizon for that one! -Adam
  17. Yeah, changed it this morning. Figured it was about time - it has only been a year going with the blank avatar and with Football season starting I decided why the heck not =) I am indeed. Been a fan for a long long time =) So it seemed fitting for the season at least
  18. So very impressed with those ratline Sjors. They really look great!! Am working out how to get the gnomes here when I am ready for them - not sure how to pack them for the long trip. Maybe some of those cotton balls people keep talking about =) Well Done sir!! Well Done!! -Adam
  19. Greetings Sarge! I see a fresh new build, some popcorn (thanks Wayne) and some room to sit back and watch the show! Can't ask for much more than that!! Good luck on your Whaleboat, will be tagging along! -Adam
  20. Nice work Max. Regarding the Copper - I actually found just letting it "age" on it's own gave it a nice finish. Didn't quite green out (like oxidize) but it definitely darkened up a bit and gave it an overall aged look. -Adam
  21. Figured it was about time I had some kind of avatar so, being a life long New England Patriots fan and with football season starting I figured this fit for now =)

  22. Welcome back Sir! And all you people moving on to the Commode.. I mean, er Commodores table. From where I sit, it is wayyyyyyyyyy over there. That is fine though - all us cool kids sit over here anyway :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D -Adam
  23. Thanks all! This one is going to be a bit of planning and work as I try to figure out different techniques for planking. So, it is sort of backburnered (not stopped just paused) until I get comfy with what exactly is going on with it. Russ: I will I take anything I can get regarding planking, it is something that is just not "catching" for me and while I can fake it so far with some really good sanding and filling, I won't be able to do that forever =) So right now I am soaking up as much as I can to then figure out what and how to do it differently and get comfortable with it! -Adam
  24. Hello All - thanks for stopping by and for the kind words! @Augie: Thank you sir. I like the color over the pear. I did it on the hatches and it is dark enough to stain the bass and boxwood nicely but light enough to "enhance" the pear without taking color out or tinting it too much. @Russ: Thanks! They are time consuming and oh so monotonous which so far is the only part of the hobby I struggle with a lot and tend to slow down a bit. But, trudging through I am!! @Popeye: Thank you! I did the darker stain on the Phantom and it just struck me as too dark for my tastes, so after playing with colors I came up with this. I like the lighter color although on future boats I will be working to vary a bit so all of my boats don't look the same. I will be doing a second plank on her, I most likely will only second plank down to the wales below the cannon doors. The bottom of the hull is painted so am going to save material and just smooth the heck out of it and paint it up =) I will have to blend the lowest level of planking a bit to make it look right, but I think I can pull it off. The stanchions are still in the works, as I mentioned above they are quite monotonous so I switched over the willie a bit to break from it but will be getting back to it very shortly! - Enjoy! Adam
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