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Everything posted by SkerryAmp

  1. Hey guys, First - thank you all for your incredible patience.. I have not dissappeared nor have I abadoned any projects. What has happened is a combination of Work (promotion, merger, reorg you get the gist), School (finishing my B.S degree, wraps up in September and rather than it getting easier the load is getting heavier) AND health (my wife and I are a bit on the heavy side so have been doing Thai Kickboxing and with the nice weather getting out when time permits: Just got our yellow belts ). Combine those with just the normal have to acknowledge my family from time to time and there has not been much time for much else. I am so thrilled folks are using the database, and priomise updates will be coming. Sygreen - am very sorry, those pages are coming and were on deck but have not gotten back to them. Any way, these are not excuses mind you - just explanation , again thanks for bearing with the delay... but it is not a dead project and will be getting some life breathed into it Thanks all!!!
  2. Larry your paint job is fantastic. Neat, clean and crips - I am jealous!! Lookin snazzy!!!
  3. Yeah, I am just going to sit here in silence and look on with stunned glee. Just so tight and "cool" looking - almost a shame to plank up that art, but am sure it will be even more artful! =) (is that a word, I dunno.. heck, it is now!!!)
  4. Dioramas are just too cool, I used to love doing them when I worked plastic armor and aircraft models some many years ago. Lookin sweet sir! Lookin sweet!
  5. Lovin it Sjors.... looks nice and intimidating - beautiful!
  6. Yep - still alive (me that is). Checking in and hooo-doggie is that one fine looking model you continue to make finer. Love the decking (I am a big fan of Pear) And echo the thoughts on the ships wheel..... spectacular! Enjoy the fishing sir!
  7. Continues to be an inspriation man, nice idea lining those up, they came out fantastic!!!
  8. Went back through and looked over the evolution of your build and you really did an outstanding job - can't wait to see where you go next =)
  9. Augie, Augie, Augie - HOLY COW!! I agree with Edmay, but let's see if I can help here. Your masterful build shows your methodical and apt attention to detail which comes through in your skillful work! In otherwords.. DAMN sir, that is ONE fine looking ship!!!!!
  10. Version 2.0 is certainly coming along incredibly well, nicly done!
  11. John your ship continues to shape up and look fantastic!! Enjoy your trip!!
  12. Sjors that is an amazingly good looking vessel. Such an awesome job you have done on it!
  13. Thank you sir, and yep.. that is exactly what I am thinking Thanks Augie, I keep telling myself ratlines are just another project but boy if isn't daunting - I see such awesome jobs on them and just get shaky thinking about it - but I will overcome and adapt! Thanks Mark, nope, no holes in this keel - going to build a cradle, the little pedestals just seem to tempting to fall over. So some good solid cradle work will make me feel comfy Oh hex don't know it. Getting ready to settle in with some pizza and get comfortable on the edge of the lazyboy. Not planning on a relaxing night but hopefully the boys can pull it off! (I think they have a good shot at it)
  14. Well, leg is coming long - can move around a bit better in the work-area so started at the Mayflower - still not 100% but slow progress is better than no progress =) I didn't do stage shots =(, just kind of as usual got going ad wrapped up a part and snapped a couple of pics. The latest addition is the foremast. Built pretty much 100% by the instructions so not much insight to put in on this one. Although I did get a little messed up in that the plans looks like there should be a couple of dead-eyes under the crows nest on the cross beams, yet I could not see anywhere they seemed to be actually used ? SO that was a tad of a quandary.... I haven't mounted the foremast quite yet, it is just wedged into the fore mast hole and will be glued in place once I am sure those dead-eyes are not in fact needed or used. ONE tip I can give, try to drill the mast holes early. I lost sight of them a bit and ended up drilling the holes after I had finished up the hull, deck and fittings. Going at the deck with a Robbe power drill was a bit of an anxiety inducing moment for myself AND the admiral who exclaimed OMG! WHAT are you DOING??!?!? Anyway, here is the mayflower with one foremast ready to go. By the way, I am okay with this pace for now.... the ratlines terrify me! Happy Modeling All!
  15. Thanks Dave, there is a reason we are doing it together - get in shape, and if she is doing I kind of HAVE to in order to defend myself Thanks for the good word.... after catching up on all the great builds I am going to be seeing what I can do tonight to organize things to get at them a bit better and get some stuff done! Thanks Augie, I can say during the pats game my leg did not hurt at all - at least didn't notice it with the stress and chest pains through the whole game ...what a game. Thank you much! Will be seeing what I can do tonight to get working again with minimal movement I saw that in your log - the britannia ones are "interesting", after seeing your mad scratch-building skills I am sure your home made nests will be MUCH better! Thanks Denis, she isn't so much learning to kick, but to kick harder and more efficiently ... that makes it much much worse!! I am going to make a concentrated effort to get another update very soon once I rearrange the work area a little bit Aye aye! That is the plan Pat - looking at all the great work being done and then staring at my builds sitting there near pining for the fjords I have to figure out something soon or I think I will go nuts!! Thank you DC, much appreciated and much agreed - this thing can't get better fast enough
  16. Wowzers, great job on the capstan and pumps. My pumps are okay, but I am thankful my capstan is partially hidden beneath the deck, it allowed me to turn it so only the good side showed . The one you made though I would proudly display!! NICE job!!
  17. Too funny Rich, my wife makes jewelry herself and more than one occasion I have leaned over and said..Hmm, those are interesting - can I try those a sec? Now of course she has learned - yes but am I getting them back or should i just order another one? heheeh Get a lot of great tools and ideas from all over =)
  18. Caught up again, great save on the paint job really came out nice (that Tamiya tape is a great great thing!!). Love watching this come together, the colors are superb and make it such an interesting ship! Nice work!
  19. Wow, I mean.. just Wow. TWO of em..... TWO of em and mine is sitting there staring at me waiting for me to get back at it. We Dave, your work continues to be fantastic and just so clean!!! I think I am going to have to have the admiral help me move some stuff within arms reach and get back at it!! Inspiring and amazing Dave!
  20. Playing catch up again but Rich, everything is looking fantastic!! Great job on the base, the lines are falling in nicely - really love what you have done with this build!
  21. Well, post happy holidays to all! Still around and hoping to get back to the Mayflower soon. I got very wrapped up during the Thanksgiving through New Year stretch (get it, wrapped up! hehe, I crack myself up) and then... /sigh.... got knocked out of commision for a bit new years eve. See,the Admiral and I decided it was time to get active and get in shape. So, we signed up for a Thai Kickboxing class. Really good stuff, but boy is it rough. Anyway, her and I were practicing Knee Strikes on New Years eve and I went ahead and tore my calf muscle. You would think being laid up and not able to walk around would give me TONS of time to work on things like ships, but moving around the benches and getting this and that is not happening =(. So, will be a bit, but wanted to do the customary update that I have not indeed fallen off the earth. Will be catching up on the great builds I have been following tomorrow, I see a TON of updates to catch up on! WOOHOO, good stuff!
  22. Very nice! I really like the looks of the aftermarket woods (box, pear etc). Nice crisp lines and good color.
  23. Larry, things look great so far - I don't think you will be disappointed at all if you go with Chuck's stuff. I have his lines and hooks and they are great!
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