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Everything posted by SkerryAmp

  1. Sheesh look at you, ratlines, full sails, that there looks like a SHIP!!! Outstanding job Sjors, really magnificent model you have going on.
  2. Definately a right move upgrading those cannons, boy what a difference huh? Those should look real good when you get them all painted up. I like the idea of adding the touch of blue - will be looking forward to seeing how they come out (am sure they will be faaaantastic!)
  3. Looks really good so far, those first planks are pretty important and yours look good. Mine were just a HAIR off and caused me great pain!! lol. Enjoying your work!
  4. So, will have updates very soon - hopefully tomorrow. However, in the meantime I did throw some pictures of the Mayflower II up for folks to look at (should you wish to) ... yes, shameful plug It was a fantastic time and very interesting!!! The rest of the pics can be seen in the topic http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/8442-mayflower-ii-plymouth-ma-pics/ Until later ENJOY!
  5. Well, it is for a good cause so the time away is well spent... besides, gives me a slight chance to catch up on mine - make up for my lost time being sick!!
  6. Dennis, really dig how you can envision and create - it is absolutely inspiring. Wish I could do that! I need plans and step by steps!
  7. Thanks Dennis! It was a great time - in fact didn't miss the work bench once the whole time so that says a lot! Of course, now home.. catching up on the stuff I fell behind on while sick - NOW want to get back to the bench. Been doing little bits when I can steal a moment but a good run is coming soon.. I can feel it!
  8. Thanks Augie!! Ugh, I dunno... we both finally got over "sick" just before heading out, but neigher of us have ditched the cough, really getting annoying and takes a lot out of you coughing so hard so often... not fun!!! BUT - helping me quit smoking SO that is good I guess =) And yep, Syren is on it's way - well, whenever it gets off backorder .. so that is one off the wishlist and into the closet! May even try to get some wood upgrades from Hobbymill before he closes shop (May even have to bug you to get insight into what you picked up )
  9. I agree Mark, nothing bad to see in that macro shot - just incredible workmanship!!! And I just want to add to the LOVE the tunnel shot - that is fantastic!!
  10. Just a quick update for tonight, I went through and put the OcCre information in, so another vendor is in the DB!! Current list of logged kits as of today. Aeronaut: Data Entered (incomplete due to source data issues ) A.J Fisher: KIT Data Complete Amati:Data started Artesania Latina: Data Complete Billings: Data Complete Bluejacket Ship Crafters Inc.: Data Complete Caldercraft:Data Complete Constructo:Data Complete Corel:Data not started Dumas: Data not started Dusek: Data Complete Euromodel: Data not started Krick: Data not started Graupner: Data not started Mamoli:Data started, test entries only Mantua Models UK:Data not started MarisStella.hr: Data not started Midwest Prouducts:Data Complete Modeller's Shipyard: Data not started Model Shipways:Data Complete New Maquettes: Data not started OcCre: Data Complete Panart: Data not started Robbe: Data not started Sergal: Data not started Soclaine: Data not started Victory Models: Data not started
  11. Thanks Mark, it is indeed - slowly but surely. Pops has been a big help in getting data in so that has made things a bit quicker =)
  12. Sjors, what can I say that hasn't been said already - your work is fantastic and she is absolutely wonderful to look at!!!
  13. Hey All, Just stopping in to give a quick status update. Having spent the last few weeks in various states of "sick". The admiral and I played a little bit of pass the cold back and forth and then mine decided to give up and just settle in and turned into a little bit of pneumonia so have not really had it in me to post and stuff - but will catch up on those. So I have been spending far too long "spent". Little bursts at the bench though and will have pics and stuff next week when I return. Today is the Admiral and Mine 10 year anniversary so we are headed down to Plymouth MA. Going to spend the weekend at King Richards Faire, Plymouth plantation and then swing by the Mayflower docked down there. Also just had to share that while her and I don't typically do anniversary gifts, we decided for a 10 year we would - she got what she wanted and she gave me a heads up that apparently there is a Syren in my future . Good stuff good stuff. So, I will be returning Sunday and will have the pics of what little I have done over the last few weeks up and posted Sunday Night / Monday. Until then, Enjoy All!!!
  14. Thanks Russ, that was a little trickier than I thought - still need to find a nice easy way to taper masts and what not - did the drill method but still a little on the iffy side. Thanks Popeye, After having time to look at it the finish has tapered down a little bit so doesn't look so bad now. First couple of days it was a big glossy ship, looked like somebody super turtle waxed it! Luckily it did even out and settle down so I feel much better! Good point. I really should do something about the clutter shots - the admiral actually has a photo box she used for her jewelry and stuff when she sold things on Etsy, maybe I will try that out =)
  15. And to that! We have updated data for Dusek And Caldercraft added to the list. HUGE thanks to Pops who has been scraping data for me to import into the system. HUGE help and much appreciated. I have been working on some tools on the backend to make some things easier. One addition that will be coming shortly is a price range. Not 100% sure how that will be implemented yet, most likely a range so as not to locked into specific data that may change. The idea is to help people again look for ideas and is not meant to be a taken as a promise of price.. that will be made clear once that data goes in. Also just about done wrapping up the page for the kit information. At which point will move some data from the front list and leave it to the detailed information page. All on the way as well as more kit information. According to the stats folks are still using it and looking at it, so that is fantastic! And again as always thank you for your patience =) Current list of data and status Aeronaut: Data Entered (incomplete due to source data issues ) A.J Fisher: KIT Data Complete Amati:Data started Artesania Latina: Data Complete Billings: Data Complete Bluejacket Ship Crafters Inc.: Data Complete Caldercraft:Data Complete Constructo:Data Complete Corel:Data not started Dumas: Data not started Dusek: Data Complete Euromodel: Data not started Krick: Data not started Graupner: Data not started Mamoli:Data started, test entries only Mantua Models UK:Data not started MarisStella.hr: Data not started Midwest Prouducts:Data Complete Modeller's Shipyard: Data not started Model Shipways:Data Complete New Maquettes: Data not started OcCre: Data started, test entries only. Panart: Data not started Robbe: Data not started Sergal: Data not started Soclaine: Data not started Victory Models: Data not started
  16. So, vacation was a blast - Hershey park is a lot of fun if you have not been and like amusement parks I think it was well worth the time and money spent! Although - 84 through Connecticut is a bit of an anxiety trip . So, got home last night and just kicked back and decompressed a bit. However, as a tradition started many moons ago I always take one extra day from work upon returning so spent today back at the bench!! Next up was the bowsprit. Between the plans and the great instructions it was pretty much straighforward and easy peasy. Although tying the gammoning was a new experience and I spent a good amount of time learning to use two tweezers (didn't have to do that on the phantom). So, started with an acceptably sized dowel.... It was then time to taper it. Since I do not have a wood lathe (Although after this I am thinking I may look into one, Harbor Freight had a cheap one, may see if that one is any good) I went with the drill method. Used a small piece of cloth to protect the dowel end and chucked that puppy up and got ready to go! Using 80 grit sandpaper I fired up the drill and started to slowly sand it away. I varied the pressure from the base to the tip and after a little while (and a battery swap) I got it to size per the plans. One big tip doing it this way, wear gloves! That sandpaper gets VERY hot and it gets very uncomfortable and the potential for a burn is pretty good. I had debated on whether to drill the hole and let the gammoning do it's thing, but ended up opting for cutting the correct angle and gluing it to the bow. So created a small tenon for that effort. Next up, add the chocks and cleats. Those were pretty easy, not totally sure I got the alignment dead on but I think I got it acceptably close. The chocks were just small rectangles cut rough and then filed to shape in place. A quick coat of stain and the bowsprit was mounted and the gammoning tied and this step of the masting/rigging is done! One small issue that did show up is that apparently when I sealed it I messed up. I discovered how bad an idea that was after taking the pics and wondering what all those little white dust spots were all over the ship. They aren't there in person. However, after closer inspection the specks are the shine from the sealer. I thought I had grabbed satin, but no no no. I grabbed GLOSS, and HIGH GLOSS at that. So, I have to get some satin sealer and redo that, so please ignore the speckle effect, it isn't there to the eye, but the camera gets it due to the finish - It kind of made me Tomorrow night it would appear that next up is to work on the main masts, so looking forward to that!!! So, until later - enjoy and happy modeling!!
  17. Ahh Gentleman I very much appreciate the kind words, I am slowly working my skills up. I have tried doing bigger but they more often then not come out blurry, plus if I get to big you can see alllllllll the booboos and the illusion would be shattered . I will work on it though. Thank you Dave, much appreciated as I watch yours progress YAY Gerty! Thanks for stopping in again - appreciate it, and thank you! Thanks Dennis, the vacation was great! But would be lying if I didn't admit to spending some brain cycles on what I was going to do when I got home Ohh Sjors my friend, if you magnify it you surely would see dust - dings and other mishaps - but getting there, getting there...learning through every mistake, twitch, nick and oops! And yes.... Ratlines!! My time away has come to an end... and as such - back to the bench!
  18. Excellently coming along Popeye - can't wait to see how it comes along. When your details start popping out - always a great surprise!
  19. Hey Cap'n! Firstly - Thank you! It is a fair amount of work and I don't get to it as much or as fast as I like due to several projects and commitments going on, but it is coming along! So appreciate the good word. Secondly - Not in any way that I know of. The project is being done somewhat independent of MSW yet intended solely for FOR MSW as a way to participate and give something to the efforts of such a wonderful modeling resource - being new to the hobby I am low on information to bring so I bring other skills and talents
  20. Such incredible work - can't wait to see her rigged up!
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