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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. you've made a lot of progress since I last looked in. kind of a silly question, but why are they called ceiling planks......you walk on it.....it's a floor, in reality. very nicely done....looks great glad to hear your admiral is doing better.
  2. she's a nice looking boat. very good of you to show how you made 'er R/C. I think lots of folks will be interested 1:30 scale .......must have been tight
  3. OK Piet........that makes all the difference! I didn't think you do a miniature of a sub you did so well still don't see her in you sig. thanks Zoltan......the project is going much better, now that I have some control over the scale. thanks for the good word the one thing I like about the new changes, is that when you make a post, and forget to hit submit......you don't lose it I'd kick myself, if I wouldn't end up throwing my leg out of joint! I didn't do much with her today.......planking the deck on the Boulogne. taking care of that dog's body of a deck.......once and for all! I have three projects on the tables at the moment. hey Marc! building the Cutty twice helped out with the masts......I do have to add the metal fittings and stuff though. the kit isn't too bad....now that I have a firm direction as to the method of assembly. the rest of the build will be scratch built, along with a few more alterations I'm going to make. I found another set of ship's boats.......these are clinkered. I'll order them the same time I get the additional belaying pins. the anchors, I will get from Cornwall {amati}. I'm glad your enjoying the build thank you!
  4. pardon if I don't like that.........glad your back though. sad to hear things went less than perfect.....but I hope your reaping some benefit from it. this hobby doesn't favor folks that rush, so your in good company. it's the reason why it's called the leisure hobby.
  5. am I reading right....teleworking........while your recovering?!?! what kind of company do you work for? hope your feeling better
  6. I did wood decks for my United States. I've built several of these kits, and the seams have always been the worst thing to deal with. I've done well with just basic tools.......wood has been no different, although power tools have come into play. depending on the color of the plastic......on the older Connie kits {1st production}, they were tan.........but on the newer kits being produced, I see that they are using white plastic. that is very sad for the techniques used prior. the technique was to paint in the lighter color, then wash over in the darker color......then lightly sand to bring out the grain texture. the tan color of the plastic would show through, as well as the underlying color. my deck parts from the United States are the same as yours...too bad I had to alter them to create the wood decks.......I'd send them to you. the sad part of my model, is that they omitted the wall panels for the galley........don't know why, as they don't impede the roundhouse and extra badges back there. I plan to add them in....but first, I have to get back to the build. it's been dormant for some time now.
  7. you could likely get away with simply using tape around the opening. if there is a lip there {and it appears there is}, you could use something thinner {like scotch tape} for a tighter fit.
  8. awesome! really nice work one of your earlier side profile pictures is kinda cool........looking at the stern, the doors and rooms can be seen. nice view of internal framing
  9. I use toe nail clippers to do a lot of my trim work.......perhaps they might be a help to you as well. they have two types: concave and convex........they also have two sizes, that I know of.
  10. the most important rule about planking.........plan as you plank! ...and boy! you got that covered! well executed my friend!
  11. looks like you've embarked on a fun little project Greg. as with most smaller kits......lots of molded detail. I look forward in seeing what you'll do with her
  12. thank you John and Dave the work week is over.......hopefully I can finish filling out the deck. more to come thanks to all who hit the like button.
  13. great start on her Danny........have you tried to sharpen the edge on brass tube the size of your circles? may help you out......I dunno.
  14. she look'in awesome steve.........the flemish coils came out very nice the anchor came out real good too
  15. if that is Testor's copper......you can use a flat lacquer on it. I use the small spray cans, and I've done it with my airbrush. I'm not too sure with acrylic......you could try a test piece to see. the deck looks good, but try long strokes with the brush...with the grain. you don't want it to look cloudy. good for you to desire to jump back into the fray........ nothing like it in the world to build the creative side. there are many logs here.......I'm sure you'll get many ideas from them
  16. looks good Terry. If I had been here earlier, I might have suggested a 1/2 inch brush, or what ever would work.
  17. hello Piet........I was just visiting the new 019 log you just put up you can count me in as a watcher thanks for the good word!
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