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popeye the sailor

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Posts posted by popeye the sailor

  1. I went on a cleaning spree this morning.  it is confirmed........all of the parts are here.  it went well,  aside from the nose wheel.  being so thin a plastic, a small bit was ripped off the tire half.  nothing that can't be filled......I also assembled a few bits.  first was the rudders,  ailerons and flaps.......the sprue contacts were cleaned up and all the edgings were sanded.  the minute flash was removed.  the seats were cemented in place on the cockpit platform.


    the broken prop was repaired and cleaned up with the others.  it will be given time to dry.


    I did some scribe work to the sanded half of fuselage.  I did cement the waist gunner's mounts in place,  but I might add the window panel and do without them.


    ....and then the fuselage halves were cleaned up.


    the gear assemblies were also cleaned up and the tires were cemented together.  I let 'em dry a bit before I roughed up the tire areas.


    the wings were the hardest to clean.......the halves kept wanting to pop out of alignment with each other.   clamping them the way I did here was the best way to accomplish the task.  the ailerons,  flaps,  and landing gear are all moving parts.........usually,  I don't bother with it.  one of my peeves is floppy parts that don't stay where you pose them......especially if the model is on a stand.  this was a nice kit in it's day........quite a bit of detail considering the year it was produced.  I would suggest that if your looking for more interior detail though,  you might want to go for a 1:48 or a 1:32 scale model kit.   well.....back to my musings ;) 


  2. thanks Blackreed.........the Atlantis model is fairly new.......a recent production of the old Revell model.  this Revell kit here......is old,  but it is in amazingly good shape.  I've built lots of older kits and I haven't had to use anything different as far as glues go.   the one thing I didn't mention,  is with the Warbirds kit,  the plastic is a lot thinner.........other model manufacturers seem to mold thicker plastics......the worst one I've done to date,  is HobbyCraft.  as I mentioned in my last post,  any decal sheet for this model would be unusable.......I learned my lesson when I ordered decals from Revell for the Cutty Sark,  now many moons ago.  even though the decal sheet looked new,  it had micro cracking,  suggesting that their stock of the decals were as old as the kit.  I'm not too concerned about the riveting........most model kits are exaggerated with this detail.  on the Atlantis model,  I actually sanded a lot of it off anyway.....would have been a total nightmare to put decals on a surface like that {unless you want to use a gallon of decal set}. another example,  is the Hasegawa U.S.S. Missouri I have.  some of the raised detail on it {especially the float plane} will need to be sanded off so it don't look so gaudy. 

  3. finding the decals for this model would be impossible.  given the age,  no matter where I got them,  they would likely be too old.  if not yellowed,  micro cracking would have taken over rendering them useless.  so far.......none of the aftermarket sites list them..........but I smiled ear from ear with what I did come up with.  as with the B 17 Wulfe Hound,  the first B 24 to have gotten captured,  was called 'Sunshine'..B 24H-5-FO #42-52106

    1642541882_sunshine2.jpg.25b7816c1c1fa5e20a379cddbf066540.jpg     568795781_sunshine4.jpg.bbe088e09096ff86e9dda2669786492d.jpg


    here's where the realization hit me.........the model of the Blue Streak is a B 24D........not an 'H'.   I'm going to have to see if I can modify the nose {at least}, if I'm going to be able to pull this off.   I just took a little time to look up a nose conversion kit,  but I fear that it's going to be a tough nut to crack :( 

        I do hope I didn't get this kit for nothing.......that would get me the hangman's noose for sure :default_wallbash: 💩   well........I'll show ya what I have so far.  I ordered the decals........that was a feat.  Mega Hobby didn't stock 1:72 decals for Sunshine.......only 1:48.  so I found the Kits World site and contacted them.  they do have them,  so I ordered them......they are on their way!


    I will wait to compare the drab,  so the paint blotches in the decaling shows up.  I also found the story on Sunshine

    The Saga of Sunshine's Forced Landing

    the decaling again is going to make the model........it will go from this:

    1601617287_sunshine6.jpg.65d155d6d54ec5788d13aae9b204c43b.jpg   to this:  704926456_sunshine5.jpg.41abf4fd112a81cb492cdfacb3865552.jpg  or even this:



    when the markings changed,  I haven't found out yet......but I like the banded one better.   keen to note that she kept her belly color,  as well as most of her markings.  I have a little more to show........and then it's back to my search :rolleyes: fingers crossed.

  4. here we go again.........this time I think I can come up with a captured American B 24 ;)   I'm still gonna finish the Atlantis model,  but I'll keep it as a no named generic bomber....there were plenty of them out there.  finding out the futility in acquiring the suitable decals for that model,  I flirted with the idea of getting a model of normal scale.  that proved to be an easy task......this one came up on the radar within minutes......


    it was on evil bay listed @ &9.99.....I ordered it!  thinking that it might take a while to get here........I was surprised to have it in my hands within a week!  the model depicts a plane called the Blue Streak.  I soon found that it is an actual plane,  with an amazing history......

    41-11613 Blue Streak

    opening the box was a bit of a shock..........


    the kit was produced according to the box and instructions,  in 1964......the color of the instruction sheet,  as well as the texture of the paper,  was a dead give away.  the first thing I noticed,  was that the decal sheet was missing.....I would need to source out for decals......second is that one half of the fuselage had been marred by sanding :( 


    I have no idea why this was done.......some of the riveting is still there,  so I guess I can count myself lucky with that.  I can scribe out the panel lines and call it repaired.  the next thing is something I tell any new modeler NOT to do.........NEVER take the parts off the sprues until your ready to use them!


    I can only guess that the parts were bagged by the modeler....but then again,  if that were so,  the decals might still have been in here.  the condition of the box is fair,  but in this state,  unbagged would have stood a good chance of lost parts!  I took an inventory of what was in the bag...........it looks like it is all here.

    landing gear parts.........


    wing parts.......


    rudder,  stabilizer,  and cowl parts........


    aileron,  and flaps.......


    and props...........I saw one of them was broken :( 


    the gear doors,  turrets,  and associated parts seem to be all there as well.   all of the clear parts are present too.




    having been removed from the sprues presents it's own problems.........were the parts damaged in the removal process?   the parts need to be cleaned up of minor flash and edgings,  but I'll know more when I get into doing it.  hopefully,  I won't see any craters or damage left by the sprue points.  all of the main parts are here........this is good! :)   I can deal with the minor stuff.........and if anything is missing,  I should be able to cobble something together without much hassle.

       I was going to dry fit as much as I could,  and then show a comparison of these two planes,  but I'm sure you know.......  there is a big difference between 1:72 and 1:92 ;)   more soon! 




  5. they do have a few glues out there.......JB weld and liquid steel.  the CA would be the cement to use on the plastic and whatever 'rigging' {rope or hose} that needs to be done.   I guess experimentation is in order,  if you have any cast off material to work with.  I just noticed that they supply a drill bit in the parts pile....very nice addition ;) 

  6. that is correct.........as I read,  they were stock.  not to get too far off track here,  the L6 was a 235 C.I.  small blocks were next  with the 283 C.I. {the best engine in my view.  larger engines were the 348 C.I. { you could get it turbo charged and with fuel injection.   the 350 C.I. ,  409C.I. and larger came into place a couple of years later.   what surprised me,  is that fuel injection went back that far.......heard about it { like the maintenance free battery},  but never read up on it.  the kit is in the post.........there will be a log  ;)   I haven't seen the '59 kit yet,  but these kits do not supply the engine as an option.  they only come with the V8......last time I looked in the box,  it had the triple carb set up. I have never seen one of these cars with a V8,  let alone this carb set up {not even four barrel}.


    as for the Liberator,  I forgot that I had found another site devoted to captured aircraft.  some of the plane look quite interesting.......

    Harold A. Skaarup web pages

    ......and for anyone looking at getting one of these kits?

    Atlantis Plastic Model kits Made in the USA!

    ......and for those who are looking for decals...

    kitsworld Model Decals & Photo Etch for the Modelling Enthusiast

  7. blew my mind too Mark.........the things one finds in research?!?!?!


    been an interesting turn of events going on here........the Revell kit will be a separate log.  I found some interesting information to go along with it.   I went back into the Mega Hobby site to find decals.  it wasn't going too good....there are no aftermarket decals for Dornier or Heinkel aircraft {this is where I was going to get the call letters from}.  but then.......I saw them!  there is a decal sheet made by Kits World {warbird} for the B 24 'Sunshine'.  they were done depicting the captured plane.  as I looked further.......I was bummed to find that they were 1:48 scale........noooooooooooooooooooooo!

          I contacted Mega Hobby asking if they had them in 1:72 scale.......they replied with a no....... :(   I didn't bother inquiring about the decal I already got.....my fault for not reading thoroughly.  I did reply to them,  telling them....that's OK......I still love ya,  and proceeded to look up the Kits World site.  I not only found them,  but I found the decals too!  naturally,  I ordered them straight away!  I still need the call letters........I could use what I have,  but they may not look correct........at the moment,  I'm walking on eggshells :ph34r:


    I have the Revell / Monogram '60 Chevy Impala hardtop kit......it's what my dad drove when I was a kid.  on the old Model Kit site,  they have a '59 Chevy Impala {bel-air} hardtop........My mother drove this one {it was her first car}.  I always referred to them as Chevy Bel-airs.   the past week I was bummed to see that someone was buying it..........today I looked and they must have decided not to,  because it was back into 'cart' status.  so after a bit of 'carrying on about it',  the admiral gave in...........but I fear that I burned the last of my bridges.  she was pretty stern when she said....'no more!"


    one thing I need to look into with these two models,  is that neither had a V8 engine.  as I recall,  they both had the L6 engine {I'll have to look up the CID}.

      my dad's car for certain........after all,  I fell on the hood with the tricycle,  piercing the hood and the valve cover! :ph34r:


  8. this has to be the fastest I've ever gotten anything from Evil Bay!  I ordered the Warbirds B 24 on June 29th,  and I got it on the 2nd........just like they said!


       I'm tempted to piggyback the Warbirds kit with this log,  but the model is much more detailed and is considerably larger.   one thing I found that is refreshing,  is that the model depicted is of a real plane!  I also found something that is quite interesting........


    Memphis Belle vs. Hot Stuff: How History Came to Celebrate the Wrong WWII Airplane | Ann Arbor District Library


    it's quite a story........I'll continue with this model soon :) 

  9. that's funny OC......... :)   we were in the grocery store the other day.........we were in an isle with another woman {she kinda followed along}.  we got to the end and I looked up and said something to her...........she complimented us and said that she enjoyed listening {we're not shy with 'cutting up' in any store}

       then I did my Popeye laugh,  and the rest was comic history  :D   since I have gotten my dentures,  the laugh has gotten better........I had  to practice though.......nothing is going to stop me from doing it! emoticones_dibujos_popeye-el-marino1_en.PlanetaEmoticon_com.gif.d5de7f9b5a575172ec98360c301d5f1b.gif

  10. be careful.........your skirting very close to her not looking the work boat she ought to be  ;)    that's what I did with the first attempt on my Lobster Boat.....I added wainscoting and made her look too clean.  a little grime will put you back in the subject focus.    the engine must have come from a 1:16 firebird model kit,  AMT and MPC put one out.....the emblem makes me wanna guess :)  {nice touch BTW}.  I read through your last post and the comment on the windows.  what I do is save the clear cello packaging from products......most electronic stuff,  toys,  and household stuff comes in this type of packaging.

        some of it is thin,  while some of it is a bit thicker.......I've even made use of the formed parts....curved,  cornered........for instances of the more intricate 'glass' needed.  if I want windows that don't 'need' to be see-through,  old computer floppy discs work well for this purpose.  you can even purchase auto window tinting kits that will achieve the same results.  I found mine a year or so ago,  while I was out in the field across the road,  walking Gibbs {have no idea how it got there}.  guess it's the 'pack rat' in me  ;) 

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