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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. very nice progress........must be a dragon morph
  2. the bus looks great very nice detail!
  3. I agree........might get another someday and try something different. yep Larry.....I could have help with that.......I save every set of instructions for this very reason but egilman is correct......scalemates does allow downloads for the instructions on most kits.
  4. a big hello John..........still doing great! the admiral and I are well and plan to stay that way! we have our appointments for the Covid shot, the first week of April. wouldn't miss if for the world good to see you and Pam are ok as well.......we'll beat this darn thing yet! thanks for the good word.......the caps were a small problem....these might not be period correct, but they pass muster with me I gotta find a better way to cut these darn things though........I'm going to try a Dremel to see if it works better. the only thing is Gibbs.........he hates the sound the Dremel makes. we'll see what happens
  5. my apologies John.......I saw your post a few weeks ago. I thought I'd get something done before now, but I never made it to that table {I have three now}. somehow, through my 20 or so active projects {and others I may not have remembered to count}, I finally ended up at table white......a bit of a throw back to Game of Thrones. my two other tables are Table Black and table beech {the top is a 5/8 slab of beech plywood}. I am slowly getting my way....... and my vision anyway.......... most of the playtime was on the Agilis, but some of it will be used for the Clotilda. I did sort out some of the clutter......but it just keeps coming back! as a refresher.......most of the parts supplied in this kit is junk. either they are too thick, or the parts do not even resemble what they are intended for.........so a lot of this model will be scratch. anyone who followed JCT's build of this model, knows what he went through with his. a while ago, I began to make my own mast caps........I started with a few 1/4 X 5/32 for the bow spirits of both ships. but for the masts, I made a different combination.......1/4 X 3/16. I made these out of frustration.......all of the caps I made either chipped badly or broke. so I said the heck with it and set out to make the different size. I really need to come up with a better way to cur these.......I'm using a hack saw along with this miter box I have another miter box for the wood saws.........I may get another.......these do wear out after a while. they are a lot better than the plastic one I started out with {Zona} as mentioned.....the ones in the kit are junk. while I was blundering along with this dilemma, I made the rudders for both ships......doubling up two scrap pieces of 1/16 basswood and cutting them out on the scroll saw. I used the one from the kit as a template.......I would have used it, but it too suffers from the delamination, as all the other parts did when I cut them out. they still need shaping.......and then make the gungeons and pintles to attach them to the ships. the Agilis is to be a brig, so the masts will be fitted with tops. I made up the top for the fore / main mast. I did some reasonable bit of framing underneath. the trees are also scratch made. in JCT's log, a fellow posted a picture of the one he built. first observation was that the mast were too tall in my view, so I made the first and second segments a bit shorter. there is another segment to go on this mast still.....I wanna say its called the top gallant. I know each segment has a name, but I'm not sure of the terminology. I know the cap may not be correct.......but it kept me sane. all of the main sections of the mast have been cut for both ships.......I went out to get more 1/4 dowel to do them all. I still need to come up with a deck plan.........since adding the poop deck. I still need to add the wales to her as well. darn it........I still haven't made the cat heads for them! don't think I'll be using that cabin either.......I'll work something off the poop deck. the mizzen mast is complete except for the crosstree......the fore / main mast will be slightly taller. one thing I forgot was the top for it {I think it has one instead of the crosstree}. the small blunder will not go to waste........it will be used for the Clotilda, since she was a top sail schooner. I guess it can be considered a perk it was kinda nice to be working with wood again.......more soon.....fingers crossed
  6. car and dio looks awesome! congratz on a fine build indeed!
  7. sweet look'in plane....the camo looks great
  8. superb looking model........second a on the oops a I always liked those types cars, but I seemed to lean towards funny cars and racers. tough luck at Daytona......eh Kyles car was a mess.......I showed it to the admiral because she's the M&M nut
  9. I think I hold the record.......I keep trying to get an idea of how many.......but I always lose track then I think of what I have now in the stash....I try not to though.......then it causes confusion and wanting desire. I think that's why we have stashes in the first place.......the desire to build all those models. I guess you can say that I went 'real time' with my desires
  10. coming along great.......I see the research fares well the mods look very good!
  11. being off on a tangent myself, I don't see logs I usually follow...........and the compounding of my active projects, keeps me even busier I was thinking of you the other day....today, I saw your log on the front page. she's still looking good Nils......your doing a wonderful job on her. I'm glad to hear you folks are faring well through all this, and hope you weather the storm { I'm sure things will get better....we will beat the virus}. take care and stay well!
  12. thank you Mike I still have plenty of that paint.....I've been hinting for a PBY so far the admiral is saying no.....
  13. really looking superb..........glad you got the decals to behave
  14. very nice cockpit........quite a bit of detail. really looks good
  15. dunno........I'd love to start the Raben's Ravens squadron, but I also want to finish off a couple of these lingering projects I have sitting around. I think I have at least 15 or more to choose from
  16. your canoe is coming along great! you'll get better with resin work.....soon you'll be a hand at it
  17. very nice progress.....the interior looks super
  18. here in the city, Hobby Lobby seems to be the only place to buy models and stuff. Michael's is getting to be a joke.......their section is almost bare. they must not be seeing a lot of traffic, you can tell by the paints and how separated they are. you have to really stir the heck out of them. HobbyTown is still around, but they moved to the next town....I get e-mails from them
  19. great job on the restoration...... it came out very nice
  20. superb progress........a couple of the pictures were especially cool
  21. I would imagine that there would be ropes to open and close them, just like early ships. another way you could have gone, was to do them as shutters, one on each side.
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