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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. I'm not really sure Kevin.......drills like aluminum, but I'm sure it's a tin alloy. it's likely no different than some of the metal fitting normally found in most kits. all I know is that it doesn't take to solder very well. it does need some general cleaning though......some flash and mold lines. if you like, I can snap a picture of these metal parts, and show you
  2. I thought I had downloaded the instructions for her.........realized later that I had printed them. your referring to fig.4........the curvature of the bow does look like the planks need to be tapered, to get the contour of the hull sheer. if your able to create the curvature, as you have started it already, then I don't think I'd worry about it. looks pretty good so far
  3. I can't believe it's been this long already! what a PUTZ I am........ I've been meaning to get back to the Vendetta.......it's carefully stored at the moment. Greg and Carl already have theirs done......I took tomorrow off........I'll see about pull'in her out and assess what I need to do to finish her. I'm a lager kind of guy
  4. doing that, the only thing you'll find tedious, will be the pillars. for an easy out, trim the pins off the tops of the pillars. cement them in place so they stand perpendicular and straight. when you add the spar deck, just glue around the edges of the deck....don't worry too much about the pillars {unless you want too}. you won't be doing anything too stressful on deck to matter much it does build into a nice model.
  5. sweet look'in wagon .....the canvas will look cool
  6. looks really good .....De Havland comes to mind.......
  7. I kinda chuckled about the hawse hole........I've built this model already. another person was building it and asked the question about the hawse hole, and I told him the same thing I built mine as the Jolly Rogers, but it can be morphed to be the Le Flore, just like the Capt. Cook kit can be morphed into the Warppen Von Hamberg. there are a few flaws with this kit.....the biggest one is the gun deck not lining up to the gun ports exactly, when the two decks are assembled and fitted into the hull. I think I did a log on her......not the Le Flore, but the assembly is the same. I also have the Flying Dutchman glow in the dark model......not that big of a hoot other than the deck issue though, it is a fun model to build. are those 1:96 scale blocks? I did the same thing you'll like the way it comes out
  8. I don't believe I've ever seen that kit by Billings before.....has to be an older kit, likely not laser cut. I've gotten two Nordkap kits in the past......the first one I've built, and the second one I'm building as the Progress, a spin off of the Nordkap and produced around the same time { actually, I think one was a bit older}. older Billings kits did not come with the fittings......they were purchased separately. but chances are, that someone started to build it and gave up........hence the other missing parts. if you have the instructions, I'm sure that there are pictures of the parts panels........you could blow them up and scratch produce your own parts. I do that with the spent parts panels ......I save them {try my damndest not to damage them}. this engine looks very interesting.......can't wait to see what it looks like if you could post a picture of the lugger's box, that would be neat
  9. well......it's accomplished......we had our first dose of the vaccine! I got a little dizzy around supper time, but so far, so good the admiral has been fine. keep at it Jack......you'll get one soon don't know about that CD.......she's still an ugly duckling to me she won't start looking good, till I can finally get some paint on her. with all that's gone on today, all I've really been able to do, is some work on the cannons for the Agilis. thanks for the good word and the likes....more soon good you got it......live long and prosper
  10. that's in the plans Ed.....although I have no templates to work with. I don't think it will be too big a task......I've got plenty of material
  11. your progress look super.......and YEA....the Nashville kit looks really good. I'll go one better Mike.......I won't go to that site, knowing how gullible I am {the admiral would kill me}
  12. thanks all.......we even have our second dose date........did it all with one phone call. although, I don't know why the WalGreens on Varney St wasn't in the schedule for us.....we are a couple of blocks from that Pharmacy. the one we're going to is just across the river........had I known. we were there yesterday and the girl behind the counter told us they were doing it....heck, they just finished off a small room off the pharmacy for just this purpose. hey....I'm not going to quibble....we're getting it......that's all that matters thanks John.......so, you didn't know about this one? me.......with my umpteen projects....I think all I need now is a sub build, and I'd be full circle it's gonna be slow at first, so you won't miss much. once I can get the rest of the hardware I need, and can install the props and rudders....then I can get the hull resin coated and the sheer on. so glad to have you aboard John thanks Egilman......I hope you've gotten your shots too.
  13. good news Ed and all look'in in..........we got moved up! I took last Saturday off......odd but with good reason. I took a call from the folks who schedule the Covid shots 'round these parts and asked if I would like to move my date up.......I said sure! he gave me tomorrow as the new date 2/26/21.......and while I had him on the phone, I asked about getting the admiral's date moved up as well. he checked and her name was on the list too........so she's getting hers right after me I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!! we're still doing all we can to stay safe you can see the angle that the shaft is at when it gets to the hull. this needs to be correct.......fingers crossed I've also been doing some look'in 'round for hardware....looks like I'd be better to order another dumas running hardware kit and a pair of 30 mm {1 3/16 three blade} props. I did find a different kit......but I don't feel like shelling out $155.00. the set up I'll be doing will cost $122.00 before all is done as it is I made a small bit of progress.......the gunwales and clamps are done, and I added reinforcements for the shafts and rudders. now I gotta get the budget directors Ok to order the stuff I need. the starboard gunwale was the first strip to add to the hull......I started at the stern this is a 1/8X1/8 strip...goes from the stern to the bow. this in total will add 1/4 to the deck surface, which is good......the sheer panels appear to be larger than the existing surface. I was getting round to the bow however, and the strip broke........just couldn't navigate the curvature. so I cut off the bad part and prepped it again, to receive a section. with that fixed.......I soaked the section in warm water and bent it slightly, the clamp was added below the gunwale. it doesn't go all the way to the bow. the port side gunwale faired better......I soaked that strip's end before gluing it on. the clamp was added to the port side after the gunwale had dried. I didn't snap any other pictures than these. looking at some of these pictures, you'll see the stern and the protrusion at the top. I dry fitted the sheer panels and found that this will need to be removed, or else the sheer will stick out past the bow.......not a super big deal. I was wondering about that anyway....I'll just cover the seam with a 1/8 thin strip {it's all good } now would be a good time to line off the rudder holes and the shaft bracket position and hole. as said, I added some thickness to these areas, so when I do drill the holes, there will be some meat there. templates are the next thing on the menu
  14. everyone has something to offer Tom..........even in planking help is only a picture away. glad to hear your doing OK.......there are other good glues that are comparable to CA........tite bond might be good to use. I know.........the fumes sometimes gets to me too.......makes my eyes sting a bit. hope to see more......I'll try and check in more often
  15. hello Per.......catching up on your progress I wish I had checked in sooner......I use a variety of acetate for glass......I've even used the film out of floppy discs. my favorite though comes from the plastic packaging that a lot of products come in these days....you can harvest a lot of flat pieces, but if you need a special curved piece, what you need can be found there too. there are a few products out there, but what I use is Testor's window cement and maker, which works well for port holes. it dries totally clear so you can't see it when gluing a window in place. I'm a brass fan, but I do agree that the blackened belaying pins look better. tarnish will occur if you have high humidity or haven't got the model in a case. every once in a while, you may find bags of silica in boxes....keep 'em . if you have your plans and stuff in boxes throw 'em in with 'em.....it will help preserve them from humidity. your progress looks very good.......
  16. hey there bud! pretty good soldering on those collars! sorry to hear of your problem......glad though that it hasn't stopped you for very long. for your mast dilemma, look up other like ships.......even pictures can give you ideas. I'm not up on this brand of model, but I do have the Billing's Bluenose plans. I'll give them a look over.........cross trees and spreaders.......you should also have caps for the tops of the mast sections. do taper the topmost section, but the first and second sections, you can get away without, unless you need to fit parts, like the caps I looked at the Billings plans, but they don't show what I want to see.......I know I have another sheet somewhere. I did find some pictures for you to see your not too far off the mark........keep up the good work
  17. Billing is usually pretty spot on with their mounting holes........I have the general diagram for R/C. if this is be a static model, it shouldn't matter.....the shaft will need to be at this required pitch, going through the hull. browsing through the shape ways site.......you could go with the mopar hood scoop. should look rather neat does the kit still supply .05X25X550 mm mahogany strips for the hull? I got a pack of them when Tom closed down Billing USA....I figure they are in this kit
  18. wouldn't you run too, if you had this huge color mop coming at you?!?!?!
  19. she displays nicely .....sweet looking ships! there are a lot of models that seem to be missing something, if done out of the box. it also depends on the modeler, just how far he or she is willing to go. covering your model in wood sheet is a very good method.....you not only saved yourself from having to smell that god awful 'dope', but you were able to put your own personal touches to the model. I covered mine with the tissue, but I sealed the skin with diluted white glue, instead of the dope. it was done in a couple of coats......it also tightened the skin as it dried. a couple of coats of paint later, and that's the process. I've got a Fokker Dr1 in the closet....to the point of sanding before the tissue. they can be fun to build
  20. .....so there's still more to this story........but you are finished with this part. you've done such a superb job with this project........it is a bit sad that only a select few will see it.........yes.........it's THAT good! I count myself lucky to have had the privilege........it truly is a work of art
  21. glad to see it didn't deter you from doing a good job........they look super!
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