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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. looks like a very nice kit......very good molded detail doing a superb job with the PE......something I'm rather new at. I just received my first IJN warship for Christmas, so it will be my first exposure of their wartime colors. I think it's good to show images of the instructions......you may have the English version of the instructions and it will help those who don't. the instructions for the ship I have are in Japanese....I'm currently looking for an English version, if they are available. that.....and it will help those who are confused how the step is correctly done, and what needs to be removed for add ons like the deck. your doing a great job so far
  2. an interesting feature of most waterline models....the bottom is colored differently {usually in an anti-foil color such as red}. looks like a really well molded kit......I also agree about the chain detail. it looks detailed and pronounce enough to bring out with paint. I too have had my ups and downs with removal of molded detail.
  3. I've been looking for figures.........but what I've seen so far are way too cartoony. I know a friend in Florida who is an avid collector of figures {Marvel, DC, Batman.......you name it}.......I haven't asked him yet, but I think he could find them for me. I do have a project on the back burner.......I took some freeze frames of the Sinbad cartoon, of the S.S. Olive Oyl. one of these days........a pipe dream........one of many
  4. I see you've already cut off the spine and tabs....now you can plank the bottom. did you leave a little extra around the circumference at the bow? you can get a more defined edge after the hull is closed up. nice job on the planking
  5. it's not often we see pictures of artists at work the hull looks very good.......you did a great job!
  6. awesome job Kevin........she is definitely a jewel! Dora is such a fitting name for her.......I was gonna suggest BlueBelle, but I figured you'd find one on your own looks absolutely stunning.........and very jealous......my admiral won't do my sails either! congratz on a beautiful build!
  7. no......I'm only planning two screws, to simplify things. it would have been good if these parts were included in the kit, since the kit does lean towards R/C more than static. I don't frequent too many bodies of water, so R/C would be a waste on this one. I do have a kit that has a good head start on the parts {I got it for Christmas}, so it will be my first one. I'll find some place to float her when done. for those who like large models........this one's for you.......at 33 inches long.......the admiral is still wondering where I'm going to display it
  8. sorry to hear you got sick Tom.......good to see you weathered the storm. will you be able to get the shot, now that you've had it already? you've one up on me with the crow's nests.......most of those parts were missing from the kit I have. they look very good......far better than the ones I hobbled together was that vacuum form hull supplied in the kit?........if so I didn't have it. your first attempt looked pretty good...........I'm sure this second one will look even better. this point where you are now, will put you just about where I am with mine. glad that my log was helpful glad your feeling better.......
  9. thanks.....Mog is a lot farther than I am it's slow at the moment, until I can get the hardware installed. then I can resin the hull. getting very close to retirement........I can't wait
  10. the rigging looked sweet Mike........it was nice to get an idea on the gauge of this wire I'm using electrical cord wire for the rigging on the Arizona. it can be a bit unforgiving.......having to work kinks out when they occur. sag isn't a problem...once fashioned, it keeps it very well. I've bought a few types of thin beading wire in the past, that I thought would work......but in application, I found they they would work better on fishing vessels, and not on what I was using it for. I've heard of using human hair.......but I don't think it would last too long
  11. a wee bit further........the antenna was rigged the other day. I got a winding bale of thin wire....thin enough for what I need to do. can't really tell you how thin it is......thickness of dog hair perhaps. but it looks great on the antenna...... I painted it flat black afterwards......I also glued the tiny eye bolts in the dingy.......and that's about what I've done . more soon
  12. the Foster's we get must be different........I find it fairly drinkable. I got one of those mini Heineken kegs in the hallway........I had two, but I drank one on Christmas eve. can't drink it at room temp though........that's how I drink my beers.......I put them in in a cool place away from the heaters. the only time I refrigerate, is during the summer. not much for harder stuff now a days.......I have an ample amount of Southern comfort in the cupboard that I bought a few Christmas's ago.........still haven't touched it the Vendetta is on the side table by my desk.......haven't dug back into her yet. almost there
  13. she finished off looking superb Mike! so much detail.........hard to imagine that they could have so much. I couldn't see myself going that small......I'd likely make a dog's breakfast out of it .......I tend to go the other way. I have the Shokaku in 1:500, and the Missouri in 1:450, that I got for Christmas....I still have the New Jersey too.....I think that's 1:350. to be honest, I'd love to get started on one, but I have enough going on...the admiral would have me committed! how thin is the EZ line? recently, I rebuilt an old clock that we've had since we got married. I salvaged the windings for the motor....I can't even guess how thin this is....... I'm gonna try this on the Vendetta...there's quite a bit here. you built a great model......I'm in awe .......very steady hands!
  14. the doctor's appointment turned into breakfast and a trip to the store. then helping the admiral in making lasagna........with sausage {of course}! very good.......I might add not too much done today....I set up the cannons in a dry fit to see how they'd look. since they don't put out any magazines at the doctor's at this time, I brought one of my ship books to glean over while I waited. still no catheads yet...........I'm gonna have to come up with a windlass for this one. I was thinking about a fore deck, but I may kick it to the curb. spent the rest of the day working on the guns for the 'what if'
  15. yesterday, I settled in at my desk to flesh out the cannons for the Agillis. two of them are the bow cannons from the United States and the Constitution kits that I have. the rest are from the Constitution kit........I won't need them I made up the caps for the trunions {terminology check} from some sheet brass I have on hand. painted the same color as the inner bulwarks, holes were drilled for the eye bolts and installed. the barrels were painted in flat black, and dry brushed with bronze. when finished, I took them into the spare room, for better light. gotta go........need to take the admiral to her doctor's appointment.
  16. toward the end of last week, I got a little bit done........until I realized that I forgot to taper toe top sections of **all** the masts. I settled in doing that for what seemed like the rest of the session.....but then I got sucked into this 'what if...'can I build it' thing {and the rest is history}. what I did get done, was to flesh out the companionway.... ....and then taper the mast tops. they are done and ready for more fittings and yards, which I still need to cut to length.
  17. where did you get the ammo belts? they look really good. I checked out the shapeways site...... PT-Boat by Johndrain - Shapeways Shops
  18. the guns look great! you really detailed them out nicely the deck layout is getting better and better.......
  19. such superb progress on her Kevin.........the sails look awesome, complimented by the fittings and rigging is there to be a bow spirit?
  20. the mahogany that is supplied in the kit will cover any boo boo's that show up. now, depending on the quality of your planking, you may be able to side step that process.........sand it down, add filler where needed, and paint. this depends greatly if you plan to do another sponsor, rather than keep her as the Slo-Mo-shun. there are some pretty neat looking race boats out there...as mentioned, I wanted to do one as an M&M boat for the admiral, but she shot me down {drat......}......different configurations too both of these sport somewhat of a mopar air intake......they have a cool look to them. here's one with an exposed engine........ the mahogany look is fairly common though........here's a Ferrari..... this one is a kit........note the direction of the mahogany wood grain. I get a lot of my ideas looking at images, a good place for added detail.
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