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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. glad to see your recent work Doris. sorry to hear that you were sick...hope your feeling better. again you show us that there is another setting on the detail telescope.......such beautiful work! keep modeling Doris......and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
  2. must have been hard to drill.......and leave such a thin wall! very nice! .......good photo of those shields.....sooooo thin
  3. something like that Nenad, will most likely get lost when you get the deck fitted out........trust me. small mistake, in contrast to what you've been trying to put into this build..........keep going and try not to look back! it reminds me of what I did one time: I owned a duplex.........the apartment next door was empty, so I took the time to make some improvements. one of them was the stairs outside.......I planned, I measured the hell out of this thing, and it came out looking like crap! a week or so later, someone wanted to rent it.......I had to work like a fiend to correct the stairs. I just threw it together......it came out perfect! your doing a wonderful job on this build.......your learning some really valuable lessons here. your next scratch build will be so much better for it.!
  4. yea.......you can't feel that way Kevin, we are all modelers of particular style and taste. I think your doing a great job......no matter where you began on the build. the kit is huge........it looks as daunting, as all hell........ but you know that as soon as you got into it, and began putting 'er together, with everything you've done.........you've felt a sense of accomplishment. that my friend, is what you were looking for.........from the size of that kit.....you got it in spades!!! I'd love to get a kit like that, but the admiral won't let me play with plastic anymore. I still have a couple in the closet....she forgets Hee.....Hee! we have you now.............you will never be free.........bwaaaaaaa.......ha..ha..ha!
  5. hello there Cap'n Jack, planking can be such a trial, especially with this style of hull.......noting the cut of the mid ship. some folks will use filler to remedy the gaps, but it's not a solid rule of thumb, especially if the gaps are small. the hull should be smooth.......rounding at the bow and the contour of the stern. there is a little bulging at the bow.....not enough faring at these ribs, but they should round out with little problem. I saw the problem you had with the bow planking at first.......wasn't sure I had seen all the pictures, so I didn't post. as I see, you progressed much further. .5 mm planking is good........what I did with my Gothenborg build, was to first locate where the rails and wales were to be, then fill in in between. these parts are probably 1.8 mm thick.......this will give a much natural protrusion along the hull. yes, contour of the counter and transom is a must. when you do the second planking, it will go much better for you. I was looking at your decking........is there a gun deck? it looks like there is, but I can't be sure. like mine, it looks like you'll be doing simulated gun port lids. not a bad thing........but they would look better if they didn't protrude from the hull {like mine do} your off to a good start..... the second planking should make you smile
  6. very nice progress John! looking really good with the masting......hope your Holiday is everything you expect!
  7. yes....I do gentlemen.........that's why I took a vacation next week. I won't be back at work until the new year........plenty of time to get them planked out. I appreciate you folks following along....they don't look like much at the moment. the scavenger hunt goes poorly....not a good sign. all of the funding at the moment, seems to be going toward Holiday cheer.......I don't mind though.....as I keep tugg'in away at these bottles...hee....hee. looks like I'll be watching the after holiday sales.......gotta do it though, or I'll miss my dead line. work on the planking has pretty much stopped.......although I may try and sneak in one or two more rows. I wish each and everyone of you fine folks, the best of the Holiday season......and you find your wishes fulfilled in the morn......
  8. I brought out the frame I dubbed Moe and set 'er on the table. with the others nearby, I thought I'd show you a really cool progress report on them. one with the first......one with the second, and the last one with the third procession of planking. now, to continue on with the planking.
  9. sweet looking from here Piet! I mentioned the grain, because in the vertical direction, it's more flexible and you'd get a better curve with the rounded areas with the steps........how would it work out if you were to make slots and push them through from the inside? are there any structure where it would interfere? I would suggest doll house hinges.......but I think they would be too big. wish I could help you with that. Happy Holidays!
  10. I just hope I can plank these better than I did the Boulogne :D a lot less sanding that -a - way! thanks for looking in Sjors
  11. what is that.........a patch in the floor! tax payers good money to have their buildings built........and look what they get :D :D
  12. those have to be some really deep slots, to be a single piece part........usually, it's split in two. are you going to plank it after it's cemented in place? it would be a good way to hide the slots.......by planking them over.
  13. thanks Augie........actually I miscalculated........I have four of these hulls to sand! I did a little on the Boulogne while I had it out. I'm going to need to get a couple more tubes of filler. I use the Elmer's wood filler - natural. it's water based and I thin it down a bit more, so I can apply it thinly...........most of it gets sanded off anyway. thanks for the good word!
  14. me too! I have enjoyed rigging plastic builds.........but this being my first major wood kit.......it's kick'in my butt! I am enjoying it though, but it will be a while though, before I can call it finished. my main goal is still to put as much as I can into her......even though she is a smaller scale, than other folks are building these at. I still have a desire to attempt a larger scale build of her. one of these days...if I can get out from under all these builds. that the beauty of this hobby.....there are so many ships that deserve to be modeled, I'm like a kid in a candy store. that's probably why I watch so many builds......so many talented modelers here thanks for the thought Shawn........I appreciate your following along
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