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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. well! Finally I got to see your entire build log! I tried going through it while having coffee in the morning, before going to work. but I should have known that this would have been impossible to get the full impact! to sum it up......fantastic! you have a lot of really cool tips, melded into a well written build log you shedding a lot of light on a ship that history books give little to.........the extra details your adding really add to the build as a whole. it make one wonder sometimes, where the manufacturers get these people to build the proto types ........they should have just asked us! great looking build.......your creativity is outstanding! I'll look forward in seeing more!
  2. yepper John.......this is where I am........and I am getting bored. I'm going to be switching gears real soon here.....it won't be the United States though........I still have to do some painting on the hull and stuff, before I go cementing decks. but, I gotta do something else, before I go ga ga! glad you like the organizer Bug.......you are correct. there are toilet paper rolls, paper towel rolls.......and the big ones in the back are tubes that I got planking shipped to me in. I used a hole saw attachment to make the wells in a piece of pine board and I cemented them in. all different sizes for different lengths, and the big ones in the back are reserved for the wood strips for the kits I'm working on. I posted some pictures of it in one of my builds. if you would like to see it {if you can't find where I posted them}....just let me know, and I'll post them here. thanks Sjors and John........yup! still planking:)
  3. thanks for all your kind words gentlemen {I think bug has talked with my admiral} :D I had left this hanging...............you know something......I forgot what I left this hanging for :D well anyway........I've had these skis laying around long enough....time to get them on the model. I looked around today for the wainscoting I made for this build, but I couldn't find it. I'll think of something, I'm sure. not sure Daniel.....I put up the sign.......and all I got were these guys.........talk about slim pick'ins......jeeze! just thinking about #9 Sjors...........no.......that's not happening
  4. has anyone ever finished a model, thinking that they could have done more to it? has anyone ever put one aside, knowing that there was something left to do? that is the case here. I have tried to make a decent set of bindings for these skis.....I guess it's not the 'cobbler's life' for me so, I'm going to go with another approach.........make a rack to store them in. I made up the framework for the rack, and did a test fit. after a little sanding, a center divider was put in. this will be sanded some more........with fine tuning to follow
  5. update?????.......................................boy??.........................OK! well, I took this plank and put it here.............and I took that plank and put it there...........it's all very ad - nausium :D :D I did take a few pictures last week........I should have posted them, but i wanted to wait till I had something a bit more..........positive. here they are as of last week. this is the hull dubbed Larry........I've started to do some tapering to the planks. I need to defeat the planks wanting to rise off of rib #6, creating a gap. this is the hull dubbed Curly........as you can see, it seems to want to do the same thing. I may have fared the rib a bit too much as well. the hull dubbed Moe........just sits in the back and laughs. I haven't gotten to that point with him yet, so when I do, I will begin to taper the planks earlier. moving along to the present day planking job........Curly is moving towards becoming completely planked. I'll need to make an adjustment on Larry.......so I halted progress for the moment. it's not too bad though.......after sanding and some putty to fill in the plank lines, I should come up with a decent hull shape. ......still, in a line-up.......they all look the same I still have the United States on the other table.......debating whether to plank the decks or not, at this time. all I know, is that it is not going back out in the hallway. I have other things on my mind
  6. what's this???????......John getting picky????? it's a short walk off a long pier John.......scratch building. you can do it.....after the work you've done on the tryworks.......your a prime candidate! I see so many buy a kit......look in the box......and come up with ways to make the build look better. it's a conspiracy.......launched by the Scratch Builder's Guild they go around.......and put this 'stupid stuff' in the boxes......in an effort to make us all scratch build the parts we need ......but really........kits are generic.......while they turn out to be a fine looking model, there are folks out there {you know who you are} that see beyond the kit. a person built the proto type......but no modeler is exactly the same.......and so, we build the kit the way that we envision it. sooner or later, a person realizes that they've done some degree of scratch building. you've done it already.....build on it now from what I can see.......your well on your way
  7. I still have mine..........after seeing your build, I can't wait to start it armed with your log......I think it will be a lot of fun to bash the crap out of this ship :D I'd start it now.....but if I did, the admiral would throw me out on my ear! Eight is enough! :D
  8. I'm still on the look out Lawrence........always glad to help 2014 has started a bit slow........planking, planking.....and more planking. I'm getting bored {board } I've also been thinking about one of my past builds......I kinda walked away from it, with one aspect still to be done. so, I'm mulling over something for that. with all of the builds I have in the works.......you never know where an update will occur check for scale relation Adam.......it's all I can tell you. another place to look would be places where they sell railroad accessories...N scale, or perhaps a bit larger... you'd be surprised with what you can find. but sure....check'em out and see if they can be used. thanks for the good word and looking in.....glad to see you here
  9. your progress looks really nice........it will get even busier, when you get to the masting and standing rigging very well done!
  10. Daniel........you are just plain having ....too much fun I have an optivisor.......hardly ever use it. we have a discount store where I live, that sells glasses with a variety of different strengths.......about $2.00 a pair. I wear reading glasses with a strength of 1.25.......I also have a pair of 1.50 and 1.75. I have a pair of 2.00.......but I don't wear them very much.......gives me a headache.
  11. sorry to hear about your problems....that's where I've found my wire......at Hobby Lobby and Micheal's. hope you can find the parts you need. your off to a great start with the rigging........I wouldn't be much help to you with the chain plates.......I just painted mine flat black, even the dead eyes. Morgan's looking real good!
  12. looks like a very interesting kit Wayne. what is with the holes?.....looks like they were drilled.....support rods, perhaps. I'll pull up a chair.
  13. it's Sjor's fault.........he let the cat out of the bag :D ..........just a couple pictures of her progress??.......looks like you've done some railing work I've been itching to bring mine back out........what, with the Holiday Harbor planking, and the deck dilemma with the United States.......I haven't had the time to do so {I want to do the deck railings and ladders}. I'll look forward in seeing your first 2014 update
  14. looks like your going to have to get some now.....aren't you I would say just try and fudge it, but with the level your doing the rigging, you'd be just cheating yourself. I am still in awe with your method.........I'd probably be all confused right now!
  15. she also went by another name during that time........Maria Do Amparo....after the storm that nearly tore her apart, she was fitted as a Barquentine. yea......she was a tough old bird
  16. I use 1.5mm - 1.8mm {it varies.....I don't care what the instructions say}.......but I need lots of sanding room :D :D
  17. great job!.......the stern came out especially well. that is one heck of a blunt bow
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