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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. looking great Nenad..........all you needed was the right day
  2. now that is one cool oven......so many thoughts on how you could accomplish this........looks as though you've chosen the correct paths you've done a really nice job of it. .....no doubt about it.........really sweet!
  3. considering what you've done to get to this point.......I'd say you did a splendid job Bob. looking at the aft deck, it gives me the impression that your not finished.........it's too bad that your not happy with it. it's done............for now looking at your past builds........I'm not convinced. I'm sure that one day, you'll bring 'er back to the table, and add to 'er. I look forward in seeing more you've done a great job!
  4. awesome so far Piet..........there is a lot to the tower. I'm enjoying where your going with this.......so cool!
  5. looks great Michael.........that's the thing about scratch building. you walk away feeling good about what you've done, but when you come back to the table........you look to improve with a better Idea. it's a continuous circle, until the last part is in place.
  6. your doing very well on the planking.....did they supply a rounded section to go around the stern? that area will be a bear to plank
  7. I know it well Lou........bet you watched Dark Shadows as well you had such a good start on the jig for the hull. sad to hear you haven't made any progress.........I remember it
  8. this is true John........I will leave no coils for them.......there seem to be none here, just the 'tail' of the rope is hanging from the rails. I know that most ship......like the Vic or the Connie, their ropes are internal. when you see it........you'll like it. you might have noticed the ladder. I didn't model the exact one......I opted for the easy way out thanks John
  9. think of this like a bicycle.....if in a panic, you were to use the front brakes....what would happen? the idea of the stern anchors is a pretty sound idea...they are like the rear brakes. if the bow anchors were to be used in a panic situation, the stern may swag left or right. I had never heard of stern anchors.........they make a lot of sense in a canal situation. so cool!
  10. I got eight already!!!! :D I have to laugh.........the admiral said that I can't get another kit because I have to finish the ones I have...........and here I go creating new ones from scratch! she's at her wit's end already! :D now she just throws her hands up and says......"do as you want!!!! It's your hobby!!!" the laugh part is.......that she'd be the first one to get me another kit! :D here at the Wharf....the fun never ends! I promise............when I start this build, I will let you and Al know personally! know that I'm not at all upset........I'm just here, drinking beer......and splitting a gut! as a matter of fact........got update?
  11. try holding the rope loose in your hand and pull down to the dead eye. the twist should come out of it and present the proper twist...rig it so you don't lose it I usually let them hang limp.....if the back side is showing, I do the half twist to bring the face to front and rig them. the trouble comes when they don't fully relax..... twist is still present. when you try to rig it, the pull causes the twist to continue.
  12. while there are some kits that supply detail oriented parts, most do not........they instruct what size of wood to use, and the builder makes the part or structure, using creativity and aptitude. again, another example as to why I say that kits are mainly generic. it is the modeler who adds in the minute features, that gives life and beauty to a model. as we all have seen and experienced, there are many way to accomplish the tasks involved....I find in quite pleasing, when I see a person succeed.
  13. the holes at the top......are they for these 'kettles'....or are they openings to vats? I notice there is some sort of piping coming out of the side.......I wonder if they are for the draining of the oil after it is boiled down. the blubber must simply be thrown into the vats, boiled to release the fat {oils}, and the renders are later removed........wouldn't want to be doing that part of the task.......yuck!
  14. wow! I missed your last progress photo........it looks really good! there is some nice texture to it and shows the mortar definition quite well. once filled in, and indented, you could use a fine tipped white paint pen to define the mortar............you certainly stir so many ideas to accomplish this............YES!!!! it can be done!
  15. looks very good Henry......a little rigging prep is a good change of pace, from rigging all those cannons.........oh, but think of the detail your putting into that gun deck ......love to see what you've done so far I have never tried any rope prep like this, but with a larger build, I hope to try it one day. is it coated with anything to keep it from unraveling ......diluted white glue....or something?
  16. hello Al. presently, the kit is still in the box.....I have too many builds going on at the moment. I have looked at the kit though, enough to take stock of what is in the kit...it has the torpedo tubes, and the parts to make the gun towers. I do intend to build it as accurately as possible.....I have some photos from scale model magazine...........at the moment, it's about the only research I've done. I appreciate the link, but I can't get the pictures to scroll....I'm sure there are others. when I get around to build it, I will start a log on it.....I think it will be a lot of fun to do. we can chat more about it then.
  17. this is the best picture that shows them. the ropes for the gun port lids are tied from the lids, up to the railings above. the lids are opened and closed from the upper deck. looking at this picture, it may have answered my question for me......if there is an coil of rope, it's probably lying on the deck.
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