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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. I was going to keep the planking pictures to a minimum....................but I have these and I might as well post them. to give you all a good idea of the surface area.....the hull {give or take} is around 560 mm. the bulwarks are done with four rows of 1.8 x 8 x 720 mm. this brings them down to the deck line. from there, it continues with another four rows of 1.8 x 7 x 550 mm. these rows will have butt staggers. as this brings the planking closer to the curvature of the hull, it will continue with 1.8 x 7 x 720 mm. since it is close to the curve, there will be no butt staggering. this will aide in a clean contour to the hull. so far, there are four on the hull frame dubbed Larry. please pardon the pictures......I did some with no light, but you'll be able to tell where the different rows start and end. then comes the 1.8 x 7 x 720 mm....I only have one more row on the starboard side, to equal the four rows. it will take a few more rows to negotiate the curvature completely. I seemed to have enough of a pause between the plank rows........I brought the frame dubbed Curly out on the table, and started the second set of rows. with this done, I may even bring the frame dubbed Moe on the table as well. it will be interesting with this one......it is completely done in the normal plywood. sticking pins in the oak plywood isn't too bad, but I'm still bending them under pressure. I do not want to use brads......I'd be too tempted to pull them out. I am finding that the planking is not equal in thickness........you probably can see that I have sanded the planked part. having to do three hulls is going to be a huge task........this will make it just a bit easier. where it meets at the bow, the stem will be contoured to match, and then rounded off. I hope to have another update soon. Happy Holidays to one and all!
  2. that's scratch building for ya Bob.........gotta be some tweaking here and there. still....you worked it through like a trooper! one of the most important assets, is the ability to roll over problems like a tank! there's no stopping you now Happy holidays BOB! enjoy!
  3. you'll have to pardon Augie, Frank........he doesn't understand how hard it is to paint all those coconuts different colors....let alone the tinsel
  4. you sure have me fooled then......you sure know how to clean it up. the worse I ever got in a kit, was for the AmericA build........the stuff looked like it was cut with a dull blade :D I guess we both know how to whip wood into shape!
  5. your planking is quite beautiful Augie..........good quality wood! I envy you for such an enormous build.......it must be a joy to work on
  6. that's some sweet looking planking Larry! no matter what side it is, it's definitely a big step! really looks as though you've put some thought into it
  7. thanks Larry....I hope to have an update on her soon. planking has been taking up most of my time. when I can get the lower shrouds in finished, I can start to do the ratlines and the second set. I also need to get on with the yards as well. the stern is going to get some extra detail as well.......still a lot of work to do stay tuned and thanks for the good word! happy Holidays to you and yours.......hope the new year holds good things for you!
  8. I do wish you luck with the freeing ports........your adding in detail that is very easily dismissed in most kits. a friend of mine in Canada sent me a bunch of dental drill bits. I haven't found an opportunity to use them yet, so I really can't tell you how they work. have a great holiday, and hope to see more of your fine work in the coming year!
  9. nice to see the tower framed in........your going to sheet it with flat stock, I'm guessing. with the grain running vertical, it should cover nicely. I notice your using the Testor's red tube......how is that working for you? it does work on wood, but the green tube is better. the guns look great......are you going to add additional detail? have a great holiday....your work is impressive!
  10. it's not hard Shawn........just develop a system. my primary build is the Gothenborg.........I've done a bit of work to the Boulogne......now I'll probably jump to the Half Moon. I'm also planking the trio, which is getting to be more like an assembly line. I'll just bounce back and fourth. #2 is looking great Pete.........the way you've framed in the fish boxes in very nice. the blonde wood is a nice touch.....wood grain is always an eye pleaser! I thought you were giving your sis one of the other ones?
  11. your getting there........once you do get the masts up on her.......she gonna take on a whole new look! Happy holidays to you and yours, and may you find something good in the new year.......even if it isn't Obamacare! :D :D
  12. that what we're doing as well......kids are all grown your build looks fantastic Mark........hope you have a great holiday season as well !
  13. just a quick update........the first hull frame {dubbed Larry} is about half planked. I was going to do them one at a time, but another frame seemed to appear {Curly being impatient}, so I've started on that one as well. hopefully I have enough planking......I working it in a way, that I make the most of it....use as much as I can. I will have some pictures for you soon Happy Holidays!
  14. thanks Frank.......got the other side done. getting a good head start on the huge planking job I'm doing. Happy Holidays to you and yours as well!
  15. wonderful update Wayne..........she's looking great! yepper! rigging can be a lot of fun good to see you've made some progress!
  16. it happens Mick........it's all about the process. whether to reduce the amount of CA, or use something different. what matters is what you arrive at in the end. your doing a fine job
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