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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. the second floor is done! man....your just a fidildy- diddler, aren't you just two more sets of shrouds to go......that is, unless you haven't done the pair on the bow spirit....then you have three nice work!
  2. sounds to me like there were "classes" for the different tugs.......just like the naval vessels. these are probably small differences, enabling them to handle different tasks. this could give you a slight advantage.......you can 'bend' the aspects slightly to suit your vision of how you would like her to look. in other words.......if something doesn't come out exactly, you won't be too far out of the ballpark. for example: looking at that picture of the bulwark post......if there is a glue line, leave it. painted over, it will look like a weld the new posts look good, by the way
  3. hey Michael.....just checking in to see if was new progress on the cutter. any new progress on Maria as well? the season is waining my friend.........I fear your deadline may be put on hold. "Alas, poor Yorick........this, is the winter of our discontent!" {I never could get my plays right either }
  4. to bad I can't click the like button but once......I laughed like hell when I saw you post :D :D of course you can watch..........front row! and I'll even name tag your seat!
  5. sounds like you would have a good teacher by some stroke of luck, I've stumbled onto one...but I need to figure out the registration........I don't want to fib....I'm as green as the grass
  6. you seem to have done quite well without it...........but I can agree, I don't have any knowledge of it either. I was looking at some of the plans....from the links that Bob has on his thread. I mentioned to the admiral that it would be nice to know. it started her digging around looking......"what do they use on you ship site?"..........."I dunno".........."well........don't you think you ought to find out!" she's a real peach, Tom.........she loves what we do......I show her pictures
  7. yepper Bob...........that seem to be a good line-up with the Boulogne Etaples though.......I'm kinda waiting for Borge to finish up on his Dragen.....he's going to be doing a re-furb to his. I just figured I'd get a jump on mine before he starts his. it's a good thing that I did....a few of the parts do not line up too good. mainly, it's the stern and the raised area on the deck.........I have plans though, so it's a small problem. "this looks like a job for..........."Bashman"!!!!! the Half moon is another one to really look at. Billing's doesn't include gun ports and other details that I have seen.........I'm currently thinking on ways to put them in. the best way I can see to do it at this point, is get the hull in order first, and put them in after. I've done some research, but I want to do more......and get more pictures of the actual ship at the same time. the Gothenborg is as you see her........I'm really happy to be finally rigging her. there are a few more aspects I want to put into her, but at the same time, I don't want to stop the rigging process to do them. I may just say the heck with some of them and finish her off. I really feel like this ship deserves to be done in a larger scale.......I'm quite compelled to do just that! I have all these pictures, and I can't see letting them go to waste {I owe my thanks to too many people}. still a question when this will happen....but it will, you can count on it! the Syborn trawler........poor soul........is just sitting on my shelf. I got the parts I needed for her, but I used some of them on the lobsie twins. when Billing USA closed, I recieved a few odds and ends that they had lying around......I may have enough to replace what I used I was short on wood.......which I now have plenty of.......so progress simply hinges now on finding time to work on her. this has also been made harder......I don't have my second table any more ......... had to make the painful decision in a bid to make the room more.......navigationally friendly. there is more to the story, something I am working on........if it happens, believe me.....it will be a good read .........but you forgot about the United States Bob. this big girl is still waiting in the wings. I have the gun deck all prepped out, but I haven't done any planking yet. I might have just enough to do the gun deck.........I need to order more.....3mm wide is going to equate into a lot of planking. one thing I can do, is prep the spar deck and see how much of the gun deck will be shown. at 1:96 scale, there is parts of the deck that will be hard to see. I may also limit the amount of cannons that will be displayed with open gun ports...the bridle ports are a given....no guns. there are quite a few Connie builds I have been watching, and I'm sure that these two ship are similar in a lot of ways...the big difference is in the stern with these two. these are just a couple of things I'm looking at so far....still tossing around what I want to add and what not to......the fact that I'm doing some of the build in wood, is really going to put a spin on it. so......that's where I am on these builds. all is still well on the wharf.......started out so well in the beginning of the summer, but time sure fleeted on me toward the end of it. fall is comming, and soon it will be winter.........if for any reason, this would be the only one that I'm looking forward to it for.......it's said to be a nasty one this year!
  8. nice bit of literature Kester.......I like you did it.......lots of meat with the potatoes! you have a beautiful ship there.......the sail came out really nice. the rigging is very well done.....superb workmanship, my friend! I think the windlass was used more on smaller ships........the capstan came into use a bit later than the windlass, and was found to be more suited for larger ships. as Dafi showed in one of his dioramas, they could measure how deep the water was where they were to weigh anchor.........it was probably ratcheted down into the water by the use of pawls or chocks. once the anchor was in the water, and it could compensate weight {slow it down}, it was probably allowed to free-fall to the bottom. this is probably where the terminology came from as well. I know there are a lot of 'probably's' in here.........I've given thought about this as well.....I'm not an expert either.
  9. yepper! sometimes you have to ignore the whims of the people, and do something to satisfy yourself. I have also been suffering the same fate......time for me to break out as well anything done is considered progress in my book........what you've done is not little. it adds a lot of character to the deck......going to look sweet when the cap rails are in place. I'll look forward in seeing what you do with the hull planking. slow and steady
  10. I never question the length of a build..........with as many as I have in the works......I have first hand knowledge of the pains that go into them...... I can see how you spend your time.........very well, as far as I can see seeing your kitchen, the rest of your home must be a palace! beautiful..........simply beautiful
  11. hi Paul! I thought this build was forgotten...........it will return though. I have been working on the Gothenborg and the Half Moon......this poor soul, as well as the Boulogne Etaples, seem to have been thrown on the back burner. I do apologize for that....I am working towards finishing off all these builds I have kicking around. it was a combination of imagination and impulse that got me into this. I will see what I can do towards putting some type of progress report together for her, so you can see where I am on her. thanks for reminding me......LOL!
  12. if anyone doesn't learn something from you.......then they're missing out! I find it very hard, to look at a build, and not come away some idea or another. I watched you builds since the day I came here Dan........I am totally convinced that I will NEVER aspire to your level. your THAT good!
  13. looking at the picture of the ship in the air, suggests that the bulwarks were nothing more than metal railings covered with a canvas. that's a very interesting approach for the bulwarks. I see that you've removed all of the posts........will you be putting in a different set of bulwark supports?
  14. I would think that it would be unmasted, if you were to do that........the question is .......why?????
  15. good to see you back at the table....yes, it can be a trial sometimes. but once you figure it out, the rest will be a breeze you've progressed quite nicely........the hull looks good. I just had a thought.....how are you gauging these gun ports, if your deck and waterways are not done?
  16. I have only seen a couple builds, where folks said their plans were detailed to any degree. the Billing's plans aren't that hot either, but I have done enough of their kits, and I have come to understand them pretty well. I still wish they would illistrate the ship in different positions in the hull assembly process.
  17. to dream of a workshop like that is well beyond my grasp very nice! that one picture show the emence-ness of the ship.....love it!
  18. there you go.......perserverance paid off! looks very good believe it or not the most notorious kits for lost instructions are the Revell p-51 mustang 1:48, the Heller victory {can't remember the scale} and the Revell Cutty Sark 1:96. I posted the instructions for the Cutty in one of my blogs a while ago....you would not believe how many hits it has! should I include the A/L S.F. 2 to my list? nice job!.....now for the yards!
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