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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. at the bow, you have the jibs.........I believe with your ship, there should be two stay sails. if your kit doesn't show them, then I wouldn't worry about them. I would think that with your sails the way they are, the stay sails would probably have been taken down.
  2. let the bash begin........it's not a bad thing do this bad girl the way YOU want to. I'm liking the length already
  3. nice shaping of the stern Augie never tried one of those........then again, I hardly use my dremel. I rely a lot on good 'ole elbow grease.
  4. spanker sail looks really good.......just like it would are there to be stay sails?
  5. yes.........where does the time go, when your having fun.......huh?!? good plan to make the admiral happy......it will buy you some time later on, I'm sure. when all is said and done, and the fountain is running, she can marvel at it, while you sneak away "oh, look at the pretty birds coming to the fountain.........probably tastes like crap!
  6. hello Tom.......welcome to the log. I have heard of those......thankfully, I don't need to wear glasses all the time. I don't need them to drive yet......if I put them on, everything's out of focus. the glasses I speak of are really cheap........about $2.50 a pair. they do come higher than 2.00......but I don't need stuff to be in my face........hee....hee so, to me, it's just as cost effective to buy the glasses. I label them so I can tell what strength they are. all I can say is "what a drag it is getting old"
  7. never say that Andrieke.......sooner or later you'll see something about the ship......and you'll want to add it. I tried the out of the box thing.........it doesn't work. I'm glad to see you started on it though I was right though.........when you finally felt like starting back up.....you went like a house a fire! feels good too.........huhhhhhhh!
  8. yep, that's one of the reasons why I'm not that keen on it......looks nice though we have a discount store here that you can buy discontinued stuff and things stores no longer carry.......you can buy eye glasses out a huge bin. I use 1.25 for my reading glasses, but I have a couple of other pairs.....of different strengths. the strongest I have is 2.00.......I can't wear them for too long though.....gives me a headache!
  9. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/272-cutty-sark-by-sailcat-revell-plastic-196-rescue-kit-bash-morphed-to-dame-tisane/ this build may give you some ideas.......even if it is in plastic. enjoy!
  10. I fell the same way Keith......it is too bad that the Gothenborg is 1:100 scale. this is a good subject ship for a larger scale. I'm beginning to lose the sight I used to have.......I use reading glasses now to do some of the tiny stuff. I have magnifiers and and an optivisor {Tom sent it to me as a gift}......but it sits in the closet, still in the box. I have to get used to having something on my head. it has different magnifying glass attachments for it. I also have a hand magnifier...I have used it a few times. it has lights that show things up quite well, where ever you point it I know it looks like one bulb is out......it's actually a second selection. this bulb is a littlle higher in intensity, in the event you only need a singular beam of light. even with this though, I'm not going to put the details in as much as I want to.......there are so many cool things I see in the pictures. I hope that in the future, I can do what I want to......what I found out recently....I think it is quite doable. I'm not an expert at scaling up a build, but I would like to take another go at this ship......but at a larger scale. I have a CD with another set of plans. I have a few parts for this model, and I really hate to see them go to waste, so I checked out the possibilities at a local Staples. I was told that they can produce them as large as I want..........I'm thinking in the back of my mind "oh, don't tell me that" but this might be a possibility for you..........of course, scaling up means that ALL parts are scaled up. rigging is another factor with scaling up. there are some lines that will be hard pressed to get in there........clew lines, sheet lines, bunt and leech lines.......not to mention the smaller blocks to rig them with. the unknown reason why dead eyes were used instead of hearts in the stay rigging......but lots more thought is put in by the builder, after research and study....it was good that I was able to make them. that is one of the problems with a smaller scale kit.......coming into a site like this, and seeing all the added detail that would normally be found on these ships........you look at the kit and say to yourself, it not in here. to do some of the added detail, you find that the parts are so small, that they are next to impossible to manipulate {I don't know how some of you folks do it}. .........and I slowly wander off the subject of your comment yes, it's hard........I'm sure that the S.F. kit will make into a very nice kit......just as this one would have, if I did it out of the box. the only advice I could give, would be to make use of magnifiers, and just take your time. if in looking at some of the other builds here, you want to do a little extra on it, it will be icing on the cake. I think you'll do well with the rigging......you won't know how well, until you get into it. you'll have more than enough folks {friends}, will to help along the way <afterthought> the problem you lament, doesn't show on the DSotM.......some of the carvings are really good
  11. very nice job on the sails Ron......the gathering is really nice! big thumb's up! no...........really!.........I have big thumbs.....hee...heee
  12. one more to go...and then it's move up to the next set. gee.......and you still have the bow to do as well. your going to be a ratline expert by the time your finished.............great job! I see the gammoning......sweet!
  13. thanks Mobbsie........the only sad part of this hobby, are the ones that are never finished. I'll see what I can do about keeping you and Sjors in pictures such a wonderful 'place to be' that we have become!
  14. yepper.......and with the music from "mission Impossible" in the background!
  15. some really nice progress Mobbsie........the figure head looks great kind of odd that they want the other dead eyes back.......it would be one thing if the kit was bought directly through them........did you buy it from a hobby store? noticed that there are no gunport lids along the mid upper row.......I saw the plans on the wall......I can see why superb job, my friend!
  16. on the site that I moderate, I would give the same advice. unless the repair is an easy one, that doesn't require a lot of tearing down, I would say to leave it and move on. life is too short, and it wouldn't be good if the repair went south for some reason or another. what you have learned here, will benefit you on the next build...... you still have the fore mast to step, and the yards to do.........perhaps after all this is done, you'll find that it doesn't really look that bad at all. I think you've done a splendid job, in spite of all that's gone on, in a short period of time
  17. sounds like you got somewhat of a reprieve............though it may be sad for the waterways.......it's a big yay for Peg!
  18. oh...oh Sjors.......you missed a stitch! not a biggie.......just add one in fore mast shrouds look great! at least, my friend......we are doing our shrouds together
  19. thanks for the good word Frank. I have a feeling that this string won't take stain.......I should try it though, to be sure of it. it would be a bit too late to do it now though......no matter, I will keep it in mind though for future builds. I have more than enough to experiment with
  20. hello Keith I've been so into the Goth.........I haven't had the time to finish the bulkheads on the Half Moon. I will be soon, I hope. rigging isn't too bad......I wouldn't be if I were you. you have so many cool thing going on with your build......I think it will be a piece of cake. one thing to keep in mind as you do it........is that, if you were the fellow on deck pulling that rope, what would it do? it's such a cool thought this string {thread} came from the admiral.......she had bought a kite that had the M&M characters embossed on it. since she wasn't going to be flying it, she gave the string to me. I thought it funny that a kite should come with so thin a string....but I took a closer look at it and decided to try it for rigging.....I liked it. it didn't fray so much, like the cotton thread you get in most of these kits, and it conformed well through blocks and pulley assemblies. I completed a couple of builds with it.........too bad it is so 'white'.........I would have been happier if it was a grayish, or a tan color. I can live with it though. starting this build, I began to worry.......I was running out of it. I found some more, but the thickness was too large....oh dear! I did manage to find the right stuff the other day..........not the exact twist, but it will do. the Gothenborg can continue now, without fear of being held up by the lack of suitable thread......I just hope the the twist difference isn't going to be a problem. thanks for the good word Keith.........and don't worry about rigging.......once you start, you won't be able to lay it down! thanks Wayne........I can't wait till I get the yards on her..........that's really going to make her stand out!
  21. a big thanks to all that pushed the like button. as you can see, the amount of pictures I posted showed how my day went, for the past couple of 'em. the lack of interruptions was nice......except for Gibbs, who still expects his scedualed outtings. I don't blame him....we're having a dry stretch of weather all this week. I hope I can continue the trend Sjors: I think I did all these pictures for you, my friend........I know how much you like your eye candy now that the first set of shrouds are done, I can see that I'm really not having too much of a problem finding the holes in the back of the chainplate dead eyes......I thought this would be a pain. I'm hoping the rest of them go much faster now.......I hope to get to the ratline part of it all soon. bear with me, my friend John, and Aldo: thanks for the good word. little by little she's coming together......still can't believe I started this build in 2010. hopefully I can put the finish to her by the end of the year patrick and Augie: thanks to you as well......yepper......tension is everything. I had done a bit of study with 'absolute zero' in plastic kits........I find that wood kits are a bit more touchy. the shrouds also add to the back tension, being done one at a time.........in plastic kits, most of them I have done, the ratlines were all pre-formed and installed as a group. the lower main stay{s} and the mid stay did experience some negative tension, but I think the shrouds and back stays will reverse this. the back stays will come later. I can see that by doing the dead eyes by 'eye'......my left to right is better than my right to left....perhaps by the end of this build, I can master that. I think that for the next build though, I will leave the dead eyes unpainted, so I can take advantage of the great jig ideas that are floating around. yea.....the critic thing will always be around......I believe it born into the hobby itself. every modeler is faced with it from the moment they lay x-actor to wood......just as every painter feels it, laying brush to canvas. it is art, whether it be simple or complex. it's a great medium to try ideas and methods, shared by others of the medium......some with rave review.......and some with not. many great sayings come from the hobby........but none so universal as "back to the drawing board". it's a great hobby.........I'm happy and proud to be a part of it
  22. yepper........looks like Kats {sailcat} wasn't too far off with the hold covers
  23. glad to hear that was all it did...............and to think, I was doing some rigging today with unbuttoned sleeves {this confirms that murphy left my house}. good that it was a quick fix........she's a sweet looking build John...you've done a superb job with this one
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