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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. thanks Pat......I think I agree with Bob......I'm going to miss these two... but I'll be on bigger and better things, so I can cope I can always do another variant......later appreciate the good word. she will never know........soon it will be burried with so much text, she'll never see it!
  2. congrats to you Rusty.......she's a beauty!
  3. additional bling was added......trim rails and side rails for the inner deck cockpit. the inner ones are a bit higher for child protection, and to mate with the appature on the starboard side, heading towards the helm. it begins with the port side. the inner rail on the starboard then the outer rail I did notice that one of the posts on the port side outer rail, wasn't pushed in all the way. that has since been corrected. I terminated the outer railing even with the inner one......I will be putting a ladder here.
  4. OK.......now that I am back with the Phylly C, I can add some of the bling to her. as mentioned, I think I have gone far enough with the Denny-Zen. most of what is left, can be done to both of them. I thought to go with skis for the Phylly C, so I'll start by making up the tow ropes.......the rope coils. then, to make the handles for them eye bolts were added to the stern deck the tow ropes were then tied to the eye bolts.....the coils cemented to the deck the gauge panel was assembled at this point.......this will be done on both boats. all this is, is printed paper, sealed, with a wood border around it.
  5. there are a lot of wierd American sayings........with baited breath.............I'll be waiting with baited breath. .......always wondered how that one got started...........of course! someone got drunk and ate some worms! EWWWWWWWWWWWW! :D
  6. I always wondered......what hurts worse.....having you arm in a sling.....or you butt in a sling. it's an old American saying.....haven't the foggiest where it originated from..........hope I gave you a laugh
  7. if the rest of your yards look like this one.......your in for a treat!
  8. no.....you don't want to hear me sing Borge......although I do a great Tiny Tim. you'd see me in a better light, if I just played my bass we could send you some John.......can't guarentee the freshness though gee........thanks Mark {note to self..........gotta get another update posted.....}
  9. hope your doing well Frank.......I'm not touching the Gothenborg until you get back here!
  10. well Mobbsie........the AmericA will be next........then the Goth. there are a few things I can do to the hull / deck still....I want to try fitting this in to get the build moving again, until I can fully get back to her. never a dull moment here!
  11. believe me Alex.........it's a three stooges thing.......I tried it as a youngster........I think my pallette has changed a bit by now....LOL! there is a difference between bologna and mortadella here in the states bologna doesn't have what appears to be fat chunks in it, mortadella does........I like it in a sub / sandwich. but the admiral doesn't like it. I even do dishes Wayne.....helps to get glue and stuff off my fingers when I model......so it's a fair trade. now, if she only can get me to do other things......then I'd be more 'well rounded' don't be sad Bob.....they'll be in the finished builds.....you can see them whenever you want just kidding........ I'm just glad you enjoyed the build. these plans aren't dead yet....and I still have the templates........I have other uses for this darling bwaaaaaha...ha.....ha!
  12. yea, but he used a winchester rifle....lever action....never missed that one either. kinda made you wonder why the lone ranger used silver bullets.......there wasn't a wearwolf threat around there, as far as I knew..........LOL!
  13. oh no.......nothing like that ..........it's a cake mix with frosting! my son Kevin picked out there candles that spelled out 'happy birthday', but she didn't want that.......nor did she want any candles that denoted her age {she's 50}. so I told her that I could simply spell out her name with them, and she was good with that. after looking at the rest of the candles, I was able to come up with another word out of the ones that were left over. {god help me........now I'm putting food on the site too!} we baked you a birthday cake if you get a tum-my-ache and you moan and groan in woe don't forget, we told you so rat - tat - toodle......dae dae.........rat - tat - toodle.......dae dae! "you know,......fish is great brain food." "you know, you should fish for a whale!........com'on scram!!!" "if there's anything I like better than honey and ketchup......it's bologna and whipped cream,......and we haven't got any." {I've tried the bologna and whipped cream....not bad} anyway.........I thank you all for the kind words........this kit can be fitted for R/C....they do show you how to fit the prop tube in the plans. perhaps one day I may try to do it. I hope to have more progress soon.
  14. well gee.......thanks Borge! quoting with pictures involved looks rather odd though.......so, let's recap. thanks for looking in and the good word! so, it began with this box of parts called the Maine lobster boat. then after the major goof, and the subsequent build of the Denny-Zen........we arrived with this. now that I've gone as far as I can with the Denny-Zen, without involving the Phylly C, they were both brought together again, for another comparison check. so, now it's time to add the bit of bling that the Phylly C is supposed to have. it begins with a flag staff it's not much.........today is the admiral's birthday. I built her a model birthday cake. it came out very good......and with a scoop of fudge ripple ice cream along side, made for a rather tasty repast! of course I just had to sing her the three stooges birthday song I did some work on making up the monitor screens like I did on the M&M build........but I think I'm running out of color ink. I'll just have to make do with what I have.....I think I'll be OK. there's a bit more to come. I finished one of the builds I wanted to get out of the way........now for the lobsie twins
  15. glad to see the supply back Ron........very nice work!
  16. the ship's boats look superb Rusty........I haven't done a boat in this method before. very nice!
  17. the F-15 is finished..........I have the lobsie twins on the table at the moment. I don't have too much to do for these two, then it's off on the AmericA. THEN.........to the Goth! I'll have some pictures soon...........I haven't posted any for a bit. thanks for looking in Daniel
  18. well....that's good........it does remind me though.......I need to get some dowel for stock. {always good to have some on hand}
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