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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. OK........are you ready for this?........I hope so. this update really narrowed down the amount of work I have left to do. in the beginning......sub assemblies are being put together......antennas, nav lights, just to name a few of the parts. the antennas are simply two rung stanchions with wire and brass rod run through them in the picture, are also the nav light boxes.....two of them are plastic, from the regina build, and the other two are scratch made......from my oops bin {they need to be sized down to match the plastic ones}. I grabbed the lights I got for the trawler Syborn build, and filled in the lense with window maker. the boxes were made ready. then the radios were assembled I was thinking how I was going to assemble the wipers. this begins the same way as I made the ones for the M&M build. the second radio was assembled.......the Denny-Zen is getting the delux model.....hee..hee paint work was done to the nav lights and boxes I have seen GPS / radar domes on the roofs of some of these crafts......I'll go with it........huh....they look like mushrooms.........GNOMES!!!!!! ya hate'em right?????? we had a guy at work, who had a phobia about them. we brought one in and put it on the tail end of a trailer and closed the door.....we knew he had to go in there...............what a scare he got............hee.....hee.....heee! here is a bit of a teaser...I think. I don't have anchors for these two. most lobster boats don't need them anyway, but I have seen pictures with them. in the interest of time, I decided to simply give them a coil of rope with a loop on the end. I can always change this down the road, should I come across a pair of anchors.
  2. I experimented a while ago using polished hemp.....the real stuff. it looks great........like real rope. I did the Nordkap and the Cux with it. it looks good.......but very hard to manipulate. it can be pressed to shape with the fingers though, so it was OK for those builds. the big problem with it though, was seizing.......looks too thick. I also tried to stain / dye the thread with the filler of a marker pen...damn messy and came out blotchy. really don't know how manufacturers think that a modeler is going to fully rig their builds with white thread.
  3. I did the flag for the Susan A in this method............tried diluted white glue, but the image on the flag didn't like that LOL! light coat, let it dry a bit, then do another.........if you want a third coat......do the same as the first. it might even be a good idea to let the sail set for a short time as well, to give the ink a chance to dry before you do it. I hope it goes well for you..........love to see it!
  4. is that what your using.........I got spools of the Billing's thread. the only bad thing is that I have to dye some of it black for the standing rigging. it only comes in white and a light tan.....and I do mean light tan! I tried to get some of the thread that Revell packs in their ship kits, but they don't sell it. to bad.......I like it.
  5. sorry there Sjors...good buddy.......I spells 'em like I sees them thanks Bob.......only a couple more parts left........update fourth coming com'on Sjors........let's go down to da sal-loon....git lickered up.....an' go find that guy! I ain't had a good brawl, since I could crawl!
  6. Patrick was having a problem getting his lines to sag......I gave him this suggestion: believe me....I'm all for sharing ideas...I just get the impression that you might have missed the conversation we had in his Niagra build. I'm not a big user of bees wax.....I have my doubts that glues will hold properly with threads treated this way. I do this with the cotton thread....works pretty well in getting those hairs to lay down, provided the thread isn't restrung too many times your yards look good there, Augie.......look forward in seeing the complete masting
  7. you could try....... if you have a photo shop in your computer.......create the image or import it.......sail cloth will go through the printer with no problem, just be ready to guide it. I use decal bonder to seal the cloth, so the color doesn't run.......do light coats......two or three should do the trick. superb job on the ship Alex.........that crest would look great on a sail. you can even do flags in the same manner. it can even be wrinkled nicely when dry.
  8. your yards look really good Augie.........I'll have a good idea now of what to do on the Goth when I get to her. they will look nice when up on the masts
  9. I dunno about the skis Patrick...........but a swim platform.........hmmmmmmmmm
  10. thank you very much Sarah......I had written a tongue twister like that once before....but I would have to look at where I wrote it, to be able to repeat it LOL! as a matter of fact......just for you: "time has a way of creating the most memorable of moments. but, it also has a way to take away the object of those memories, so all that is left, are the memories of the moments that were so memorable." thank you for your kind words. thanks Sjors..........I thought you were following always glad your here watching thank you Patrick and Mobbsie.........I appreciate your kind words
  11. I say......by the time he gets to the main mast...... his right eye will start to twitch his mood will start to pitch and when he gets to the mizzen mast he'll really start to itch.........THEN! he will get to the second step.....and do it all again!
  12. believe it or not Daniel.......I was going to set up for a kite glider........but then I woke up from my nap. both good ideas, but I see the finish line and I'm going for it.........either that or I'll see more than Russia from MY house ! LOL! thanks for the thought.
  13. must have felt good to weild that x-actor and brush again.........good to see your back
  14. I'm sure we'll see that on the ship {flag}......or perhaps even on the main sail..........superb bit of progress......must have been qwuite tedious to paint around the gun ports......
  15. I may make a rack for the skis.......I'm not sure. I was thinking of just leaving them loose on the deck.......might even add some ski poles {I'm just joking..............just joking!} hee....heee.....thanks for the good word! I did good Andy..............'WHEW".....glad you like it........ {now I can smile like a cheshire cat}.......I thank you good sir......(: even if your just being kind......it made for a great addition to the boat. I am pleased!
  16. the ladder for the starboard side was made after making a pair of foot rests for the upper ends it was dry fitted. the brackets on the platform were painted steel and the rest of it got a coat of semi gloss lacquer then it was assembled on the stern, complete with support ropes.....these can be painted steel to simulate cable. I also want to add 10mm brads to the brackets to simulate fasteners back to the ladders, the starboard ladder was painted flat white. another one was created for the platform.......it too was painted flat white I had also forgotten the decals for the engine cover....ID placards and such. these parts were then assembled onto the boat.
  17. it's nice to have a fast computer.........complied! it starts with making the swim platform......I chose to do it like the I/O platform, but without the separation in the middle. it is 3/32 thick..... rounded the ends and the edges as well....even the slats then a light stain since it is to be a fixed platform, the brackets for it needs to be made a light coat of semi gloss lacquer later when it was dry, the brackets were cemented on
  18. well....that's good! jeeze!.......we got sun and 50 degree weather. I think if we stay the course.....I may not see any more till this year's winter! .....how many inches? hee...hee....he'll be like Curley in the bathtub skit
  19. it's OK Mario........it happens to me as well.........especially when I take time to build. besides......look at all the material you can read that's the thing about bash 'n scratch Keith........so much can be thought up......some works, and some don't. it's very easy to lose track of the finish line.......remember, some builds can be infinite, so it's good to draw that imaginary line. I'm going to do what I'm doing with these two......and that's it. I have done the swim platform.....it is as it is......I think it looks good......I hope you folks agree {I do hope I make your day as well Andy........I hope I made good on your suggestion} now I have to make the wipers............
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