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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. sorry to hear that.....glad that your taking care of your illness. there is no speed involved in building.....so take your time, and be happy with what you do. I couldn't agree with you more......building boats is great excercise........
  2. nice job carving your captain.......very nice indeed! great progress as well......your doing a splendid job!
  3. hey there JP.......just wanted to say how nice your planking looks. Experimenting and dry fit is the best way to see what will work. you've gotten a lot of good advice. stick with it....your doing a great job!
  4. looking super Aldo..........you've gone much farther than when I last saw her. slowly getting all of the builds I was following back, but that's a never ending task.......so much eye candy out there! nice planking and glad your fitting out the deck.
  5. YEA BABY!!! they look great Augie! poor Frank must be going stur-crazy! once he gets back on his build.......that'll keep him busy, tying all those loose ends!
  6. I use a semi gloss lacquer....if you have something close to that...that good as well. you don't want to have a glossy deck. I notice your running it from port to starboard......would it look better if it ran from counter to bow? it's just that I notice the slight curve that the deck is going to have, and I see that it shows with the way your running it. I'm sure there is a cabin wall to close this in......it will probably have the same curvature as the deck. also, you'll be able to continue the planking all the way to the bow...it will be uniform. pencil is good for the calking. I use two methods.....black crayon {which is kinda messy}......and an archive pen {black India ink} a light sand before you seal it will blend any smudges and imperfections into the wood, giving it a bit of a hue. not to worry, it will look good
  7. wnoderful work Gil.......love the way you did your bumkins. I want to put those in my build, but I had no clear picture of how the rigged. thanks for showing the details you've put into your build....superb!
  8. sorry....haven't got the book yet. I've been working on the AmericA build, as well as bogged down with other things. the sooner I get the AmericA off the table, the sooner I can get on with the Goth........I wanna do ratlines too!
  9. nice job on finishing your build Sarah.......you sure did a super job on the H.L. ! if I hadn't mentione it earlier.....congrats on your new position....I'm sure you will embrace it well I'll look forward to your next build!
  10. I guess this is where the kit falls short...it doesn't include them in the kit. I do have some on hand though.....I'll have to see if they are small enough to do the job. I did do the standing rigging......the bow rigging, the fore stay, and the short main stay. here is a shot of the rigging at a slightly different angle now.....back on with the reef lines
  11. thanks Ron.......now all that is left is the finish on the Phylly C. these two turned out ot be quite a build......they look great together on the shelf
  12. Coppola.......MOVE OVER........here comes Frank! that is so cool! now all you need is a camera man. using zoom would have taken care of the blurries, but you've shown that your test is a success! just think.....build logs of the future.......AWWWW, someone's liable to best it with a hologram,...next!
  13. thanks everyone! Yepper......the rigging has begun. I tried out the blackened thread, and it works like a charm! as I stained it and strung it on the board, I stretched it, so it would be at minium thickness. it kept it quite well. there isn' a whole lot of standing rigging, but at this point, it is done. I'm doing the reef lines at the moment....what a pain! thanks for all your good word.....I really appreciate it yea Mobbsie......that is a dilemma. I was hoping to be able to snake the anchor chain, in one fairlead and out the other, so I wouldn't have to cement anything. I forgot to open up the center of the keel panel, so I could do that....so I have to cement them. the other thing is that there are no hawse holes at the bow. if I were to drill them in there, I would ruin the decals ............not only that....I shouldn't have put the fairleads there in the first place. so......I'll probably just coil the chain on the deck, and have them next to it. I guess I can't win them all. it will look something like the diagram. thanks for the good word
  14. you can do it pretty much any way you want to........as long as you get the same result. nice to see some planks on her ......put some skin on those bones!
  15. this is a very interesting build you've undertaken.......a vast difference than what roams the surface. I tip my hat for the reasons behind it, and for showing us this build...something few have done in the past. I did a few sub kits in my younger days {plastic}, and used to think that they were sort of boring. but lately, I have been seeing some that defy the imagination....so life-like and menacing. the sharks of the sea, they called them...and rightfully so. I am amazed how the construction of the hull is going........you definitely have it spot -on. superb job.......I'll definitely have to keep an eye on this one!
  16. I've made a little progress of late. all of the mast hoops are set and ready to be sewn onto the sails. it wasn't too bad....only twenty hoops to tie thread onto. the finished ones were held at the top of the mast, while those that are drying.......a small touch of glue on the knots......were kept separate on a lower level. I did more....even started to do some on the fore mast. soon, they were all done though. next was the dead eyes. I did some looking, and I do believe that there are three dead eyes for the main mast. it makes sense...and quite logical, since there are two steps to this mast. lucky I have extra parts for this......came out looking pretty good. now I have to get the blocks and reef lines on the sails.........and then, I can begin the sail rigging. to make it a bit easier, I may do the hoop / sheet attachment before the shrouds......they won't be in the way. more progress soon
  17. your doing a great job there........keep going with all those cotton balls, are you going to replace the shot racks with bins!?
  18. I suppose it makes a difference what extra work your putting into your build. if it requires rigging, your going to use thread that the kit doesn't supply. that also goes for anything else in the kit. embellishing on any aspect of the ship takes away from what the manufacturer intended.......parts might not fit as well, or might not even be required. it's all a matter of taste........I don't know.......I guess I'm one of those folks that can't seem to stick with an 'out of the box' build. (just thought I'd blow a bit more dust off for you Andy}
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