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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. I'm sure there are many accounts. we will never know what was done in the heat of battle. decisions had to be made......whether it was to drop and fix the tiller lines, moving the aft most guns to the stern.......or if guns were even mounted there at all. from the different accounts found in books, to the model manufacturers adding them in to make the kit more interesting........we build as we see them.
  2. looking good Ron. your right about where I am on the Goth.....putting the blocks on the masts. I know how you feel, I can't wait to start rigging as well. well done!
  3. nice work Sherry! I've been toying around with the idea of lighting as well........my friends keep bugging me hope to see you planking soon!
  4. you did a super job Bob......a lot of really cool detail I'll keep an eye out for your Yawl build......I hear you on that!
  5. oh my goodness!..........so sorry, I had no Idea. I'm putting them to good use! well, I'm glad you found the log......I'll be getting back to her shortly......I hope you'll follow along
  6. good to hear your doing the second planking.....the galley floors look cool! can't wait to see the planking.
  7. but........that's anit-freeze mark!!! you expect me to drink that!?!?!..LOL! I think Sjors is trying to give me a spoiler! thanks for the list Keith.......is that 'in order' ? gee......it seems everyone has read this......am I in my own little world? I will have to see what all the hub-bub is about
  8. your a good sport ......and a good sort.......glad you found your way here..... {those are my good side LOL!}
  9. I do apologize andy........I recognise the title, but the memory is weak. is there a way to repost? can I get a copy.? be wary of jokes that start with "these two drunks walk into a bar..............."
  10. that's pretty neat Augie.......I'll bet that's a lot of fun. got to send you a PM.....your gonna like this I'll look forward in seeing your update. don't worry about Sjors......you much further ahead. "I'll look forward in seeing you finish of the gun port lids....Sjors!"
  11. I don't know but Keith can supply the towels very interesting benidiction.........don't know half the places ya mentioned, but interesting none the less. had a bit of fun this afternoon......the admiral and I went to the grocery store. I love places like that......great place to do my patented Popeye laugh.....then I started in with my Rodney Dangerfield.....I don't get no respect oh my daughter........yea.....yea ......she's no prize........she's been picked up so many time, she grew handles! I got off a plane in New York.......long flight, let me tell ya.........I got in a cab and told him to take me to somewhere wild and exotic.....he took me to my house! oh.....my father......strict.......very strict...........he taught me how to swim. yea.....used to row me out to the middle of the lake and would throw me overboard. .........I had to swim back to shore..........it was easy once I got outta the bag! I got a million of 'em.........yea! Sjors! {snap fingers} more popcorn pleeze! {what am I say'in!!!!!!!} yes Sjors......aside from the skis, both of them are finished Once I get the skis in place, I'll do some gallery pictures. I've done a little bit with the America....I hope to have an update soon. again......don't worry folks........cuz I'm a w-i-l-d and c-r-a-z-y guy!!!!! {errrrr....when the admiral isn't looking} if she starts to get wind of it.......I just give 'er those eyes.......and remind her about the 25 years............and she once again reminds me......that time wasn't THAT good to me
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