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Everything posted by glbarlow

  1. It's been a minute. A longer post once I complete most of the galleys. Meanwhile I've been plugging away, teaching myself how to do mouldings...and trust that a glue stick really is a great way to add paper to wood. More to follow soon - if I can get to it before we head off to Alaska.
  2. It’s good you took the time to get it right. Everything done right now pays off later in the build. Be sure to follow the plans getting the lower counter and stern end of the wales right. Your patience and attention to detail are serving you well. Nice work!
  3. My bet is the the ones in the sliding plastic box are mass produced and just have different resellers games printed on them, I have a bunch of them, they don’t last long. Same with the “Gyros” box, though they’ve lasted a little longer.
  4. This takes an a level of attention to detail I'm not sure I could muster. Very interesting work, glad to see you back at it.
  5. I’ve been in this search for a long time and have a drawer full of junk bits. I like this set mostly because there are multiple ones of each size I typically need and because they are sharp and durable enough to do the job…until they aren’t and I reach for another one.
  6. Any tool that relies on a Dremel isn’t a good use of money. The best machines are by Byrnes modeling, though he doesn’t make a drill press. In my opinion a mini saw, sander, mill, and lathe all have greater value to modeling than a drill press. When I need one my Proxxon Mill serves to do the job. I’d look at the Proxxon line, reasonably affordable and good quality. The first, and by far most used tool in my modeling is the Byrnes saw.
  7. Nice square tuck. Well done. I thought long and hard about tree nailing, and decided not to. It just seemed like it would be too dominating a feature, at least in my mind. Not to mention. The actual doing of it. Good luck with that😊
  8. Lining the hull properly eliminates the guess work. I've built both Flirt and Lady Nelson, the hulls are different,
  9. Well said BE, well said. Also, aside from an excellent model, that’s some really nice photography.
  10. This is some really nice work, not only the model, also the photography. Well done on both! What is your method on removing char from the cannon trucks, they look great?
  11. Two rules of modeling, if you think you have enough clamps, buy more clamps. Not relevant here but the same applies to drill bits. As everyone has suggested find a good source and get smaller bits. They inevitably will break or dull at this size so buy several. After drilling the right size hole I just pool a little CA on a piece of paper, dip the end of the eyelet in the CA, generally with a small needle nose pliers that has a smooth face so as not to mar the eyelet, and insert it in the hole. It doesn’t need much to hold, I’ve yet to have one pull out even years later. As someone also noted, rigging only needs to be taunt not tight, which also helps. Jewelry hobby stores are a good source of the tools we use. I have nice flush cutters and other tools from this store and have been working my way through this set of bits for a while now. Rio Grande drill bit set Have fun and welcome to modeling and this great forum.
  12. My work table faces a window and wall. It’s not deep enough to face the stern towards me, which I could with every model but Winnie. I’ve been working at an angle which is not doing my neck any good.
  13. I need a safe way to hang my Winnie from the side of my table height work bench to work on the transom. I’m not much of a carpenter or workin with wood larger than 1:48 scale. Any ideas or suggestions appreciated 😊?
  14. I need a safe way to hang my Winnie from the side of my table height work bench to work on the transom. I’m not much of a carpenter or workin with wood larger than 1:48 scale. Any ideas or suggestions appreciated 😊?
  15. I’ve always decided the rudder was stowed, so I didn’t have to do all this…and because I’d just make a mess of it. Well done!
  16. The Sphinx airwaves are a bit crowded these days, nice to see yours is coming along. I have no patience for ships boats, the four I made for Vanguard were such an ordeal. Yours look very natural with the painting choices and well put together. I sometimes think the “insides” of these things are more of a challenge than the ship.
  17. Great looking model Rusty, fine workmanship, crisp and clean details. The rigging is especially nice, I always enjoy seeing your work.
  18. Has anyone used adhesive paper for the friezes, like that used for mailing labels? In theory it seems like a good idea…
  19. Seems like you’re in a race. You’re doing in days what it took me weeks to do. Planking to the correct port size using the sills already installed takes time and patience. 1/16th is a lot at this scale, not something I’d do. But it’s your model and ultimately your result for you to enjoy. I think a few others may have taken this shortcut, you could research the other build logs to see if you find one and see how it came out.
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