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Everything posted by glbarlow

  1. That looks really nice Rusty. It brings the ship to life. Perfectly built, looks it is a single sculpted piece. The Cherry has such a nice look.
  2. Thanks Rusty, as I do yours. I’m ready to move on from these friezes and do something new.
  3. It was just the lower moulding, I’m just my own worst critic. It’s been removed so nothing to see that would help😊
  4. Port side Finished the port side friezes and moulding. Excuse the messy work bench (the ugly yellow rag is part of my bow bumper cheap rig for turning the ship to work on the stern). That led me to decide I didn’t like the starboard side as much so I’m taking it off and doing it again. I think it’s important to do all three sides of a ship model, or so it seems in my case. Check out December in the 2023 NRG calendar Thanks NRG, and of course thanks Chuck for such a great model in HM Cheerful! Off I go to make more moulding, hoping one day I get to the stern. Thanks for looking in.
  5. Look closely, the top of the port is no more than the cap rail, lids have nothing to hinge to. As I recall there was discussion in Chucks original Cheerful log on this topic. Some speculated there may have been separate stoppers stored below deck that could be secured by rope in the port in heavy weather. Nothing supported that beyond guessing. Or maybe it is simply a design feature to fortify the port. Again at any rate none are shown on the plans or Chuck would have included them.
  6. I'm selling my Vanguard HMS Sphinx kit. By the time I'm done with my present model I'll be ready for the next Syren or Vanguard model, I just won't have time to build this wonderful Chris Watten kit. The kit is brand new and untouched. Selling it for 10% less than the current exchange rate price or $715 plus shipping cost (standard UPS rate depending on destination). I'd prefer to sell it to a US based modeler, I'm not sure how to go about shipping it overseas. Please reply if interested.
  7. I know that problem. Sometimes it’s best to stand back 3 feet and see if you can still see it. Not that it changes anything, we still all know where our flaws are 😄
  8. I like the open companionway, wish I’d done that. Excellent job on the windlass, the mini-kits are all so much fun. I came up with a way to do the hook planks, hopefully that might give you a few ideas on doing yours. You have a great looking Cheerful.
  9. One of the most thorough logs I’ve seen with your exceptional level of detail. Congratulations on completing your project, I’m sure you are justly proud. Well done.
  10. Looking forward to seeing your continued work on Winchelsea. Then it seems we’ll have Chuck’s Speedwell to look forward to. It seems that will be another next level jump.
  11. Here’s my best advice. Don’t get caught up in trying to follow multiple different methods and techniques for planking. At least three have been listed in this string. Pick one and go with it and ignore the others.
  12. Thanks Frank, but I feel like I'm crawling along. I'm in no rush, I just have time available to work on her.
  13. For starters you have to taper those planks at the bow. I described that a little at the beginning of this thread, it won’t fit as you have them. If this is the Lady Nelson you might check my build log linked in my signature for a different look.
  14. Not sure what model you’re building and not much to see to understand where you’re going wrong. The plank seems unusually large and your fairing seems way off. Also not sure if you’re laying the bent plank the right way (plank should be bent upward to lay flat and bend down). But again it’s hard to tell from what you’ve provided. I’d suggest you view Chuck’s planking videos a couple of times.
  15. Excellent work BE. I agree Cheerful was a game changer for me in many ways including the process converting wood to an iron anchor. That split in the stock was also a revelation for me. It looks really good done right, as you have done it here.
  16. There was a whale named duck, who really liked to……. Oops, wrong forum😂
  17. The key to a good log is mixing pictures with descriptive text. I tend to scroll past long blocks of text and am not interested in a string of ‘here it is now’ photos. The length can vary from post to post depending on what stage or task you’re working on, no rules to follow there, really up to you. It’s the best place to share what you know and ask what you don’t know. I try to tell a story with mine and enjoy writing it almost as much as the building.
  18. There’s nothing wrong with those ratlines, the play in them makes them look natural and used. You are the modeling world’s master model rigger. No matter the model your logs serve as a valuable reference and tutorial for rigging.
  19. Thanks guys, very kind of you to say. There are a number of really excellent Winchelsea builders whose path I follow.
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