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Everything posted by Pete38

  1. Richard I have been looking at the same place for LH thread tap and dies. I am going to order the 6/32 and 8/32 LH tap and die this weekend, seems like a good deal that I could find. Hard to find left hand tap and dies in the smaller sizes Let us know what you think about these?
  2. Welcome to the cross section. Nice start to you build. Looking forward to more pics and progress.
  3. Welcome to the cross section. Looks like your off to a good start. Looking forward to more pics and progress What type of woods will you be using?
  4. Cherry is a nice wood to work with. It does not seem to take to much soaking or heat to bend. Cherry is what I am using for the framing on my cross section.
  5. Nice to see ya back Tim, looking forward to pic's of your progress.....
  6. Really llike the full hull shot and also the inside. It is amazing how a little "or a lot" of sanding can change how the ship looks.
  7. welcome to the Triton section. Very nice start to your build Looking forward to more
  8. Congratulations, very well done, Really like the added touches on the base barrels,anchor and cannon. a build to be proud of
  9. Woodcraft also has a nice selection http://www.woodcraft.com/category/3/1005232/1002068/Scrapers.aspx
  10. That is looking really great. Love the display board, very original. Nice planking and inlay
  11. If you still do not have access to the rest of the plans PM the moderator of the forum "Matrim" and he can grant access...good luck
  12. Hello and welcome to the Triton build Nice start on you model, what type woods will you be using? Looking forward to more post..
  13. Great progress, that is looking really nice, don't look like it will take much sanding to get your frames faired in.
  14. Daniel Looking really nice Great set of pictures on the Hawes timbers...explains it very well. Will be filling this away for later in my notes Looking forward to more pic's of you progress
  15. Sherline is basicaly the same with a chuck or collets...easily changeable....As Mark said the collets run truer and are good when need to remove and reinstall the working piece....
  16. Between your triton cross section and this bomb vessel section you may get tired of cutting all the mortises for the deck beams...as alway very nice jointery and a great build to follow. ps. if you are not tired of cutting them i have a cross section you can work on
  17. Daniel...That is looking really nice.... Congrats on getting most of the framing installed.... Good luck on the hawse pieces... Looking forward to more pics
  18. Hello Jzwel, Welcome to MSW Your english is fine, Very nice start on your cross section Can you tell us what type of wood you are using? Looking forward to more post of you build log..
  19. Rusty...just been sitting back and admiring your build.... as always a great job and very skillful build...will continue to follow with interest
  20. Voron? very nice start...happy to have another to the crowd... what type of wood will you be using for the build...looking forward to more
  21. Nice video......Good layout and organization of your shop.... What would you charge to come and organize my work area?
  22. Happy Birthday Antony...Hoping you have a great day ps...love your crosssection
  23. I use black electrical tape to make the hose end the correct size
  24. Glad to see ya back...hope the hand is healing for you.....looking forward to you continuing your build log
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