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Everything posted by druxey

  1. With all due respect, the bow flare-out to the bowsprit seems less extreme in the launch photo than your drawing. Something more like:
  2. As a non sequitur, you must be a bon vivant, Phil. Photo in post #1 seems to have a baguette in the background, and now a brie box in #23. Bon appetit, monsieur!
  3. Mots d'heures gousses rames! That takes me back a few years. Chortled my way through it (if anyone doesn't know what the book is about, say the words out loud.)
  4. From paintings I've seen, I would agree that the yellow ochre was more of a buff color. Of course this is my subjective opinion but, as a designer, I've a pretty good color memory.
  5. Welcome and thanks for the book recommendation. Another one on the 'want to read' list for me!
  6. Nice fletchering and bowyering work! It's been many years since I handled a longbow.... Welcome to MSW.
  7. In the Pitt Rivers Museum online catalog: http://objects.prm.ox.ac.uk/pages/PRMUID26082.html Click on any image to enlarge it. Photos are, I believe, normally able to be ordered.
  8. I don't believe that fids were ever made of wood.
  9. Off to a flying start! This looks to be an interesting project in several ways.
  10. Willkommen! Yes, the rabbit hole of fine tools is one that one can dive deep down into, as well as that of ship models. Each is a great excuse for the other.
  11. I suspect that the fid would have a beveled bottom surface. To make the slot for the fid other than vertical would invite a split in the wood. Mast stops would probably have been at right angles to the spar. The eyes of the stays would be able to bend sufficiently, as in other vessels.
  12. Very nice result.I like that you showed the interior mechanism as you have. It would make a great item to show in a full diorama!
  13. No of course it isn't, Rob! I'm sorry if I gave the impression that it was. These are representative vessel types to illustrate various points of practical shipbuilding. They are all generic; titled 'Brig', 'Ship', 'Pilot Boat', etc. However, all have relatively vertical stems.
  14. It's funny how, sometimes, the things we look forward to with dread turn out to be not such a big deal after all. It's the pieces that one thinks will be easy that trip one up!
  15. Oh, all right, then. Three examples from McKay's The Practical Shipbuilder, 1839
  16. 'White stuff' or 'black stuff' was used prior to copper plating. As for plank seams, if your model hull is planked, the seams will 'read' through paint sooner or later anyway!
  17. If it's of any help, the draughts in McKay's book all show almost vertical stems.
  18. I agree that the 'wiggly thingies' (great technical term!) were for spits at varying distances from the heat source.
  19. The extension lines (the ones between the ends of a measured dimension) at the right end of the drawing are not separated from the drawing itself. That is the origin of the confusion.
  20. On a side note, can anyone identify the item forward of the tiller (photo above) that appears like a diagonal crest? Another oddity is the wheel almost against the bulkhead. How was it connected to the rudder? One would need to steer the wheel facing aft! Was this a later addition?
  21. It's a great set to own, and easy to clean. It does not have the vulnerable long needle of conventional airbrushes. Steve had good taste.
  22. A real milestone, Steven! Well done at sticking to it until all the oarsmen were complete. You just crossed the finish line of the marathon... or am I mixing my metaph-oars - I mean metaphors?
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