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Everything posted by druxey

  1. Welcome aboard, Steve. As Chuck mentions, you have many resources in your neighborhood!
  2. Don't trust your eye for leveling frames! A heavy card construction will do for a jig.
  3. Looking very good indeed, Bob! Have you decided on a color scheme yet? The actual boats come in a variety of colors.
  4. TFFM suggests 56 inches (about 140cm) of line for gammoning, not 30cm. And yes, "Do you dress to the left?" was a question tailors used to ask. I guess that I'm elderly, then.
  5. Those front-hall photos make me cringe. Not because the models are not good - they are lovely - but where are their protective cases???? Even if the cat doesn't play with them, the dust that will accumulate on the rigging.... Oh deary me!
  6. Welcome aboard. Your English is very good and those are very nice-looking models.
  7. Just catching up with you, Mark. I didn't realise that you were having health problems and hope that the stent has done the trick. As for future projects, there's nothing wrong with 1:48 scale - or even larger. I've been working at that scale for decades. However, one has to allow for anno domini and, in my case, I don't think I'll be rigging any more models. The main thing is to enjoy model-making rather than get frustrated. All the best to you.
  8. Who will notice a slight acanthus mismatch once the model and sea are complete? Nobody but you, Ron! My favorite cartoon attached without further comment....
  9. I wonder if it's the photos, or has the upper stern spread a bit? Do check the athwartship distances across the transoms and compare to the plans. I've found that there is a tendency for the framing to open up a bit over time if not constrained by cross-spalls.
  10. Very, very impressive work, Valeriy! Such a beautiful finish to your metal surfaces as well.
  11. https://www.bonhams.com/auction/27375/lot/53/duhamel-du-monceau-henri-louis-elemens-de-larchitecture-navale-ou-traite-pratique-de-la-construction-des-vaisseaux-paris-ca-jombert-1758/ For anyone interested in this era. A second edition copy.
  12. I go away for two weeks and - you've completed her! An absolutely fabulous model, Rob. Hearty congratulations on the time, effort and research that you put in, in order to get this result. Well done indeed.
  13. The drippings fall into the grease pan, not on the deck! A very nice result, B.E. Now I want to see a LED red glow from inside and a little smoke out of the chimney....
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