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Everything posted by druxey

  1. Headroom would probably have been lower than in the painting!
  2. Sorry about your weather related woes. Hopefully all be well for the New Year.
  3. Explore this site; there are incredible sources and resources available here!
  4. The priniciple that you used is a good strategy, though.
  5. Unless you are leaving the wood unpainted, the sanding off of char looks fine the way you have it.
  6. My condolences on the loss of your friend, Håkan. ALS is an awful way to go. I, too, lost a good friend four years ago to the same disease. Strangely enough, we had met through choral singing as well. Sitting and working on a model while meditating is a healing exercise.
  7. I couldn't either, yancovitch, until I had to do it! With time, patience and several attempts, it was possible....
  8. Chris is absolutely correct. We see enquiries for these kind of models quite frequently.
  9. The caveat on AOTS books is true. They all have a number of errors in them, unfortunately. If you aren't fussy, no problem. However, if you plan to spend a considerable investment of your time on a model, it woulld be a pity not to get things 'just so'.
  10. Well done, Keith! Looks great. Is the netting stiffened at all with acrylic matt medium or similar?
  11. Absolutely superb and top-notch, Valeriy! Congratulations on not only completing this amazing model, but doing so under very trying circumstances. I wish a better and more peaceful year ahead for you.
  12. Just saw your Christmas movie, Kevin. You are a cruel man in the eyes of us who live North of you! But I'll wish you a happy and healthy New Year anyway.
  13. There were hollows cut into the floors under the pumps so that they could suck all the bilge water up. (See TFFM.) Falconer is schematic only. Also see Lavery, Arming and Fitting, etc, page 75, the right hand diagram
  14. Well done. Every model is a learning experience, no matter how many years we’ve been at it. I’m sure your next model will benefit from this one.
  15. OK, good start. You need to picture the side planks against the frames, stem and bottom planks. Use a flexible sanding stick to get the bevels right. And sometimes it takes a day or so for folk to respond - especially over the holidays!
  16. We are shocked; shocked I tell you that the model is not finished before the holiday! Slackers such as yourself are a bad influence on this site. Seriously, a very happy Christmas to you and the family, Keith.
  17. Thanks, Gary. We already have lots of it: snow. A White Christmas indeed this year! Merry Christmas to you and the family also.
  18. Your good news and photograph make me smile, Valeriy! I hope that you can enjoy Christmas this year.
  19. Treat this cross section as an apprenticeship in framing. It teaches one so much and will stand in good stead for future models. No model, however fine, will be perfect!
  20. Sorry that you caught the wretched covid bug. Hope that you and your wife are fully recovered in time for the holidays. Nice to see progress on the model again!
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